
Setting The Record

"I can't believe that I'm finally here. After all this time"

A certain Green haired boy was standing in front of the entrance to the most prestigious school

And that would be our former main character, Izuku Midoriya

As he stood there he took a second to think about what happened to get up to this point. He remembered all the times when he was a little kid that he kept dreaming of being super strong, super fast, saving many people, and most importantly

Being the number 1 hero. Just like All Might

He was All Might's biggest fan. He had countless figurines and posters of him in his room and every day he would keep watching every single video of All Might

"It's fine now. Why?

"Because I am here"

He would never get old of that line. It reminded him that all it takes to save the day was just one person and one day

that person would be him. The new number 1 hero

Then reality crashed down on him. He was told that he didn't have a quirk. That was a day that he would never forget. He even asked his mother if he could still become a hero? Just like All Might

She then just cried then gave him a hug

At that moment he thought it was done. He could never become a hero.

But he still had little hope within him

that without a quirk he could become a hero. Even after people telling him that was impossible and even after all the times that his friend, Bakugo kept bullying and telling him that somebody as worthless as him could never become a hero. He still had hope

Then it happened. He met somebody that changed his fate

All Might. The number 1 hero

He gave him his quirk. Took him under his wings and trained him to use and master One For All and even gave him hope

After all this time he could the light at the end of the tunnel

he could finally achieve his dream of being the number 1 hero

He would do it for All Might, his mom, but most importantly

for himself

"And all I have to do is to take my first step"

"I'm actually going to be a hero"

As he took his first step. He accidentally tripped on himself and started to fall

"Why must Kami be so cruel?"

As resigned himself to his fate. He suddenly started to float


He then turned and saw a cute brown haired girl standing right next to him

"Are you alright?"

she then giggled and helped him get up

"I actually stopped you with my quirk. I'm sorry I didn't ask first

As he was going to respond he felt different and quickly turned around

He saw two boys making their way towards the orientation hall

Besides their handsome appearance and the tails behind them. both of them were different compared to everybody else here. He saw many people and could tell that all of them were worried if they could pass the exams but not these two. These two carried an air of confidence around them. As if they thew that they would pass the exams without a shadow of a doubt in their hearts. He could also tell one thing just with one glance at them

They were strong

Really Really Strong

Then he felt a tap on his shoulder

He turned around and saw the cute looking staring at him

"Are you okay? you were spacing out for a moment"

As he was going to respond the girl looked at her phone and immediately yelped in shock

"Oh no the orientation is going to start in a few minutes! It was nice talking to you Bye"

She then ran off

"I can't believe it"

He said as his head was shaking

"I actually talked to a cute girl!"(Did not talk even once)


[An hour later]

Shin was standing outside in the testing area with other students waiting for the test to begin

He and Goku were both separated and placed into different testing areas due to avoid cooperation

He then heard a voice from intercoms

"Alright students! the test will now commence. Everyone get ready and in







Shin then sprinted off. speeding ahead anybody else.

as he was planning on getting the highest score. not just on the exam but

the highest in UA history

He then started demolishing everything in his path

Either by using his fists to tear them apart or by using ki blasts to blow them away no bots were spared in his wake. He even helped some other students destroy their bot's receiving hero points but mostly he did this just for regular points

After a while of demolishing every single bot, he switched over to hero points. He wanted to be undisputed in both categories


Principal Nezu, is this how you were talking about

In the observation room. there were multiple heroes ranging from the R rated hero: Midnight towards to the top hero All might

and they all had their eyes on one person

Son Shin

"He's so young. It took me years to reach that level of strength yet he's already on that level"

"Young MIdoriya, You have much work to do"

Muttered the 1 hero to himself

then a man who looked like he hasn't slept in days, Eraserhead spook out

"Principal Nezu, what's the name of his quirk"

Nezu just smiled back

"The name of his quirk is called [Monkykings physique] This allows him and his brother Son Goku to grow in power. Either training or fighting allows them to grow at such an alarming rate. This also grants them to use a source within their bodies called Ki. This power can be used in many ways such as strengthening the body or even be used as a weapon as shown earlier. This Ki can be used and unlocked by anybody but requires many years of practice and the majority never unlock it and such is rare to be seen. The person alive who can use Ki is the technique Hero: Turtle Hermit but we have never seen Ki being used this way. able to fly and go at such speed. This is a power we have never seen before.

they were all shocked. just by their quirk alone, they could become unmatched as such a quirk has unlimited potential but to hear about the discovery of Ki and how the way Shin is using it has never been before

they had one word to describe such a person

