
The Scary Jungle

Anish_Luitel · Seram
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The Scary Jungle

The world was full of secrets and Unbelievable things happen in our life. Once upon a time, there was a village near the jungle.There are many peoples in the village.When the sunset the people of the village close the door and nobody goes outside at that time.That time was very difficult for the village people.The villagers were afraid of the jungle that is near the village.Some people in that village say that a baby crying sound was coming from there.Some people say that when the baby crying sound was coming from there at that time the sky as thunder and lightning. Some people also say that there comes a strong wind. So, by this, All villages were scared due to this jungle. People of the village cannot stay now happily. One day at midnight all villagers were sleeping. The crying of a baby sound comes from there. A baby was crying loudly. A man listens to that voice and he wakes up. He was so afraid and he drinks one glass of water from his kitchen. He thought that I have to go today and see who is that crying baby. He opens his door and comes outside now. He saw outside there was very dark and scary. The dog barking sound was also coming from somewhere. At some time, he listen that dogs only bark at night if they saw ghosts. He is afraid now more. But he walks slowly and moved to the jungle. the sky was thundering and lighting at that time. A wind was touched his body. They're dark. he felt that someone is crossing from his behind. But he Entered the jungle now. The jungle was so scary that he can't imagine. He slowly moving towards where the baby was. He sees that someone is coming in in Infront of hen old man. The old man asked who are you? the man says that a baby crying sound is coming from here so I came here to see that baby. The old man says no one is crying here. Go to your home. Now the time was 12 0`clock at midnight. I heard that one old man died of your village in this jungle. His soul was now also wandering here and there. Go from here fast. Come with me I will leave you your home. The man asked " Are you serious grandpa? the old man say " yes I told you the truth. Now the villager says who are you and what are you doing in this jungle? I am a local person from your neighbour's village. I am receiving from my son house. The villages say it's too dark and you have to go so far that's why today you have to stay at my home and tomorrow morning you can go to your home. the old man agrees with the villager. They both are now walking strictly to the village. They are discussing various things while walking together. Now they are near the village. The old man was walking back of villagers. They both reach now home. The villager says this is my small house come inside hope you feel comfortable. When he looked back he was shocked. There was no one. he felt like it was a dream but it's a reality. He was so scared and quickly close his door. He was going to sleep. Tomorrow when he wakes up he felt like he was sick. He told his neighbours about last night incident. He was sick now. Villagers decided to take him to the sage for treatment now. After a few minutes, villagers take him to the sage. Sage was a Christian. Lives in a church. When villagers take him to the church he meets the sage. He told about last night incident to the sage. Now sage meditate for few minutes and told him about the secret of the scary jungle. This scary jungle belongs to the village. A few years ago this village was full of honest people who behave to their neighbours like a family. They all stayed happily by caring for and loving each other. One day there was a big incident happened. One old man from that village goes jungle to cut grass to feed his cows and goats. Suddenly, the branch of the tree fall into his head and he died. After that days his soul didn't rest in peace. He cries at night. His soul wandering in the jungle from that day. The sage treatment that sick villager. Sage give the solution to villagers How can the old man soul be rest in peace. villagers thankful to sage. Now they are going to follow sage instructions. Will the old man soul be disappeared for forever or not? If that soul was disappeared then does it comes again or not?At the full moon night, the saga and villagers are ready to go into the jungle. There were more than 10 people. All of them were afraid of the soul. Now, all of them were entered the jungle. sage south and call the soul of an old man. The soul was converted into a dangerous ghost now. It a very difficult to catch that soul. Now, what happens there? How did Christian sage catch the soul? The sky was lighting and a big storm comes the sky was thunder. Villagers decided to run from there. Christain sage shouts and give the command to stay there. Sage told villagers to don't be scare. Christain Sage decide to burn the fire and they start a method to catch the soul. The dangerous Soul threw big trees on the sage but he was saved.By seeing that villagers hide inside the big stone who was near them.Soul threw the big tree in the villagers.They again run from there.All villagers shout by saying help.At that time the Christian sage was getting ready to catch the soul. What would he do to catch the ghost?