
0185. The grey tower {8}

Zeckery pov,

Meanwhile with Zeckery,

I found myself in a long tunnel way after I ran into a room. The boulders are still fucking chasing me.

"Fucking hell how am I supposed to get rid of these." I grumble loudly as I keep turning. To avoid those giant oversized rocks.

and it seem as if the gods has answered my prayer I saw an opportunity. There was a dent in front.

The dent in the floor was big enough to fit me. I happily jump into the dent in the floor.

And the boulders just rolled over the dent and pass me. After the booulders were gone I peek my head out from the dent.

I sigh a breath of relief as I feel like I heavy burden just lifted of my shoulder.

This feeling is similar to the feeling I get after u found out I score high marks on my exam.

I dust myself off as i look around the tunnel. As a tinker myself I I say this tower is very well done.