

A boring life of a 25 years man gets changed after he dies and gets reincarnated in another Omniverse.

Sparx_Gaming · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


So,as I recall I died in my previous world and got reincarnated into a new Omniverse and i made my first freind. So basically first we explored various kind of place like blue flame volcano,red water river,lots of unknown creatures which i haven't seen before and lots of countries in our way.

[Hey! I promised you to teach how to use magic,right? Let's practice now!]

He said with glowing smile. I couldn't deny him because i also wanted to learn magic myself.first he taught me that magic particals is everywhere you look around so there isn't any need to worry about and if you are higher race you yourself will have unlimited access to magic particals. First he taught me how to use basic day to day life spells and magics. After that he taught me some attack magic like black hole creation,star explosion,big bang, universal destruction and many more. After teaching these to me his facial expressions was funny!

[Wow! I didn't knew you can use multiverse level magic too it's cool]

He said to me with excited expression. After that i said to him that i can create my own magics with "magic creation". He was emotionless after hearing it so i better show him. After that i thought of a upgraded version of universal destruction and i made multiverse destruction. After scanning the spell in my hand he was shocked.

[Wow you are more stronger then me! I guess it was wonderful choice to be your freind, hey you wanna visit my home?]

He asked with excited expression and i nodded back. He had a teleportation magic so we teleported near his home instantly. His house was like a castle with white and red paint on it. We both entered the house and his house was full of luxurious items and magical weapons. There was a fox sitting on a small beautiful throne.

[Why is that fox so shining?]

I asked him

[Oh! It is my summon familiar, it's a univarsal level summon. I got it from summon egg skill but a person can only use it once a 50 years.]

He replied my question.

[So,how do i use this magic, i also want a cute summon.]

I asked again.

[The summoning words are "እኔ፣ ታላቁ ራስህን በፊቴ እንድታሳይ አዝሃለሁ" if any familiar gets attracted to you they will be summoned front of you and then they will be your new summon! You can even get a omnipotent or beyond omnipotent summon.]

I got surprised after hearing it. So i tried to recite the words that shadow told me. Suddenly a yellow light started to glow front of me and suddenly a creature with yellow and white fluffy fur with pointy ears and 3 thin tails which almost looked like a cat but after that shadow screamed as loud as he can. I asked him why he was screaming. He replied with shocked voice.

[Tha ..that is....a god level summon familiar... It's so amazing that a omnipotent level summon got attracted to you]

I also got surprised after hearing him and after that he told me to do taming ritual and give it a name. I did what he said to do and finally it was time to give it a name.

[Hmmmm it is glowy like sun and a cat hmmmm... How about glowy cat ....na it sounds terrible... Oh ya how about kagayaki neko it sounds better in Japanese accent]

*Kagayaki neko: glowy cat in Japanese*

And thus i made another freind in this world.