
Consequences and changes in the imperial palace 2/2

Einar broke the fingers of the prisoner's hand and when he was done, he repeatedly struck the hand to completely break the bones.

The prisoner who was just recovering from the heart attack was in a completely deplorable state.

He could barely breathe, but at that moment, the prisoner remembered his life, from the sadness of seeing how his mother was one day taken away by a nobleman and how the next day she was found lying in the street without life.

The first time he had to steal in order to stay alive until the moment where he met love but not prosperous because the woman he loved died of smallpox.

He can remember his whole life, but without a doubt there is something that left him marked and it was the fact that he had hit a girl, but it was not just any girl.

She was the daughter of the herald Einar. She was the only thing he regretted in his life, so before dying he simply whispered, "Sorry ..."