
Convince Andrea

"He's back from Japan?" Andrea asked.

"Yes, Mr. Evans returns to his house. He will go directly to the hotel where Rendy Wijaya is engaged." said Alex.

"Alex, where is Laura? My brother is waiting," said Anthony, who suddenly came wearing formal clothes.

"Anthony, you're so handsome," said Andrea.

"Really? You're not kidding, are you, Andrea?" said Anthony blushing.

"You're handsome, Anthony. Just like your brother," Andrea said unconsciously. "Good grief!"

"My brother? What's wrong with my brother?" said Anthony.

"No, you look like your brother," Andrea said.

Stella suddenly came rushing over.

"What's wrong, Stella? Why are you in such a hurry?" asked Alex.

"Hurry up. Mr. Evans is waiting out front," Stella said.

Hearing that Evans was ahead made Andrea want to run to him. She hadn't seen Evans in almost a week. Something in her chest churned erratically at the mention of Evans' name.