


Isaac Calland

/"That's it for today./" I said as I got up from my seat, /"Give me the notes before we go to Italy./" I said to my secretary.

/"Yes, Mr. Calland./" She answered and I walked out from the meeting room. I walked towards my office and I looked at Linnea disbelief. She fell asleep on the sofa and I quickly closed the door. I quietly walked towards my table to put my iPad and phone.

I walked towards her quietly and looked at her shaking my head. She's wearing a tight black dress with a thin strap and she's wearing a highheels too. God, are you trying to test me? I kneeled in front of her and poked her lightly.

/"Linnea.. wake up./" I said and she opened her eyes slowly.

/"You're done?/" She asked and I nodded.

/"Why didn't you go?/"