


Juliet Calland

I stepped into my house in Norway and guest what? I gave Nadine's project to other designer. I couldn't do it, I've tried too many times but I just can't do it.

My parents were surprised to see me coming home all of the sudden. My mother got up from the sofa in the living room walking towards me.

/"Juliet, are you okay?/" She asked and I hugged her right away. I burst into tears right away. I've been holding my emotions for days while trying to design the engagement dress for Nadine.

My heart was hurting so much that I couldn't handle it anymore.

/"Who hurt you?/" My father asked in an angry tone.

/"Who hurt who?/" I heard Jayson's voice.

/"Let's go to your room, let's talk./" My mother grabbed my hand and dragged me to my room upstairs. I was crying non-stop and she kept trying to calm me down.

She locked my door and sat me on the bed. She patted my hand and wiped my tears.