
The sacrafice

avacado_girl0509 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


The night was enveloped in darkness and ravaged by a fierce storm, the voices of anger carried far and wide, echoing over a great distance, the vampire king sat on his throne of bones, anticipating his sacraficial offering.

His offering wailed audibly, she made an attempt to flee the grasp of the people but lacked the necessary strength, the villagers were anxious to deliver the sacrafice, to ensure the safety of their villages, when other monsters attack them.

They presented the offering to the vampire king, in return for his safeguarding, the vampire king grinned with malevolence, a male villager walked before him and bowed in respect before speaking.

"Oh great one, we come before you, to offer the beauty of our village, as your sacrafice, in return, for your safeguarding "

The vampire king leans forward on his throne and hums, in a deep voice.

"Bring the sacrifice forward, I shall see if it is worthy enough, to grant the protection you seek"

The villagers bring the sacrifice forward to the vampire king for inspection, to determine if she is worthy, the vampire king scrutinized his sacrafice, and hums in satisfaction.

"State her name."

His voice full of authority, the villagers respond.

"victoria Selene Grey "

The vampire king sits back in his thronenand gives a small smerk of satisfaction, and nods.

"I accept your offering, for she shall serve the soul purpose of being my bride and food source."

Victoria cried in anguish at the concept of being bestowed and fed apon, by the cold hearted king, her horror evident on her face, and the vampire king chuckled with laughter, as he claimed his sacrafice, causing Victorian to swallow a anxious lump in her throat, as she knew her life was about to take a turn for the worst...

this is my first time writing a novel so it may not be too good but it am going to do my best, it's a fantasy romance, comedy, action and I hope it's going to be to your liking, enjoy, I will make more chapters Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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