
The Scholar Ascension

2 Worlds interconnected because of an anomaly. 1 with humans and the other monsters. To combat the monsters coming to the human world, There were a Total of 6 classes. Fighter, Tank, Archer, Mage, Berserker and Scholar each with its own level system. The Scholar Class is the Strongest and the rarest only the person who is worthy can inherit it. Is it You?????

KanemotoIzanagi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

The Beginning

It was 1pm in the Afternoon, pens clicking down as the chatter filled the classroom. I am Matsuno Takumi, an seventeen-year-old at xxxxx-high school. Its my last of year in high school, it was the time where we finally get our Roles to be a Jaeger. I am Excited to become a Jaeger because it was a Dream of mine since i was a child.

My Dream is to become the Strongest Jaeger in the World. It sounds farfetched but it was my Dream.

As I continue to linger with my thoughts on what class i will become, the teacher came in, puts down their books at the table.

Teacher : Now Class Settle down.

The loud voices of the students began to settle down.

Teacher : Now, I know that Everyone is excited to finally learn what class you guys will get, Some of you might get lucky and have 2 classes, we wont be able to know. 

Suddenly someone knocked on the door and came inside the classroom.

Jaeger Assessor : It is time to know what your will be classes, Young Jaegers.

Teacher : Ok everyone, Stand up one by one as I call your name.

The Teacher called us one by one to go in-front of the class and the Assessor ready's their magic to transport our minds to the realm of the system classes, then its finally my turn

Teacher : Next is Matsuno Takumi.

I was so Excited, That am finally getting a Class, I didn't care what class i was going to be, all i care about is being a Jaeger. So i stand up and went in-front of the class, The Assessor transported me to the Realm. I looked around and all i see was darkness.

Matsuno Takumi : So this is the Realm of the System Classes

Suddenly a mysterious voice said "Indeed, it is". I look around again to know where the voice came from and i saw all 5 Classes standing before me. They were all weapons, I didn't expect it to be Sentient Weapons.

Excalibur : So you wish to know what class you are in, Matsuno Takumi.

I was surprised that they know my name but i guess everyone that has a system knows their name

Matsuno Takumi : Yes, am Ready.

Excalibur : Good, To see if your worthy of the Warrior Class, You must hold me.

Suddenly a mysterious voice whispered in my ear and said "Don't trust them". I looked behind me and saw nothing

Excalibur : Is there something wrong Matsuno Takami?

I shrugs it off and went in-front of Excalibur. As I raise my hand to try and hold Excalibur but suddenly the sword send a shock, making me drop the Excalibur.

Excalibur : It seems like you are not worthy of the Warrior Class.

Matsuno Takumi : Its fine there is still 4 more classes.

I went to the next class, which seems to me was the Archer Class. I was about to touch the bow suddenly, I heard it again "They are all lying to you" I hesitated to touch it for a second.

Ashes of Creation : Is there a problem Matsuno Takumi

Matsuno Takumi : No, not at all

I got to hold the bow and i thought i was an Archer Class but after a few seconds it shock me again making me drop again.

Ashes of Creation : It seems like you are not worthy of the Archer Class.

I thought for sure that i was worthy of the archer class but it was fine but it happened again with the Tank and Berserker Class. It made me drop the weapon and i was scared because there was only one class left which was The Mage Class.

Matsuno Takumi : So does that mean, I get the Mage Class Automatically.

Vanity of Elementus : No, You still need to hold the orb to see if you are worthy

In thoughts I said " This is my last chance, I need to make sure that i will become worthy or else i wont be able to fulfill my dream". I went to it again, I heard the mysterious voice again " They will only Betray your Hopes and Dreams, They cant be Trusted". I clenched my fist and quickly grabbed the orb, it shock me again but i was bearing the pain to just be worthy of this class but it send more powerful shocks, making me drop me. I was Shocked that i wasn't worthy of all 5 Classes.

Excalibur : It seems like you are not worthy at all, Your just a kid without anything special.

I was heartbroken when i heard from them that i wasn't special enough to be worthy of any class, I can't hold back my tears, because it was my dream to become a Jaeger.

Matsuno Takumi : That isn't possible, I thought that everyone can get 1 at least.

Vanity of Elementus : Yes, Everyone can get at least get 1 Class but You are not worthy of anything. We are now sending you back, you have wasted a bit of our time.

I was sent back to the classroom and i was sad and angry at the same time, so i ran away and went to the rooftop to vent my frustrations. After a few hours, i went home to see my little sister, She is all i have left, ever since our parents died, our parents left us enough money to sustain us. I opened the door and saw my little sister that was waiting for me.

Matsuno Yumeko : Big Brother your finally home, how was school, I know it was the time to get your class. Right, So what is it?

Matsuno Takumi : Am sorry little sis, it seems like am Class-less. I wasn't worthy with any of them

Matsuno Yumeko : awww, its ok big brother.

She hugs me and I hugged her back and my tears began to appear again. After that it has been a year since that day, a-lot has happened my friends doesn't want to talk to me anymore because of the rumor someone started that i was class-less, No one talked to me, They just think that I don't exist. My little sister got hit by a truck, I used up all the remaining money that our parents had to save her, she survived but was still in critical condition and there was a possibility that she cant wake up, unless i get the money for her treatment right away. So after I Graduate High-school, I applied for multiple jobs but the money wasn't really enough.

Matsuno Takumi : It seems like, i will be eating ramen for 1 month again.

I went to a nearby shortcut near the hospital to visit his little sister but suddenly 3 guys came up to him.

Thug 1 : Hey kid why don't you give us your money and we will not hurt you

Matsuno Takumi : I can't, its for my little sister please she needs it.

Thug 3 : Oh cry me a river, Do you really think we care who's is it for

Thug 2 : Yeah, so Give us your money

Matsuno Takumi : I said, NO!

I tried to run as fast as i can to get away from the thugs but they manage to catch up to me and pinned me down. They took my money and beat me up, i tried to fight back but they summoned a sword stabbed me and left me to die.

Matsuno Takumi : Is this really it, Why is my life so cruel, my little sister got hit by a truck. my friends betrayed me, all because i wasn't worthy enough to get a single class. I guess all dreams can't come true.

As i begin to close my eyes suddenly i hear a voice, it sounded familiar " What a cruel life indeed" when i heard it, I opened my eyes and saw darkness around me just like the realm where the 5 weapons were. "You are worthy of this Class" 

Matsuno Takumi : What Class is it?

Grimoire of Fate : Am Grimoire of Fate, The 6th Class, The Scholar Class.

I was surprised that their was actually a 6th Class, I thought it was a Legend, a Myth. Told by our Parents but it seems like, it's true but why did it choose me.

Matsuno Takumi : Why am i Worthy of your Class.

Grimoire of Fate : Its because, i was searching the perfect person, who was hurt by society but still determined to pursue his or her goal just like the 1st User. You are that person, Takumi. Now Come and Hold the Book to gain your class that you deserve.

I quickly get to the book and grabbed it, i was preparing for a bit of electric shocks just like before but there was nothing.

Grimoire of Fate : It is now Complete, You are now a Scholar. There 4 Skills that you need to know.

Read : You can read 1 magic book 

Comprehend : Once the Read book is done there is a chance to learn a new skill from it 

Luck : There is a possibility that All Skills can Critical Strike, Monster Drops can Double, and All Passive Skills like Bleed can Stack much faster 

Apply : Once you get the skill, you can apply that skill to yourself to gain its skill

I was amazed by how strong the beginning skills are, is that why this class has to choose the ones who can use it. Maybe but at least now, I can become a Jaeger to save Yumeko.

Grimoire of Fate : I have healed your body, I will return you to your body. Good luck Young Scholar

Matsuno Takumi : Thank you

i was sent back to reality and woke up, i saw myself at the alley where i was killed, i checked myself out and saw that they were healed. Then i checked my system to be sure

Matsuno Takumi : System

Matsuno Takumi Lv1 Hp : 1853/1853 Mp : 791/791 Class : Unknown/None

Class : Nuknown

Class : Knounwn

Class : Hwhru

Class : ahsf

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Read Lv.1

Comprehend Lv.1

Apply Lv. 1

Luck Lv. Max