
Yun Jian’s Statement And The Truth

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Is your arm alright?" Ge Junjian asked with a glance at Yun Jian's arm when he saw her coming over with Qin Yirou.

He had obviously heard from other witnesses that Yun Jian had gotten injured in favor of saving Qin Yirou. Otherwise, with her skills, she would definitely have been unscathed from the incident.

Speaking of which, due to this happening, Yun Jian's sublime skills were evident as she could save Qin Yirou when the latter was so close to the blade.

Based on the witnesses' narration, Ge Junjian knew that he would not have the speed to push Qin Yirou away in time even if he was to swap his life in place of hers should he had been there.

Yun Jian was truly someone who was competent enough to kill Wolf Blade who ranked tenth in the assassin chart!

"Not an issue." Yun Jian smiled and introduced Qin Yirou to Ge Junjian instead. "This is my mother."