
Chapter 29


I was flying side by side with Piccolo over the vast ocean.

It was about nine in the morning, and we were on our way to the meeting place with the other warriors on the island nine kilometers southwest of South City, as Future Trunks had instructed us. Ahead, Goku was also flying in silence. Gohan, on the other hand, was so anxious that he was flying meters away from us.

I glanced sideways at Piccolo and my heart sank in my chest. Deep dark spots surrounded his eyes, with an expression of dejection, sadness and exhaustion. I bet he hadn't been able to sleep at all after our conversation the day before.

When he picked Naíma and me up earlier, we didn't exchange half dozen words. Thankfully, my conversation with my daughter had had a good effect and she understood that Piccolo wasn't doing well and it wasn't safe to call him daddy yet. However, when we left her with Chi-chi a few minutes ago, Naíma cied softly as Piccolo silently said goodbye to her by stroking her black hair. Just like me, she was worried about her dear father, even though she was so young.

At that moment, all I wanted to do was hug him and tell him that we were both there for him, but I thought it best to remain quiet. Piccolo wasn't ready yet.

To push away my thoughts, I asked my brother, "Do you think we can beat our opponents?"

"I can't guarantee anything before seeing them," Goku replied with a confident smile. "We'll just have to fight to find out. What do you think about it, Piccolo?" He then frowned. "Huh? Piccolo, are you okay?"

Piccolo was grimacing in discomfort, "Oh… I-It's nothing. It's just a headache. It'll go away soon." He took a small waterskin from his belt and took a generous sip of whatever was in it.

"Piccolo," said Goku, "if you find the fight difficult, don't try too hard. If you die, the Dragon Balls are gone."

Piccolo just nodded and remained silent. I tried my best to hide my distress at seeing him in that state. I bet his Enemy was tormenting him. Just imagining what was going on in his head made a big lump form in my throat.

Thank goodness something happened to distract us from that inconvenience: we met Krillin along the way.

"What a surprise, guys!" he exclaimed after greeting us. "Wow, Gohan! You've grown!"

Krillin just externalized what we all thought. Our little Gohan wasn't so little anymore. Now nine years old, he had grown a lot during our Training and gotten much stronger. But one thing hadn't changed: his long black hair, and to add to his look, he was wearing a purple fighting jumpsuit with a red belt, just like his Master, Mr. Piccolo.

Soon, we arrived at the island. It was actually quite large, surrounded by trees and green grass. It had a rounded shape, with a modern city filling its entire length, and in one corner, a high rock formation with stepped plateaus rose up until it cut through the clouds.

"I don't like all these people living here at all." I watched the bustling city alongside my companions in the sky. "It's too dangerous."

"If we don't take the killer Androids somewhere else, these people might die in our fight," added Gohan.

The others agreed, and then we felt the presence of two good Kis in the rock formation and went there. When we landed on one of the plateaus, we found Yamcha, Tien and… Bulma holding a baby.

Since it seemed that only Piccolo, Goku and I knew that Trunks would already be born at that time, the other members of our group were astonished by the presence of that little being.

"Oh!" exclaimed Gohan after greeting Bulma. "So you married Yamcha and had a little boy?"

Yamcha frowned and crossed his arms. "That boy isn't my son," he said, sternly, which caused great surprise to the others. "Bulma and I broke up a long time ago. But you'll be very surprised when you find out who the father is!" And Yamcha turned his back on us, perhaps still stewing over the pain of his former relationship.

Before anyone could guess anything, Goku went to Bulma and, smiling broadly at the baby, said, "Oh! I know! Your father is Vegeta, isn't that right, Trunks?!"

A series of gasps followed his statement, except from Piccolo and I. We both exchanged nervous glances, as Goku once again couldn't hold his tongue and said something he shouldn't have.

"How did you know that, Goku?" asked Bulma. "I didn't tell anyone so that when you all see the baby, it would be a surprise. And you even got his name right!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" shrieked Goku, laughing outrageously and looking at me and Piccolo nervously as if asking for help. "I-I-It was just a guess! Oh, well! I think I also acquired the mind-reading technique, don't you guys think?? HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Piccolo snorted beside me and took another sip from his waterskin. He certainly wasn't in the mood for Goku's nonsense, so I thought it would be a good idea to help my brother myself.

"Hahaha..." I faked a laugh as I approached Bulma. "Do you know why Goku said that? It's... It's because..." I racked my brain as I thought of a convincing excuse. "It's because your baby looks just like Vegeta!"

The second I said those words, it happened. Baby Trunks gazed at me and I clearly saw Vegeta in him.

Yes... The resemblance was undeniable.

Time stopped around me and, like a grotesque horror movie, images of our fight against the Saiyans flashed before my eyes, and I saw in them all the atrocities that Vegeta had made me go through and suffer. My countless nights alone with my nightmares and my post-traumatic stress disorder also reminded me of how much the "Prince of all Saiyans" had affected me.

And now, his son was looking straight at me, with big blue eyes full of curiosity.

But it was as if Vegeta himself was also looking at me.

For a moment, for just a brief moment, a wave of repulsion and aversion crashed over me as I gazed upon that baby, the son of one of the men who had caused me the most harm in my life.

But then something else happened: Trunks smiled at me. A big, toothless smile, with a high-pitched squeal.

"Oh!" Bulma laughed at her son. "I think he liked you, Lettie. Consider yourself lucky, because this fella is grumpy with everyone."

For the second time, time stopped around me, but it wasn't a horror movie that I saw, but rather Trunks' smile.

My heart swelled, and the most pure feeling filled me. All and any repulsion and aversion I felt for him immediately dissipated.

"C-Can I?" I reached out my hands towards him.

"Sure," replied Bulma. "But I'm warning you that he's cranky with other people and–OH! I can't believe it!"

Trunks had barely reached my arms when he already laid his little head on my shoulder, sucking his thumb in a relaxed and peaceful posture.

My eyes filled with tears. How could I have considered despising him?

Gently, I brought his head to my lips and kissed the top of the little blue hat he was wearing, and whispered as discreetly as I could, "Forgive me, Trunks."

Bulma was overjoyed. "Well, just look at it! Lettie, if you didn't have your Dojo, I would offer you a job as his nanny. I bet Trunks would love it!"

That got a good laugh from everyone, especially from Goku, who was certainly relieved to be saved from his blunder. As I cuddled Trunks in my arms, I looked at Piccolo.

He was watching me from a distance. His face was a mix of joy and sadness. With regret, I assumed that his joy came from the fact that I had overcome any aversion to Vegeta's son. Piccolo must have heard my apology. However, on the other hand, his sadness may have come from the sight of me holding a baby in my arms, which, from the expression on his face and the conversation we had, reminded him of our twins.

"Speaking of Vegeta, where is he?" Piccolo asked as he looked away from me, certainly trying to hide his feelings.

"I have no idea," replied Bulma. "He's not with me all the time, but I don't think he'll be long. He has trained hard for this day."

"He will come!" my brother said, convinced. "I'm sure of it!"

A chill ran down my spine at the thought of Vegeta's appearance. I might have grown attached to his son, but that didn't mean I still felt comfortable in his presence. In any case, my thoughts were interrupted when Tien informed us that he had left Chiaotzu in the mountains, because his best friend wasn't prepared for that battle, so he wouldn't come.

"Bulma, what time is it?" asked Gohan.

"Hmm, it's nine thirty." She checked her watch. "The Androids should be here in thirty minutes."

"You better go home now!" My brother approached her. "I say this mainly because of your son."

"Goku is right." I stood next to him, still holding Trunks, who was playing with my uniform. "With all due respect, Bulma, but what on earth were you thinking on bringing a baby to a possible battlefield?! It's too dangerous!"

The others murmured in agreement. However, Bulma waved her hand dismissively and replied, "Don't worry, I just want to take a quick look at the Androids and then I'll be leaving!"

With worry, Goku and I looked at each other, but what could we do? She was the mother. The decision was hers. However, something told me that unfortunately she was the kind of woman who would put her baby's life at risk just to satisfy her curiosity.

After that, there was nothing left for us to do but wait for our opponents to arrive. Piccolo isolated himself from the group and went to observe the bustling city on the edge of the plateau, which made me anxious, but I was soon glad to see Tien approach him and start a conversation.

When Tien finished talking and walked away, I went to Piccolo.

"Look at him..." I smiled as I settled Trunks in my arms. "Isn't he the cutest little thing?"

"Wh-What did you say?" Piccolo shook his head and looked at me with a great dejected expression. He probably didn't even hear me arrive.

"I'm talking about Trunks." I smiled again, showing him the baby, who was now playing with my hair. "Isn't he cute?"

"Yes..." Piccolo nodded tiredly. "He is, indeed, really cute."

"I can't believe he could turn into that powerful Saiyan warrior who killed Freeza."

"Yeah..." Piccolo avoided my gaze.

"Uh..." I cleared my throat. "Do you want to hold him?"

"No. Actually, he shouldn't even be here. Bulma is irresponsible."

"Yeah… I'll have to agree." I gave a half-hearted smile and we remained silent. Trunks then cried softly and I laid him on my chest. He must have been sleepy. As I rocked him slowly in my arms, patting him lightly, I saw that Piccolo was watching me and I dared to ask, "What are you thinking about?"

He let out a long sigh and, with a look of deep melancholy, answered, "About how beautiful you are as a mother."

After that, he turned his back on me and walked to the other side of the plateau to isolate himself again, taking another sip from his waterskin along the way. As for me, I could only watch him walk further and further away, my eyes burning with tears.

Forty-five minutes passed, and the Androids didn't arrive.

Trunks had dozed off a bit, and I handed him back to Bulma. Now, we were playing at making faces at him. Gohan was having the most fun, and the baby laughed out loud at his faces and expressions. At least that distracted us for a while from the imminent danger.

Piccolo, who was still isolated, suddenly warned, "Something is approaching! But it's not an evil presence."

Everyone ran to him.

"Do you think it's Vegeta?" Gohan asked Krillin.

"Well, Vegeta IS an evil presence, so no," he replied.

A part of me felt a great relief. Soon, we spotted a small dot in the sky grow in size and reveal itself to be an ultra-modern model of a flying car. In a few seconds, the car landed on our plateau and, from inside it, a short, very fat boy with thick black hair got out.

"Oh! You guys are here!" he exclaimed. "I'm glad I got there in time."

"Yajirobe!" rejoiced Goku. "You came to fight alongside us too?!"

Judging by the clothes of that Yajirobe, it did seem like he would fight alongside us. He was wearing a sort of orange kimono with black wrist and ankle guards, accompanied by a nice katana tied to his black belt. However, the expression on his Asian features revealed a deep aversion to Goku's words, and he ignored my brother's question, handing him a small brown bag and saying, "Here. These are Senzu Beans, sent by Master Korin."


I think I was the only one who didn't know about that Master Korin (who I later found out was a CAT Martian Arts Master! Like???), but anyways, let's move on.

"Oh, thank you very much, Yajirobe!" Goku smiled. "As expected of Master Korin and– Huh? Where are you going?"

Yajirobe walked back to his car with a frown. "Good luck to everyone!" he said as he started the vehicle.

"Hey! Yajirobe! You're really not going to fight???"

"I'm not an idiot like you," he replied, serious. "I don't want to die. And besides, I don't have time for this nonsense. Bye." And he left with his flying car through the sky, leaving everyone open-mouthed.

We didn't even have time to comment on the subject, because Tien said, "Guys, don't you think it's strange? It's already past ten in the morning and until now, we haven't felt the presence of our enemies."

Everyone gathered at the edge of the plateau to observe the city.

"Is this the right island?" I thought out loud and turned to Piccolo beside me. "What do you think?"

He opened his mouth to answer, but Yamcha said loudly, "I think that guy was lying! Those Androids don't exist!"

"But he said it was around ten in the morning," countered Bulma.

"Still, we didn't feel any strong Ki," replied Yamcha. "If they were such powerful beings, we would notice their presence anywhere on Earth and–"

BOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! — An explosion echoed through the sky.

Everyone gasped in horror. Yajirobe's flying car was falling through the clouds, on fire, until it crashed into the sea.

"Look!!!" Piccolo pointed up high. "There are two guys flying up there! They're the ones who attacked!"

Several exclamations of astonishment came from our group. I narrowed my eyes and saw them. Yes! Indeed, there were two people hovering in the sky!

Then, like two bolts of lightning, those two figures flew down.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed. "They've come down to the city!"

"What are they planning to do?!" asked Tien.

I frantically scanned through the buildings and houses of that large city below our rock formation. But it was impossible to locate them!

"Do you see them, Goku???" asked Krillin.

"No! I couldn't see what they looked like!" My brother was very nervous next to me. "But what does that mean?! Why can't we feel their Ki?!"

Our shaky breaths filled the air around us. Then, breaking the terrifying silence, Gohan declared in a way that was too somber for a nine-year-old child, "That's because they are exactly that: Androids. They don't have Ki because they're not alive."

A chill made the hairs on my nape stand up. My nephew was right. We would be fighting beings that were technically not alive. I glanced at Piccolo. He was sweating coldly, his expression more distressed than ever, but he said anyway, "Since we can't sense their Ki, the only option is to look for them ourselves."

"You're right," agreed Goku. "Let's split up and look for them! Bulma, stay with the Senzu Beans, just in case. I don't want the Androids to steal them. Gohan, I want you to go rescue Yajirobe. He must be alive. As for the others," his voice deepened, "don't act rashly. If you find the Androids, warn the others immediately!"

There was silence as each of us absorbed my brother's instructions. The time we had trained for three years had finally arrived.

"Lettie…" Piccolo called softly, his voice trembling. "Come with me. Don't leave my side."

"I didn't even consider leaving you." I gave him a little smile and was relieved to see him smile back. At least it seemed to have calmed him down a bit. I would do everything I could to not cause him any more worries.

"LET'S GO!!!" he ordered, and we all left. As I followed him, I looked back and feared greatly for the life of baby Trunks, who had become nothing more than a distant dot with his mother on the plateau.

"What do you think these Androids look like?" I asked as we flew over some commercial buildings.

"I have no idea." Piccolo remained taciturn. "But something tells me they are not conventional like the ones in sci-fi movies."

"So you think they might look… human?"

"I'm afraid so."

That was not good at all.

We landed on a busy street, which scared a lot of people, causing a commotion. We didn't even care, we were too busy looking for a mortal danger.

"Excuse me," I asked a skater boy who was staring at me with glazed eyes. "Have you seen two strange people around here?"

"Y-Y-Yes, I have!!!" he answered.


"You two!" The skater boy pointed at me and Piccolo.

Piccolo snorted, rolling his eyes, and guided me by the shoulder, "Come, Lettie. We'll have to look for ourselves."

We walked for about forty minutes through the streets, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. People came and went, children played, couples held hands, merchants sold and consumers bought.

"I'm starting to think we're being fooled!" I slapped my hands on my sides in irritation. "What if these Androids can sense our Ki and keep running away just to tire us out? It'll be an endless chase!"

Piccolo just nodded in silence, regretfully. In front of us, there was a concrete bench, and we sat down to rest a bit. He took another sip from his waterskin.

"What's in there?" I dared to ask, cautiously.

He let out a long, tired sigh. "Sacred Water."

I straightened up, worried. "Why? Are you feeling bad? Are you sick?" I touched his arm affectionately. "Do you need anything?"

"No…" Piccolo gave me a little, reassuring smile. "It's just a headache. Sometimes I have it because of…" He looked away, head down. "Of my Enemy. The Sacred Water helps to relieve the pain."

My heart sank and my throat tightened with the lump that formed in it. Since when my beloved have been suffering from those headaches and I had no idea? Before I knew it, I ran my fingers over the palm of his hand and intertwined our fingers tightly.

Oh, how long I had wanted to do that! Since when? Since our Training against the Saiyans? Gosh...

The difference in the size of our hands was clear. Mine, small, feminine and more delicate, contrasted with his, masculine and robust. The colors of our skin, even so different, seemed to complement each other, like the painting of the most talented artist in the Universe.

For about ten seconds, we remained there, gazing at our intertwined hands, each one caressing the other with our thumbs, until Piccolo made a pained expression and pulled away.

"Please, Lettie!" he begged, turning around on the bench to hide from me. "Don't do this to me!"

A sob wanted to emerge from my throat when I saw him cringed under his cape, and a silent tear escaped my eyes. I raised my arm to touch him again and apologize when…

BOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! — Another explosion echoed a few blocks away.

I was still choking back a sob as I jumped up from the concrete bench with Piccolo in a startled jump.

"Wh-What was that???" I ran to his side.

"From the smell, I think a gas station exploded," he replied through gritted teeth and with sweat running down his temple. "Damn it!!! I bet it was them! It was the Androids!"

"So, there's no time to waste, let's go!" And we flew off towards the large black smoke that rose among the buildings.

"I feel a Ki decreasing," said Piccolo in distress. "Whose could it be?!"

"I can't identify who is it," I replied in the same tone. "There are way too many people around here."

In fact, several people were running here and there, fleeing from the fire and fearing that more explosions would occur, screaming for help. We arrived in front of the burning gas station at the same time as Goku, Krillin and Tien and, the moment we stepped onto the ground side by side, we gasped in terror.

Ahead of us, two men were standing. They both wore the same outfit: gold earrings in their ears, orange puffed pants, a black shirt with puffed sleeves, and a yellow vest tied with a bright red belt and bow. But one was fat, with big cheeks and all blue, while the other was white, thin, taller and very old, with long, thick white hair and a mustache on his scrawny face. On top of his head, he wore a long black hat with an RR insignia in red.

That one was holding Yamcha by the face, which had a gigantic hole in the middle of his chest. A thick pool of blood formed beneath his hanging body.

"YAMCHA!!!" my brother shouted.

I was so shocked that I lost my breath. What was happening?!?!

I had spent so many years living safely in my home in the company of my family and my students, that… I think I had forgotten the cruelty and brutality of what it was like to face a truly evil adversary.

The sight of Yamcha's exposed entrails only made one question run through my head: would the fight against the Androids be worse than the fight against the Saiyans?

I didn't have time to think of an answer, because the skinny guy simply threw Yamcha's body on the ground like it was a garbage bag and looked at us with blank eyes.

"Listen, Krillin!" said Goku. "Yamcha is still alive! Take him to where we left the Senzu Beans and give him one before it's too late."

My brother might have many flaws, but he was a natural leader and thought very quickly when faced with such a macabre sight. Krillin obeyed promptly and, fearful but angry at those two guys, he picked up Yamcha.

"Take good care of him, Krillin," I said before he flew off, and we watched him disappear behind a building.

There was silence. The only sound was the flames consuming the gas station behind our group. Dang it! Now I realized there were other bodies of dead people behind the two guys! How much damage had they already done??

"So, you're the Androids, huh?" Piccolo spoke with a frown. "It was about time for you to show up."

For some reason, the skinny guy frowned, looking confused. It was only then that I noticed that he had light blue eyes.

"Hmm, that's odd," he said, looking at each of us (his voice sounded like a smoker). "How did you know we were the Androids? Besides, it seems you also knew we would show up on this island. HOW DID YOU KNOW?! I WANT YOU TO ANSWER ME!!!"

To my surprise, Piccolo replied, "Why don't you try to get the answer by force, you disgusting old man?!?!"

"That's what we'll do!" declared the Android.

Our group immediately got into combat position. Another explosion erupted from the gas station, but we didn't move a muscle. Our focus was on the Androids alone.

However, something occurred to me.

"Wait!" I looked at my companions. "If we fight here, we'll put people in danger! There are children around. Let's go somewhere where there's no one!"

"I agree," said my brother. Piccolo and Tien also agreed. Goku then addressed the Androids, "Do you also agree to go somewhere else?"

"Oh, do you want to go to a place where there is no one?" repeated the old Android. "Okay, but we don't need to leave this place."


The next second, his light blue eyes turned red and two yellow beams came out of them, barely missing me and my brother. We had to throw ourselves onto the asphalt, because the Android started to shoot beams from his eyes all over the area, destroying absolutely everything around him.

"Lettie!" Piccolo crawled towards me and brought me close to him, covering us with his cape. Huddling against his chest, the rumbling of countless deafening explosions reached my ears without mercy.

"STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Goku's voice amidst all the noise and, when Piccolo uncovered us, we saw that he had punched the skinny Android, pausing his attack.

However, after Piccolo helped me get up, I finally saw the damage done by that Android.

It was a vision of hell.

At least half of that great city had been decimated. Black smoke, houses, buildings and trees in flames covered the entire landscape as far as our eyes could see. Screams and cries of despair from the people rose through the rubble of the ruins and, worst of all for me, the cries of children crying out for their mothers and fathers, many of them probably orphans now.

I thought about Naíma, my little four-year-old daughter, safe in Chi-chi's house; I thought about Gohan, somewhere in the sea, rescuing Yajirobe and oblivious to everything that was happening to us; and I also thought about baby Trunks, in danger with Bulma on the plateau of the rock formation not far from there.

If those Androids really took over the world, what would become of these children? What kind of future awaited them?

All I knew was that my blood boiled as I imagined such a future and I almost, ALMOST pushed myself to strike that wicked Android, but something caught my attention.

Goku's punch had knocked off the Android's black hat and revealed that, beneath the accessory, his brain was exposed, protected only by a glass dome.

I swear I almost threw up.

The Android, in a way that was too robotic (considering his human appearance), bent down, picked up his hat and put it back in place.

"You wanted an uninhabited place," he said. "So I created one, but from the look on your face, it seems you didn't like it. What a shame."

I was speechless in the face of such petulance. Goku was furious.


For the first time, the fat Android smiled and spoke, in a soft but malicious voice, "You will never be able to defeat us."

His words only made our group even more angry.

"Calm down," said the old Android. "We will follow you. Choose the place where you prefer to die, Son Goku."

Whoa. Wait a minute.

Son Goku?

"Hey! You rickety scrap!" I took a step forward, escaping Piccolo's worried hands. "How do you know his name?!"

"Well, well, Lettie, I know yours too." He stared at me with his sinister eyes. "I know all of your names. This Namekian behind you is Piccolo, and that human over there is Tien."

I exchanged perplexed glances with Piccolo and Tien; the three of us confused by that strange revelation. My brother, on the other hand, didn't seem shaken and remained in a combat position, ready to kick those Androids' faces at any moment.

However, we needed to get out of there. The loud wailing of fire truck sirens was approaching our location, and I didn't want to see any more people hurt. I could still hear the children crying through the rubble.

"Let's go!" ordered Goku, leading the way, and everyone flew off, including the Androids.

We flew over the ocean for long, agonizing minutes, passing by several small islands here and there. My pulse was racing as fast as our high-speed cutting through the skies. I glanced at Piccolo and my stomach churned. His face was pale, with a look of extreme concern and his eyes glued to the Androids ahead of us.

I had to take a deep breath to calm my heart.

"You better not be messing with us, Son Goku!" warned the white-haired Android. "Where are you taking us?"

My brother ignored him.

"ENOUGH!" exclaimed the Android. "This place is fine! We'll land on that island! You don't have the right to choose where we're going to fight!"

We all stopped suddenly in midair, looking at each other.

However, beyond the tense atmosphere surrounding us, one detail caught my attention: Goku. He wasn't well. My brother was holding his uniform to his chest, and drops of sweat covered his forehead.

Strange, too strange...

Still, we landed. Next to Piccolo, we both analyzed the place. The landscape was flat where we were, but throughout the rest of the island, hundreds of sharp, dark rocks surrounded it, of countless shapes and sizes.

A perfect place for the Androids to hide.

From Piccolo's expression, he seemed to have reached the same conclusion as me. Confirming my thoughts, he said, "Be careful. They planned this."

"Before... Before we start the fight... tell us." Goku was panting nonstop. "How... How do you know so much about... us?"

Okay. Now I was really worried about my brother.

"Hey, psst! Lettie!" Tien called me in a low tone.


"Why is Goku behaving like that? The only thing we did was fly."

I just managed to shake my negatively, distressed and not knowing what to say as I watched my brother. He was taking in deep breaths with difficulty, still clutching his clothes around his chest.

"Very well!" said the thin Android. "We will answer why we know so much about you. But I can already tell you that you will regret having asked this question." He paused and then revealed, "Son Goku, we have been watching you for a long time, using small insect-shaped robots. Ever since you were a child and fought in the Martial Arts Tournament against Tien, then when you fought against Piccolo, Raditz and, finally, Nappa and Vegeta. In other words, even after you destroyed our Red Ribbon army, we continued to do our research. All of this with the goal of building the most perfect Androids to defeat you, Son Goku!"

I gaped my mouth in complete indignation.

"So, you did all this to get revenge on me?" asked Goku.

"Yes!" answered the Android. "Because of you, Red Ribbon's dream of conquering the world was shattered!"

That nonsense about conquering the world again???

In unison, Goku, Tien, Piccolo and I exclaimed, "BUT THAT'S SO CLICHÉ!"

"Cliché or not, it was our dream," replied the Android. "The only survivor was Dr. Gero."

"The way you say it," added Piccolo, "it almost seems like you're Dr. Gero himself."

"Don't talk nonsense! I was built by Dr. Gero himself… I AM ANDROID 20! And the one next to me is Android 19! Our creator is no longer in this world, I can assure you of that."

"I see," said Goku. "But I want to know if you also spied on me in the battle on planet Namek."

"It wasn't necessary, because during the fight against Nappa and Vegeta, we saw how you used your power to its maximum level. The rest, we discovered with the help of our scientific calculations, and came to the conclusion that it would be impossible for you to increase your power." Android 20 suddenly stared at me. "Besides, your sister Lettie's abilities also helped us a lot in our research, after all, you share the same blood."

A sense of dread washed over me, but to my surprise, Piccolo stepped forward and shouted, "Wait a minute! Have you been spying on Lettie?!?! WHEN???"

"Ever since she discovered she was Goku's sister, on Master Roshi's island, years ago," replied Android 20. "Since our insect robot followed Goku everywhere, we also accompanied him when he took Gohan when he was still little to meet his friends, and Raditz appeared to everyone after kidnapping her. When Piccolo killed Goku and Raditz, and took Lettie and Gohan to train them, we thought it would be interesting to follow all that Training." Android 20 gave me and Piccolo a sinister smile. "I admit that the results of our research were promising. Lettie's Saiyan powers are admirable, however, what surprised us the most was how she was able to break the hard shell of the lonely and misunderstood Namekian, isn't it, Piccolo? I'm surprised you two are not married yet. You really know how to trick a woman." And he laughed disdainfully.

The mood in our group only worsened after that revelation, to the point that it made me feel dizzy. I looked at Piccolo, and he seemed as distraught as I was.

Did it mean that... we've been spied on for all these years? That those Red Ribbon people witnessed our entire bond and relationship, and now they were throwing it in our faces as if it were a joke??

"We kept watching Lettie even after Piccolo died in the battle against Nappa and Vegeta," continued Android 20. "And I must say that it was a great disappointment to watch a Saiyan warrior waste her potential by deciding to adopt a human baby, teach mediocre people how to fight and still have the audacity to call it a Dojo! Vegeta was right. Lettie, you really are a low-class Saiyan. And as for you, Piccolo, the only thing I can tell you is that you are WEAK! How can a Namekian warrior of your level lower himself to spend his days preferring a calm and quiet life in a countryside house, surrounded by useless students, in the company of that Naíma and, above all, with the woman you don't even have the courage to say you love her?!?!" His voice denoted disgust. "You two really deserve each other! You are two INCOMPETENTS!"

I swear I couldn't feel the ground beneath my feet anymore. My mind was covered in a fog after hearing so many insults against me, against Piccolo, against our daughter, and against our students.

Beside me, Piccolo didn't just seem shaken by everything he heard. He was furious. The veins in his neck stood out with the anger that was exuding from him, making him red. His eyes darkened even more, with a shadow covering them.

Piccolo was about to explode.

A great worry struck me. Although he was angry, and rightly so, if he allowed his feelings to take over him at that moment, it could be a big problem for us. When it came to the Androids, we would need to use our heads more than our hearts.

And as far as I could tell, Piccolo's heart was deeply hurt.

I was still digesting Android 20's bitter words when Piccolo suddenly rushed at him, shouting, "YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!! I'LL END YOU, YOU PIECE OF TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!"

I barely had time to react when Goku and Tien held him, each grabbing his arms, asking him to calm down. The Androids took a step back, but kept a serious expression. It was only when I realized the commotion forming ahead of me among my three companions that I woke up and started to act.

"PICCOLO!!! STOP!!!" I ran in front of him, also trying to stop him from doing something stupid, putting my hands on his chest, as I always did.

Looking at him from below, my heart bled as I saw how his expression had changed. His face and neck were now purple, his eyes swollen and flooded with the heavy, thick tears he was trying to hold back, and his breathing was heavy. He was shaking a lot.

Our eyes met and, doing my best to contain my own feelings and tears upon seeing him in such a devastating state, I begged in a whisper, "P-Piccolo, p-please..."

"Calm down, my friend," added Goku.

"We can't rush now," reinforced Tien.

Piccolo continued to pant, but he just glared at the Androids in front of him with an insane look and, finally, he broke away from the boys and turned his back on us, walking a distance away and taking another gulp from his waterskin.

I didn't know what to do. Should I go to him or stay with Goku and Tien? My mind was a mess. I exchanged worried glances with my brother, and he signaled for me to stay with him and let Piccolo cool off, and I ended up agreeing.

Goku then turned to the Androids and spoke, "I'm going to ignore all that nonsense you said, because you're the incompetent ones in this story." His expression was serious. "I think you left out the most important part of your research, so you've already lost this fight."

"What?" retorted Android 20.

"You made a big mistake," continued Goku, now smiling with boldness, "by not properly researching about the Super Saiyan."

His words had an instant effect on our adversaries.

"Super Saiyan?!" asked Android 20, confused. "What is that?"

My brother transformed beside me. Although I was still very upset about what happened to Piccolo, I confess that I must have looked like an idiot when I saw his Super Saiyan form up close for the first time.

No, Goku had never transformed during the last three years that we trained together. That's why the Androids were unaware of such an ability of his. My brother claimed that the transformation used a lot of his Ki and said that he would only do it when strictly necessary.

Well, I believe that that was, in fact, a strictly necessary moment.

Tien was as dumbfounded as I was when he saw Goku transformed, with a yellowish aura emanating from him. His Ki was so powerful that a whirlwind of sand surrounded him. At least, my brother's transformation made Piccolo turn his attention to us and return to my side, but he avoided my gaze.

"Listen," Goku said to our group, "don't try to fight those Androids. They are looking for the most appropriate way to get their revenge on me."

Even though he was still sweating and didn't seem to be in the best of health, my brother increased his Ki even more, and his aura lit up more intensely. The two Androids began to talk to each other about Goku's power level and how his transformation surpassed their calculations, but that they still had enough confidence to defeat him.

In my opinion, it was very arrogant of them and, apparently, my brother thought the same.

"Are you serious?!" He laughed. "Since you doubt me so much, show me how strong you are, Androids!" And Goku threw himself at them.

My brother's target was the other Android, the 19. They fought for a long time; two fast figures crashing into the surrounding rocks and flying above our heads like uncontrolled arrows.

It was impressive. For the first time, I witnessed Goku's abilities in the Super Saiyan form. Using Tien's own words, it was as if he were from a different dimension than ours, such was his power and level of strength.

But watching my brother's fight didn't make me oblivious to Piccolo. The atmosphere of tension that surrounded us grew more and more. I couldn't look at him and vice versa. Android 20's words wouldn't leave my head, as well as our conversation we had the day before on my house's porch.

Could things possibly go back to the way they were between us, after everything we had felt, said, and heard? Or had our relationship already suffered too much of a blow to recover?

My heart clenched painfully at that distressing and hopeless thought. Just as I was about to close my eyes to hold back the tears as I listened to my brother's attacks on the Android a few meters away, that same soft and gentle Voice spoke in my heart, "Don't lose hope."

Despite the sadness, a lightness entered my heart and I glanced at Piccolo. His face was ten times more hopeless than mine.

Oh! How I wished he could also hear that soft and gentle Voice! How long would I watch my beloved suffer so much at the hands of his Enemy?

I was startled when, suddenly, Gohan, Krillin and Yamcha landed next to us. They had finally reached us after saving Yajirobe from the flying car's explosion and giving Yamcha a Senzu Bean.

Together, we continued to watch the fight between Goku and Android 19. In the meantime, Yamcha revealed that the Androids had the ability to absorb the energy of their opponents, which worried us greatly. If they did that to my brother, it would be a huge setback for our group.

Goku then spun in the air and gave Android 19 a kick, sending him crashing to the ground like a missile. Everyone celebrated the effectiveness of his blow, except Piccolo and I. I suppose, first, because of our troubled states of mind and, second, because something about my brother bothered us.

Even though Android 19 had survived the attack (since he didn't feel pain or tiredness), Goku was panting and hovering in the air. His behavior was becoming increasingly strange. Why did he look so frighteningly exhausted?! Wasn't he supposed to be at the peak of his strength and power?

Still, he joined his hands and prepared to launch a Kamehameha at Android 19. When he threw the blue energy ball at his opponent, everyone gasped in bewilderment.

Android 19 absorbed the Kamehameha.

Yamcha was right then. The Androids really did have the ability to absorb the opponent's energy! We were all stunned by that sudden situation.

That, however, seemed to be enough to wake Piccolo and I from our distress, and we exchanged anxious looks. My brother needed to be warned, and fast!

"Goku! Be careful!" I exclaimed. "Don't waste your energy!"

"The Androids can absorb it!" added Piccolo. "Don't let them hold you back! Got it?"

Goku was as upset as the others with that new information. Worse than that, he seemed increasingly out of breath and exhausted, and now, everyone was noticing it.

Suddenly, Android 19 flew and launched himself at my brother, successfully hitting him. Goku was thrown to the ground, but managed to stop before hitting it, and tried to create another Kamehameha to counterattack his opponent.

"DON'T ATTACK, GOKU!!!" Piccolo and I shouted at the same time.

My brother stopped, furious, and his Kamehameha vanished in his hands. Then, he went down until his feet touched the ground and grabbed the clothes in the chest area, his mouth wide open in a shaky breath.

Wait a minute… Goku panting, tired, acting strangely, and now massaging his chest?

Could it be… Could it be…?

Oh, no!


Gohan seemed to have the same train of thought as me, as he let out an exclamation when he saw his father in that state and said out loud what I thought, so that everyone could hear. Piccolo also seemed pretty worried when he realized that the illness that Future Trunks mentioned had appeared just now.

But it was undeniable. My brother's symptoms were clear. Everyone was now staring at him in amazement. Even the Androids stared at him in silence.

Then, to our despair, Goku fell to his knees on the ground, still massaging his chest. Piccolo and I looked at each other, terrified. According to Trunks, that disease in his heart would be... fatal.

Krillin, however, addressed my nephew, "Don't talk nonsense, Gohan. You told us that that boy from the future gave your father a special medicine. By now, he should have been cured. I believe that Goku's energy was absorbed by the Android, that's all!"

Krillin had a point. During the three years we trained together, my brother never mentioned any kind of health problem related to his heart or any other part of his body. He had always been very active and healthy. Chi-chi had never shown any concern about that matter either, so I assumed they were taking care of it on their own.

Since Krillin had brought the Senzu Beans with him, he threw one to Goku, who ate it. The next second, Android 19 attacked him again with violence, and knocked him out with a clean knockout punch.

No! No! No!

The Senzu Beans had no effect!

"Now I'm sure he has a heart disease!" Gohan looked at his father with sweat running down his face.

"Why do you say that?!" retorted Krillin in indignation. "Goku didn't take the medicine to get better???"

Gohan then confirmed what I thought a moment ago, "He... He never got sick when he was with us..." My nephew lowered his head, embarrassed. "His health was fine, that's why he never took the medicine..."

Gohan looked at me with teary eyes, and I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. As Goku's sister, should I have warned him to at least see a doctor and get some tests done during the last three years? My life was so busy... Like it or not, I had my own worries and problems; a young daughter to raise, a Dojo to run, heavy training to do in the face of the threat of the Androids and, on top of that, my troubled relationship with Piccolo to deal with…

I noticed Piccolo's eyes on me. For the first time in a long time, his face didn't show the usual distress and anguish, but rather compassion for me. It was impressive. He seemed to know my feelings.

Piccolo opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted when Android 19 suddenly attacked Goku, who was still lying on the ground. We didn't even have time to react, and my brother was knocked down again. When he hit the ground with a thud, his yellowish Super Saiyan aura dissipated, and his hair turned black like mine again.

My brother had lost the fight.

That was a shock to everyone in our group. Gohan and I called out to him, asking if he was okay, but Goku didn't respond. Android 19 then climbed on top of him and began to strangle him. Slowly, he turned his robotic head towards us and gave us an evil smile.

That wicked look was enough to wake us up.

"Quick! We need to act!" exclaimed Piccolo. "Goku's energy is being absorbed!"

Everyone flew in Goku's direction, but we were interrupted. Android 20 stood in front of us, with his arms outstretched.


My blood boiled, and I wanted to punch that old scrap in the face. Not just me, but all my companions. I could feel the anger and indignation emanating from each one.

"OR DO YOU WANT TO CHALLENGE ME?!" threatened Android 20.

"Sure." Piccolo's eyes became dark again, and he advanced.

Everything happened very quickly. When Piccolo attacked his opponent, Android 20 launched two laser beams from his eyes and pierced him directly in the chest. And then, I watched, open-mouthed and stupefied, my beloved fell to the ground with a thud.

Thanks for reading another chapter!

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