
THE Royal+Ordinary life

A girl who was born in the royal family. Whose enemies are the people of her family. Who never discriminates against anyone, gives equal respect to all, she is very kind hearted,Who wants to be something in her life so that she can make a different identity for herself, the name of our main female lead is krisha. All is not good in krisha's life, she gets cheated by many people in her life. krishawants to leave the royal life and live the ordinary life like others, krisha is taught to fight with her family and relatives like uncle's in her life for her dream. krisha is ready to do anything for her family. Apart from this, she is a playful and less talkative girl. She is very interested in love ,She wants that she should be in love with someone who loves her not by her royalty or not by her money who is true to her heart.

Penola · Masa Muda
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9 Chs

Rescue mission part1

The queen was feel comfortable and relief after knowing about his fathers friend. She tell him all the story of her Life after pregnancy period. she is crying while telling him all story. she is afraid of her daughter's future.

Ohh!!...my dear please stop crying if you cry like this then how can you save your daughter, you have to faith on God. he is sending me here to help you. the priest tells queen about his Next plan.

Now listen carefully. The priest says to The queen. You want you daughter's safety right then love your daughter last time Couse we are sending her so far away from here.

The queen heart was stop for a seconds because of listening to the priest words. The queen says, please if my daughter's life will be saved by doing this then I'll do whatever you do but how can we sends her far away from here.

The all guards was still searching market end near temple area's, the queen said, if we go out side then we might be caught by them.

Dear you are safe here but you can't go out side come follow me pointing to them Under group river. the priest said's.


But how can we manage to send her safety from here." The Queen said "

Just leave it to me and loves your daughter as much as you can. "Priest said "

Everyone search every corner in this city we want her at back to the palace at any cost.ohkyy!! Chief..

Each soilder is checking and searching for Queen and princess.

They going every village and civilizations house and interrogate with them. Everyone says they didn't saw any Lady with baby.

The Priest pressed a rock from the wall of that room and a secret path opened. which was directly connected to a river.

Queen please follow me and make steps carefully because this way is slepry. " Priest said".

Where we are going. "Queen ask "

We are going to somewhere like no one knows you. A place who gives you and princess a safe better life.

Steps carefully, okay."priest said".

But how can we manage to send her safety from here." The Queen said "

Just leave it to me and loves your daughter as much as you can. "Priest said "

Everyone search every corner in this city we want her at back to the palace at any cost.ohkyy!! Chief..

Each soilder is checking and searching for Queen and princess.

They going every village and civilizations house and interrogate with them. Everyone says they didn't saw any Lady with baby.

My baby I know you will only ever be able to see my face now. M I'll not There for you when you need me but still remember your mother always love you . " Queen said all this to her daughter while crying "

"Sometimes a little bit of time is enough to love someone but after that you know this because you not gonna see that person in your life it's pain like a death".

Princess looking at her mother through her beautiful black eyes.

I'm sorry my daughter i have to let you go from here because of your safety, you know your mother and father wishes for your happy and successful life. "Queen said to her daughter while carsing her hair and kissed her forehead"

A tear drop rolled out from her eyes and landed on Princess' Cheek the Princess smile and giggled.


Are you sure it's safe for princess? " Queen asked to priest",

Don't worry my child it's safe for her, and there is someones who will help us into this.

Who is it!?."Queen said"

Wait he is on the way... ,oh here they are. "Priest said while pointing at the man's direction".

Hail the Queen! "They both bowing to queen with respect "

Queen I'm the person who gonna protect princess and safely rescuing her from this dangerous place. "That man said ".

My child meet Lieutenant "Rayman Kasyap "

And "Maya shrivastav" they will take both of you for here to a safe place. "Priest said while introducing them to Queen".

But where will we go? " Queen ask ".

Don't worry Queen we both are the spacially trained for hard situation, " Male lieutenant said".

Queen please follow me we don't have time, that solider will caught us at any time.

Everyone go to the boats area there is a ship, everyone ready to leave that tmple expected the priest.


God will help you my child don't worry I'll manage here and they both will lead you to a safe place. Princess life will saved now. "Priest said"

Sure, I'll try to rewrite that part using the tips I suggested. Here is how it could look like:

The queen held her daughter close to her chest, feeling her tiny heartbeat. She kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear, "My baby, I know you will only ever see my face now. I won't be there for you when you need me, but always remember that your mother loves you more than anything." A tear rolled down her cheek and landed on the princess's soft skin. The princess smiled and giggled, unaware of the danger they were in.

"I'm sorry, my daughter, I have to let you go for your safety. You know your mother and father wish for your happiness and success in life," the queen said, caressing her hair. She looked into her dark eyes, full of curiosity and innocence, and felt a surge of pain and love. She wished she could keep her forever, but she knew she had to make this sacrifice.

She turned to the priest, who was waiting patiently by her side. "Are you sure it's safe for her?" she asked, hoping for some reassurance.

"Don't worry, my child, it's safe for her. And there are some people who will help us with this," the priest said, pointing at the direction of a man and a woman who were approaching them.

"Hail, the queen!" they both bowed respectfully.

"Queen, I'm the person who is going to protect the princess and safely rescue her from this dangerous place," the man said confidently. He introduced himself as Lieutenant Rayman Kasyap, and the woman as Maya Shrivastav. They were both specially trained for hard situations, he said.

"But where will we go?" the queen asked, feeling anxious.

"Please, follow me, we don't have much time. The soldiers will catch us any minute," the woman said, urging them to hurry.

They followed her to the docks, where a ship was waiting to take them away from the danger. The queen looked back at the temple, where the priest was still standing. He smiled and nodded at her, as if to say goodbye and good luck.

"God will help you, my child. Don't worry, I'll manage here. And they will lead you to a safe place. The princess's life will be saved now," the priest said, blessing them.

*The ship sailed away from the shore, leaving behind the temple and the priest. The queen watched as they faded into the distance, feeling a mix of sadness and relief. She held her daughter in her arms, hoping that she would be safe and happy in her new life. She wondered if she would ever see her again, or if she would ever know the truth about her birth and destiny.

Lieutenant Kasyap and Maya Shrivastav stood by her side, guarding her from any possible threat. They looked at each other, knowing that they had a difficult mission ahead of them. They had to take the princess to a secret location, where she would be raised by a loyal and trustworthy family. They had to protect her from the king's enemies, who wanted to kill her or use her for their own purposes. They had to keep her identity hidden, until the time was right for her to reclaim her throne and restore peace to the kingdom.

They also had a secret of their own, that they could not reveal to anyone, not even to the queen. They were not just soldiers, but also spies. They worked for a mysterious organization, known as the Resistance, that opposed the king's tyranny and corruption. They had infiltrated the palace and the army, and had learned about the prophecy that foretold the birth of the princess. They had decided to help the priest and the queen, not only because they believed in the prophecy, but also because they had a personal connection to the princess. They were her biological parents.

I'm sorry guys for late update but I promise next chapter I'll upload soon okhy read this chapter and support Penola ✅ thankyou for view and comments

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