
The runaway WITCH and the criminal VAMPIRE

In a blink of an eye ,without themselves realising ,Violet and a vampire got married. Two complete strangers,both with their own reasons are willing to live under the same roof. A most wanted Vampire and a Witch who is determined to make money and pay off her mother's debt, what possibly would go wrong? Aren't they both a bit similar? Just wanting to be free

Ancient_feet · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Violet-Gold Hart.Age 16

warning>>>there is mention of s*xual assu*lt in this chapter. Please skip this cbapter if you are sensitive to the topic /feel uncomfortable about such topics.


I have always been a failure. A failure of a daughter , a failure of a sister and now I am a failure to call myself an author!!!

My mother raised me and my two sisters as a single parent , it was really hard for her but to raise her three children along with heavy debt , I couldn't do anything but helplessly eat the food my mother worked so hard to earn.

From us siblings , I am the eldest , my name is Violet-Gold Hart , the youngest is , Ruby-Sky Fin and the middle child is , Sky-Whale Hart.

Yes , there is a man who lives with us , my step father , though I never liked to even consider him as my father or as my stepfather . He is also my youngest sister's father. Though he is married to my mother , it always feels as though she is the only parent to us three . Therefore I always mention her as a single parent at school but that caused many problems and confusions, since most the teacher knew my mother had a husband.

It's really sickening how lowly he calls us , "Bitches!! Dogs!! Cursed !!" ... Sky and I call him as Fin, his last name. He doesn't even deserves to be called a father if he calls us bitches, that's what me and my sister thought once he and my mother got back together after months of fighting and separation.

My youngest sister was born just last year and Fin seems to have lighten up a bit, smiling a bit now and then but not a good person though. He has started drinking and he searches for the smallest thing , the smallest unimportant topic to start off a fight with mother.

My poor mother after three marriages and she never found love. She has always been an obedient person and she always tries her best to love the life she is living . She tries so hard to make our life comfortable .

Months ago she tried so hard to love Fin. She thought that they may still work out things and if she gave birth to his child perhaps, he will soften up a bit but he seemed disappointed when he found out there will be another girl joining our house but as Ruby started to grow , her beauty and mischievous behaviour seems to make Fin proud.

I have to say Ruby lessened the storm in our home a little and I thank her for that.

My mother is a playful person, tries to lighten up the mood in the room and tease her husband but unfortunately Fin is short tempered and throws a fit . He says this and that , twists my mother's words and protraits her in such a way that she looks like the bad person , hah! The irony, Fin is the one who ruins our days and yet he calls my mother the villian.

I suppose men never change so quickly.

Even my father wished for a son but I suppose me and Sky chose to be born as a girl and seems as though my father is not so proud of our choice. After I turned three or perhaps four and Sky was perhaps one or two , we along with mother left father at his crooked house where he lives with his new wife who has five children from her previous partner and now my father and her has not given birth to any son or a daughter.

My mother has been struggling with debt for a long time now and our family is not financially stable either and it seems that our finance problem is also one of the reason why my mother is baring with this monster wearing a human skin, my stepfather.

She advices me to bare a little while longer with his tantrums and everything will be alright .She tells me to speak more politely with him , put my ego aside and he perhaps will pay for my school fee when I join highschool. Highschool in our Witch world is terribly expensive and my mother hopes I will at least finish highschool , get a decent job and be able to set good example for my sisters.

But I tell her that I don't show any ego when I talk with Fin , I simply am impolite to him since he calls her a bitch and my sister and I, daughter of bitches , I even tell her that when I was young he touched my breastfeeding, so I have no reason to respect him but she says the same thing as always, "People will never hear him calling us bitches nor will they ever see what an evil person he is within but all their eyes will see is a young girl mistreating her father. Do you want them to think I didn't raise you to be a good girl?"

" He is not my FATHER!"I tell her whenever she mentions Fin as my father. Even if my father wasn't the best there is all east he would never call me badnames nor would he touch me inappropriately.

Calling attention to yourself , causing drama or simply filing a case against your father is very troublesome in my world. Filing a case for s*xual harrassment against my stepfather would only be useless but only feed more topics for the local community to badmouth about my mother's parenting. Besides the transportation fees from our house to the police station then to the court would only cost tonnes of money. It would only burden my mother even more.

I just had to. Had to think of a way to solve our problems and I had to take down the problem from it's root. I had to earn money to pay off my mother's debt and then, my mother could easily file for divorce and then we would live happily in our little house without Fin.

My mother tells me when you file for a divorce , the one who asks for divorce has to pay a heavy amount to the other person whom they want to divorce with . Since my mother has very less money she can't divorce Fin and so , I set of on a journey to earn money.

Technically I ran away from home because my mother really wants me to finish my education and there is no way she will let me go to some foreign land to earn money. You know what they say , "Family's before education." Well no one says that or anything nor is it a good sentence to advice someone but I can continue my studies once I become rich, I hope.

But I wouldn't be able to concentrate in my studies when that stupid Fin I was in house. I used to be a good student I won't lie but ever-increasing he entered our house I have been doing very poorly in school. Maybe it's mys fault that I didn't concentrate since the cojtrol over our mind is but our own . But with Fin and mother fighting and quarrelling I would just sleep and not do my homework so that I wouldn't cry at night.

Well that's just how I started on my road to become RICH...