
The RUDRA World: The World That Cries (Moved to a New Link)

Rudra means "the roarer," "dreadful," or "formidable." Ram, a normal office-going person from Gurgaon, India, had everything in his life. He was not exactly pampered, and being a middle child, a lot could agree on this, but his life took a turn when he found himself transmigrated to a new world. This world was something new for him; he had never read a novel or played any game to get a basic understanding of the situation. But in the darkest of times, there is always a flicker of light. Ding! "Welcome host; you have entered the Rudra world." "Why is there a voice in my head?" "Have I really lost it?" "Host, I am the system provided to you by the supreme will to guide you." "Wait, so you're a system, designed by the CEO of the US company Supreme, Will." System: "..." How will a person who has no clue about the fantasy or cultivation world survive in his new environment? Let’s see how Ram finds his way while evolving himself and conquering evil. _____________________________________________________________ Some points about the book 1. This is a new cultivation world story with different cultivation elements. It doesn't involve Qi or mana but uses "Prana" (Prana is an actual thing used in the yogic culture in India for the past 20,000 years), so anyone who likes to read a cultivation or fantasy story but wants something new could give it a try. 2. Though the character has a system with him, do note that that system is there to only guide him, not make him overpowered. 3. The protagonist does act silly at times, but it is to be expected as he is new to the system and cultivation, and you will realise sooner that he is actually very smart. 4. The character will evolve naturally as a human does in real life after learning their lesson; there will be no harem, but romance in the future is to be expected, and as the story progresses, there will be a lot of tension and definitely blood spilling and slaughters. 5. The main protagonist doesn't kill with overpowering strengths; he often uses his wits to outsmart the situation and trap the enemy before killing them. 6.Since this is my first time writing anything, there may be a few ‘You know what I mean"s here and there. I'm developing alongside Ram as the story unfolds. I wish you all a blessed and joyful day. _____________________________________________________________

RasikBairagi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
66 Chs


"Father, this is not right. We can't do this."

"Hanu, you have still not learned how to understand on a deeper level, so hereby I give you the order that once this situation is solved, you have to leave the village for 3 years and travel the world and learn from your observations."

Hanu, after hearing this, became very sad but still bowed in the direction of his father and said

"I understand."

"Ram, get yourself ready; tomorrow morning you will leave with the security team for the neighbouring village."

Ram nodded, then took his leave and left.


At the secret world.

Now you can send in the notifications.


"The host has successfully traded with a mysterious merchant for a level 4 item and has made a personal connection with the merchant for future trade. Hence, the host is being rewarded with 10 times the value of the traded item."

"The host is recommended to check his status window and redeem the reward."

"System directly redeem the reward."

"Out of thin air, in front of Ram, a small gift box appeared."

As usual, he opened it, and here it was: a mask.

Ram caught it in his hand and looked at it closely, and a small window opened above the mask.

Name: Void mask

Quality: Divine

This mask can block every divination and hide a person's information or cultivation from others without anyone knowing that the wearer is wearing a mask. The wearer can also change his look with the mask. No one at level 9 or below could counter this product.

"This is a very good item."

When he first saw the mask, he remembered a certain Hollywood film he saw when he was a kid, where a person turns green after wearing a mask. He didn't want that, but at least that is not happening, so all is well. He doesn't want to look like a green-skinned person walking the streets.

No one was able to see his information, which was a good thing. He had a lot of important things on him and would like to remain hidden if possible. Low-key was the term he preferred. Being able to change the look through the mask was the feature he liked the most.

Then Ram took out the Level 2 body pill he got from the trade with the village chief and observed it closely.

"I can only see and feel the mixture of prana inside the pills; I can't make anything out of it."

Ram ate the brown-coloured circular pill, and the pill instantly dissolved inside his body, and he could feel the burst of prana entering his soul through the pill. He started using the universe's cultivation to digest all of the prana, and after a certain time when the effect of the pill dissolved, he opened his eyes in confusion.

"System, what is the meaning of this? "Was this pill supposed to increase my physical cultivation? Why didn't it do anything?"

"Host this pill; it is supposed to increase the physical cultivation of all the cultivators in level 2 or below, but not you."

"What do you mean? I am also level 2, why not me?"

"Host, you are cultivating the new way. This cultivation increases every aspect together and is linked together, so only increasing physical strength is not possible. So the prana in the pill dissipated, entered the soul, and integrated into every law, soul, body, spirit, and mind. Hence, this pill didn't increase anything major in you."

Ram felt heartbroken after hearing this.

"Doesn't it mean that I might need a pill that is 3 or 4 levels above me to get a breakthrough?"

"Yes, host, you would need a pill of higher levels, while also keeping in mind that the prana in the pill is not too much for you to digest or you might explode and die."

Ram shook his head in disappointment. The purpose of making and using this cultivation technique was so that he didn't waste too much time cultivating individually, but here he was, and it was taking more time than normally just to advance. If he had known this might happen, he might have only cultivated one thing, not all, but now he could not change his cultivation technique as his body shattered and reformed according to the universe's cultivation.

"What is the point of the anti-poison pill then? It's a waste for me."

"Host, The anti-poison pill is just adding a new attribute to yourself; it's not increasing one's cultivation. So it can be used. but host be warned: Any new attribute added will become part of the cultivation technique and get merged with the cultivation."

"Does this mean that if I eat the anti-poison pill, I will later on also distribute prana to the anti-poison law as it becomes part of my cultivation?"

"Yes, host, and there is no anti-poison law; there is a poison law; cultivating the poison law will automatically make you resistant to the poison of the same level."

"System, this universe cultivation is a mistake by me; can I change this feature somehow and not add any more new attributes to the already existing cultivation technique?"

"Host, I don't know; you tell me."

Ram shook his head in disappointment; he already knew the answer to this. If he had known about this feature of his cultivation technique, he might not have named it 'universe," but rather 'magnet.' As everything got attached to it.

"There is no point complaining now."

"I'll think about adding this new poison law attribute to my cultivation later."

Then Ram spent the next half year in the secret world cultivating and honing his weapon-wielding and fighting technique while also combining and experimenting with different elemental pranas together with his body and weapon and seeing the result. While experimenting, he noticed that no matter which elemental prana he used along with the "forgiveness," it was lethal. The only thing was that when he used the totality of all pranas together, the damage done was greater than using individual elemental prana. Using individual elemental prana with his body or weapon could only have a good effect when used creatively.

Yes, 'forgiveness' was the name he had thought up for a level 4 Blood Red spear.
