
Chapter 63

Amanda Estelle

"Are you sure? I can rent an aparteme-" Logan gestured to me to shut my mouth.

"You can stay here." I turned to see Queen Melissa walking to me.

"Your Highness." I bowed to her and she stood beside me.

"It's okay to stay here in the palace besides you two will have your royal engagement soon." She said and I smiled at her.

"Thankyou so much."

"Logan, I would like to talk to Amanda for a bit. Do you mind?" She turned to Logan and he gestured her to take me. Queen Melissa put her hand on my back and led me to the 2nd floor.

"Did you settle your company well?" She asked.

"Yes, Your Highness. It's all settle." I said snd she opened the door. I'm assuming that this room is her study room. She gestured me to come in and she closed the door.

"Amanda, I want to apologize for everything I did in the past. I saw that my son really loves you and decided to accept you as our family." She smiled.