
CHAPTER 52: Focus on Your Love Plan

"It's okay. It was my fault." she tucked her strand hair behind ears and blew the ramen before started to slurp it. It tastes heavenly with the mix of spicy, sweet and salty broth soaking the ramen and a bite of braised pork completed the dish. Her eyes dilated and her cheek blush to the impacted of taste she indulged. The dish brought her away from her bleeding heart at least for a moment.

"How so?" he raised an eyebrow and darted his gaze to hers.

"I am overestimating his response and totally disregard his insecurity. He is more complicated than I thought. I pushed hard and scare him away."

"Nah! That bastard just too coward." he leaned back and folded his arm to the chest. And continued,

"Then what is your next plan? Will you give up?"

Kahina shook her head and took another bite. She let his question hanging for a while, "I need to convince him the threat to me is meaningless but now I'm not in the rush. I just need to back off and enjoy the ride. And about my accident, do you have any news?"

"That accident thing, it is really weird. I found no link attached to anyone but the driver itself. It kept me thinking, to target you, they must be planned well. Then I decided to go back to check the prisoner visitor list and his mail in the prison." He stopped and slurped another bite. He purposely took his time to tease her curiosity.

Annoyed with him, Kahina swiftly took a slice of pork from his bowl, caused him to yelp, "Hey! No stealing!"

She scoffed and chewed it like it was the most delicious slice of pork she ever tastes.

"Fine! There is a woman visited him twice and the annoying part was she used the dead person id."

"Interesting. Who's id?"

"Hinata Akihira. She was a victim in Anzo power dispute a decade ago." She frowned and raised an eyebrow.

That is weird. If she was the culprit she will pretend to be the driver's girlfriend instead of the dead person and it wasn't so difficult to fake the id. It is like the culprit wanted to taunt and challenge them by leaving a little bread crumb behind. With so many people she can choose, she chose the one that able to bring controversy to them. It will agitate many leader especially Anzo Family. Kahina wondered about her motives.

"Are sure she was dead?"

"According to the report she was indeed dead." he pulled his phone and showed it to her. There was a formal post-mortem report with a few bloody pictures but one picture caught Kahina attention, it was a picture of a woman hugging a little boy and they both soaked with red. Normal people will puke green to the sight of the photo but she nonchalantly felt nothing of sort.

"Send me the report later. I'll handle it from here." He wagged his pointy finger to left and right and pursed his lips tight showing two dimples on both cheeks.

"No, Brother Kaede said it was too dangerous for you. He asked you to focus on your love plan and leave the matter to both of us." She squinted, piercing Keito with a sharp gaze and nodded once a while later.

It is useless for her to oppose their decision as she knows her brother stubbornness especially Kaede. Kaede is a stickler and he is very meticulous will rules but of course, it is Yakuza rule. It is like the Yakuza conduct was a bible to him but he also a man with high intelligence. He grew up being trained to succeed in the Hinode Family. She and Keito was the one who breaks the rule and messed up and Kaede the one will punish them and cleaned the mess.

If the dragon is the match for Kaede personality Keito, on the other hand, is a fox. People will have the instant kill from messing with the dragon but messing with the fox, it will play you until you have nothing left for living. Then is the time he would take your life miserably. But on the bright side, Keito is very loyal. His loyalty hand no bound of moral. If he swore that he protect you, you had nothing to worry anymore. And both of them have a big part of their heart for her. Even if she the most powerful person in the world but to them, she always their little baby sister.

Today she was heartbroken. She doesn't need to spell each word for them to their understanding, enough they were there to support her and she always is grateful for that. She will grow and learn from the heart and be stronger, so one day she strong enough to protect everyone she loves.

"Ouch!" a sudden sharp pain on her forehead woke her up. She rubbed it, hissed to him and bared her teeth.

"I know I'm too handsome. Stop staring at me with a creepy smile. It's scary!" She felt her stomach started to roil and needed to stop the urge puke.

Dear reader,

Your vote is my booster. I hope you continue to do so. Can we target the top 400? ~clamsp hands and stare with watery puppy eyes~

With love,

Ika Zainudin

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