
A new student

On a Monday morning in Royalty high school, a new student was admitted into Junior Secondary school 2 (JSS2)that was my class. She was introduced to the class by Mr kola our math teacher. Her name was Cynthia, Mr Kola asked her to sit beside me and he asked me to direct her on what to do since I was the class prefect. During our English class, Mrs Mercy asked for examples of figure of speech,this made the whole class quiet but Cynthia raised her hands and she said examples of figure of speech are: Metaphor,Irony, oxymoron,paradox,Similie, personification etc. After saying this Mrs Mercy asked us to clap for her which we all did. During the class,the bell regulatory prefect rang the bell for our lunch break and Mrs Mercy dismissed the class. We marched to the dining hall where we ate our lunch which was Jollof rice and plantain. While eating Cynthia asked for my name. I told her my name is Kenneth Sampson and I also explained my family background to her after that we ate and chatted happily. We went back to class to proceed with our learning. During our free period, Alex the class comedian called I and Mercy husband and wife .I thought Mercy will be annoyed but she laughed so I smiled shyly we are seat mate not matrimonial mate so I won't voice you. This made Alex embarrassed and he went straight to his seat meanwhile the whole class laughed at Alex.