
Marry You In An Unprecedented Wedding

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was not a joke about how there was probably no Rolls-Royce in the entire Longmen City. 1999 was a year where the economy was about to welcome a leaping progress and the disparity between the rich and the poor was gradually widening.

Longmen City was still in the state of subsistence, which meant that there were not many truly wealthy folks around and those who were rich had no need to empty their wealth for a Rolls-Royce that costed four to five million yuan for its cheapest model.

Hence, there was really no Rolls-Royce in Longmen City. 

One had appeared today for Qin Yirou's wedding, though, and what could it mean?

"What? T-this car… is so rare? Five million yuan?" Yang Xiaochun was truly baffled as she widened her eyes in surprise but swallowed it down ultimately.

Even if there was none in Longmen City, it did not mean that Yun Jian had bought this car. Hah, could she afford a five-million yuan Rolls-Royce?