
The S Classes That I raised:Geunseo( 근서) 218+

He was an F-rank Hunter. To top it off, he was a useless F-rank loser of a big brother who dragged down his incredible younger brother. While he carelessly lived out his messed-up life, he ultimately took his younger brother's life. He regressed back in time with the title, Perfect Caregiver. "Okay, this time, let's lay low and take care of the talented ones instead." He thought. But those S-ranks are acting a little strange. = Not the official and accurate translation of the novel. But I fixed some of it so it'll be readable at least, if you have suggestions feel free to comment, ENJOY!

notminee · Derivasi dari game
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73 Chs

Chapter 218: Showdown (2)

The interior of the arena looked impressive, with a round and wide stone floor laid out, well-designed spectator seats, and even what seemed like a victory podium. Although it seemed odd to construct such elements when they would likely be destroyed once the match began, the stone floor already showed signs of cracking due to the impact when Gakuto leaped over.

Drones soared in the sky, and hunters with cameras stood atop the outer walls of the arena—a Korean hunter and two Japanese hunters, all A-ranks with flight skills.

"[Both hunters, please stand in the center of the arena. Audience members, please take your seats.]"

The announcement echoed, and I made my way up to the stands, taking a seat in the designated area. To be cautious, Yoohyun and Seong Hyeonje sat on either side of me, while Noah and Moon Hyuna took their positions beside Myeongwoo.

"Shouldn't there be beer and chicken for this?"

Mun Hyeona expressed her disappointment. Despite her carefree attitude, I didn't think Yeolim would lose. We had plenty of people ready to rescue her if anything went wrong. The Amaterasu Guild probably had an A-rank healer waiting too.

"[On the left, from the Japanese Amaterasu Guild, S-rank Hunter Iwahata Gakuto!]"

While the location and the host were Japanese, I didn't like them introducing the Japanese participant first.

"[On the right, from the Korean Haeyeon Guild, S-rank Hunter Park Yerim!]"

After Yerim greeted and waved towards the camera, she smiled. The coat she wore belonged to Yoohyun, designed to enhance magic stats, increase mana recovery, and provide defense-related bonuses. It was better than Yerim's lenses and was tailored for situations that might require the use of magic.

"Let's at least have some beer and chicken."

The arena's side doors swung open dramatically, revealing a wheeled stage that rolled smoothly into the arena. Loud music accompanied the entrance of performers wearing colorful lion costumes—a spectacle reminiscent of a Chinese movie. Gold, red, and black lions danced energetically, showcasing various tricks. It was entertaining but somewhat unnecessary.

"Is this the image you wanted after coming to me directly and asking for a favor, Lion King?"

Absolutely absurd. The stage settled in the center, and a huge drum, the size of a person, was raised. People dressed in traditional Japanese clothing surrounded it, performing a slow dance. who was also in traditional attire, stood beside the drum.

"[The guild leader of Japan's top guild, Amaterasu, Sisio-sama, has entered!]"

The host shouted excitedly while fireworks exploded. "Hey, the protagonist is our own, right?" Lion King raised his voice as he held up the banner and shouted as if he had just eaten a train full of coal.

"From now on, we will begin the 1st Japan vs. Korea S-Class Hunter Individual Tournament!"

For the 2nd round, let's have Ice Princes vs. Lion King. No, not that. It's Guild Master Haeyeon vs. Guild Master Amaterasu. This is why TV broadcasts are dangerous. The broadcasting power is too strong.

At the signal of tapping the gong, Yoohyun quickly cast a skill on Yerim. The people and lions near the stage were the first to leave the arena, and Sisio swung the gong.


"The match has begun!"

The gong rang and the host shouted. The two people standing a short distance apart did not move immediately. The sound of the chain tying Mago's shawl in Yerim's hand could be heard. Gakuto also drew out a long sword.

It seemed that neither side had used their skills yet. Yerim was concerned that the distance was too close because her strength was weak. But she had the teleportation skill, so she thought in an instant.


Gakuto struck the ground. He quickly closed the distance to Yerm in an instant, but before the sword could swing, Yerim's figure disappeared. It was teleportation. Although he suddenly lost sight of his opponent, Gakuto, as an S-Class Hunter, did not panic and continued to use his skill.

The sword swung in a wide arc, and sharp sword strikes poured out in all directions without any hesitation. Hundreds of powerful strikes that were difficult to dodge, as if being shot by a machine gun, spread out.

Kwaaang! Ku-gung!

The sound of the arena being destroyed and trees breaking could be heard everywhere. An ice shield was created in an instant under Yerim's feet, but it shattered into pieces as it was hit by the sword strikes. Gakuto jumped up through the scattered ice fragments.

"You can't escape!"

He scattered sword strikes again, and at the same time, a white mist began to spread around Ye Rim. The mist entangled the enemy's ankles, but Gakuto's speed did not decrease at all. The mist that touched his body dissipated weakly. It's resistance to cold. Well, he must be wearing an item that resists cold.

"Why doesn't he use Shadowless Noon?"

With that, he could reduce Gakuto's speed regardless of resistance skills. He also had buffs. But for some reason, there was no sign of using it. Maybe he didn't need the buffs.

"He can only show off his tricks!"

...Can't I just shut that guy's mouth? Gakuto relentlessly chased after Ye Rim, who was evading him with teleportation. According to the rules, he couldn't completely get rid of her even if he had teleportation skills because he couldn't leave the arena.

Thud, Gakuto forcefully struck the ground, leaving another footprint on the solid floor.

The edge of the shawl fluttered, and the sword flying through the air narrowly missed Yerim. The sword, which had skillfully bent, stabbed at Yerim again. At the same time, Gakuto forcefully stomped the ground with one foot.

Kwaaang! The stone floor broke and shot up. In succession, he raised the stone floor like building walls in the air.

Unlike teleportation, which moves at an invisible speed that surpasses space itself, this skill that moves at a speed that cannot be seen. In other words, if there is an obstacle, he had to stop or break through it. With obstacles like that in all directions, his speed slowed down and it became easier to track his path.

Instead of teleporting to avoid the sword, Park Ye Rim...


I blocked it with a shield. Unable to withstand Gaguto's power, Yerim was pushed back. His eyebrows slightly furrowed. At the same time, dozens of ice spears appeared in the sky.


the icy spearheads filled with coldness poured down like rain. The floor of the arena froze, turned to gold, and eventually shattered, sending fragments flying like a bomb explosion. In the midst of that, Gaguto's skills to block the ice spears were banging loudly in all directions.


The already partially destroyed arena began to collapse completely. Yoohyun lifted me up and jumped using the Blue Willow Leaf skill. The golden chains drew long lines to block the flying debris. Noah spread his wings, and Myeongwoo and Moon Hyun also moved aside. The members of the Amaterasu Guild who were filling the stands were also evacuating.

[The arena is collapsing! Guild Leader Haeyeon is using the Blue Willow Leaf skill. He's in the VVIP seat!]

Camera, why are you unnecessarily focusing on this side? Turn off the attention.

Kurung, the thick pillars supporting the arena fell one by one, and dust rose. The arena became a mess, and the two of us stood apart, stopping. Yerim placed the spear on his shoulder and leaned it diagonally.

"Are you done with your sword dance?"

"It was just a warm-up."

That Gakuto guy smirked.

"Show me my true power!"

...Someone shut him up.

"The beach is not a favorable place only for Park Yerim! This abundant moisture is all on my side!"

Gakuto shouted confidently. Does that guy also have a water-related skill? No wonder he easily changed the arena location to the beach.

Yerim looked at Gakuto with narrowed eyes. It felt really pathetic. No matter how amazing his skill is, if it's water-related...

"Oh, surprise!"

Yerim suddenly exclaimed and shook one hand as if brushing it off. Upon closer inspection with Yoohyun's vision, the back of her hand was slightly reddened.

"The air has gotten hot."

Yoohyun said. It has definitely gotten a little hotter. The area near the arena seemed to be slightly distorted, as if a mirage had appeared. Is it a skill that boils the air?

[The temperature of the arena is gradually rising! This is the latest information from the Amaterasu Guild. Gakuto Hunter's skill, Volcanic Heat! It's an S-rank skill that heats up the surrounding air, making it hot!]

Yerim sighed. But the cold mist evaporated in an instant.

"...Does Yerim have a flame resistance item?"

"It's not a high-grade one, but I have one extra piece of equipment."

It's somewhat fortunate, but why not use the shadowless daytime yet. Even if ice is weak to heat, with the addition of attribute buffs, it should be able to withstand an S-rank skill.

"No matter how high-ranking a hunter is, it becomes difficult to move in high heat. If it's intermediate or lower, the moisture in the body will boil up and die instantly!"

Gakuto pointed his sword at Yerim, with a face that seemed to have already won.

"The arena is a limited space on the beach! It's a condition where I can only win!"

If it were Yoohyun, he would have been instantly engulfed in flames. But in this kind of arena, heating up the entire air in a certain space was definitely an advantageous skill. It's difficult to engage in intense activities that raise body temperature in the boiling air without resistance skills, even for an S-rank hunter. It consumes a lot of stamina.

Moreover, Yerim is relatively weak in terms of stamina for an S-rank hunter. Even now, sweat drops have already formed on her forehead.

Yoo Hyun would have been instantly engulfed in flames if he were the opponent. But in this kind of arena, heating up the entire air in a certain space was definitely an advantageous skill. It's difficult to engage in intense activities that raise body temperature in the boiling air without resistance skills, even for an S-rank hunter. It consumes a lot of stamina.

Moreover, Yerim is relatively weak in terms of stamina for an S-rank hunter. Even now, sweat drops have already formed on her forehead.

"If you keep moving, you'll only get more tired. It's time to surrender!"

Gakuto said confidently, as if he had already caught his prey. Yerim laughed, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"Hey, I'm done with my warm-up exercises, you know?"


"Now it's time to start."

With those words, the ground shook with a rumble. Gakuto's face was filled with surprise as if an earthquake had occurred. The other Japanese people also had shocked expressions.

"An- an earthquake? The ground suddenly started shaking!"

Huh? An earthquake? Could it be happening now?

"It's not an earthquake, that is..."

Before Yoohyun's words could finish, the ground began to split. And...


The seawater surged up. And it wasn't just one or two streams. Thick water streams rose one after another, as if a dragon was ascending through the arena floor. Along with it, the air cooled down.


The water streams poured down like rain. With such a large quantity, it was impossible to withstand even with an S-rank skill. Gakuto's face turned pale as he looked around in the scorching heat. It was amusing to see him become like a soaked rat.

"The arena is a limited space on the beach."

Yerim smiled brightly.

"No, no. If it's on the beach, no matter where you run, the conditions are such that I can only win."

The seawater continued to rush in, and the wet ground cracked and collapsed even more. Yerim, who was floating in the air, looked down at Gakuto.

"Hey, I'll extend the penalty of the arena location to the beach. Try your best to run away."


"If you can't catch me within an hour, I lose. How about it? Wow, Park Yerim, you've been really generous. You're so lenient."

Gakuto's face turned red with humiliation.

Rumble, the arena floor completely collapsed, and the water rose. We should issue an evacuation order.


note: just a fan translation not 100% accurate

notmineecreators' thoughts