
The runaway princess and wicked prince

Banestha Margory was the 2nd princess of the Westindels country . she had beautiful pink hair that shined like roses covered with dew , her eyes were blue like jewels . The princess had a carefree attitude, her dad the emperor wanted to marry her to the prince from the Janesta empire . The prince ,was known for his cruelty and mysterious aura . This story shows the escape of princess from the marriage and meeting the Main lead .who had whitish purple hair and green eyes like emerald .. The main story starts when a serious of murder happens in the cruise they are travelling

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19 Chs

Details -Spouse Amanda Gregory

The nights was cold and the waves were rough.

the laughter in the cruise was not heard anymore .Everyone locked their doors in fear of encountering the cold blooded murderer.


Bane woke up , had breakfast as usual and locked her room . she was engrossed in thoughts of the murder case .

Bane never sensed any unusual movement while the lights went of last night . As a swordswoman Bane could have felt the slightest move .Bane was sure that someone greatly skilled in martial arts was the murderer

That day noon , Bane and John came to the dinning hall as they had fixed a time .

The crew gave John a file which had information of the person who died last night .

Bane told John that it would be better to discuss about this in a closed room , so Bane invited John to her room .

John spoke "A stranger like me coming to a lady's room , how can that be appropriate?"

Bane smile and said that she was fine if it is John as John is not just any stranger but a precious friend.

Hearing the word Precious John blushed and muttered "precious!"

"sorry i didnt hear you ,you spoke too softly" bane asked .

John said that it was nothing and He will come to bane's room to discuss about the case .

The gaurd was told to stay out of the room .


inside banestha's room

Banestha prepared some tea and snacks for john , they sat down on the table .

John opened the file .

The details were as such -

"The man who died was a noble from the Westindels, he was a married man and he came on the cruise alone with no one to accompany. ,he was offered a free ticket to enjoy the travel in a luxurious cruise by a company ''

'His spouse also was a noble and Her name was Amanda Gregory ,they were married just two years ago '.

'The man was a buisness man and did not have many rivals or enemies big and cruel enough to murder him . as he was deeply in

love with his wife he never had an affair .'

After reading the details provided , Bane and John were confused . why would someone kill a man who have no buisness rivals or illegal affairs ? and what is the meaning of the carving done on the body ? How are the carvings related to the murder ? .

After discussing it was already time for dinner .

As the banquet hall in the right-east part of the ship was closed due to the murder everyone gathered at the south-east banquet hall . This banquet was sponsored by an unknown guest. Even the crews did not know who the sponsorer was .

Bane dressed up in beautiful Green dress , she looked absolutely gorgeous.

Bane left her hair open . Bane wanted to enjoy the banquet and forget about the stress of last night murder atleast for few hours .

This time the people attending the banquet drastically reduced . almost 30% of people were not there . John joined the banquet shortly after the entrance of bane .

Akinar did not join the banquet as he was sick .

The banquet continued and everyone danced and ate .

The crews were in a hurry serving glassess of wine.

everyone present at the banquet wanted to forget last night's incident so they were drinking wine to release their stress .

Suddenly a waiter triped on something and the glass of red wine he had spell on the floor .

He hurriedly apologized to everyone around the table and bent down to clean the spilled wine ;

Lifting the table cloth he saw ........