With little time to get into the shoes of her identical sister Princess Ariana is forced to marry Prince Liam of St Lucia in place of her sister Princess Brianna after her suspicious disappearnce. For someone who doesn't believe in love she is now saddled with the responsibility of pretending to be in love with Prince Liam while also being careful not to get caught because it would result to a dire consequence for her family. Things began to get bitter sweat when a mysterious man comes in with news about her post identical twin and she also began to go fight her internal battles as associated with marrying a prince
The lady walked slowly towards Iris, Iris's heart beat increased, at some point, it felt like her heart was going to stop, she used her hands to gently touch her chest in a bid to calm a nervous tissues. She got to where Iris was sitting at the middle of the large room, she squatted before Iris. The lady took off her spectacles, " princess Arianna " Iris exclaimed surprisingly within herself, opening her eyes wide as she gasped. " I knew all along that there was something not right about this journey, I knew it ! " Iris regretted within herself.
" Hello little friend ( Arainna hailed with an awkward smile ) I am sure we won't be needing an introduction ? " She asked, however not smiling anymore. Iris gave no reply, and still maintained her bow.
Arianna stood on her feet. She removed the shawl, her hair fell to her back with easiness. She stretched the shawl to the direction of the men, not looking at them, one of them took it immediately with great reverence.
" How on earth does princess Arainna know these kind of people? ( Iris wondered within herself ) she had known no where else but the palace walls; how is it even possible? What I'm I going to say now! ( Iris moved a bit, reminding herself that she was seriously pressed ) oh Iris sadly it's over for you!... ( Iris paused thinking Abit ). However ( she continued ) on a second thought, I am quite sure that princess Arianna had not caught me red handed, I must never play a fool. I won't! " Iris concluded within herself.
Arianna walked to her and squatted again. " It's over Iris, this little game of yours that you have been playing is over, where the hell is my sister, Brianna ? " Arianna asked her menacingly
" Princess Brianna! pardon me my lady, but I really don't know what you're talking about " Iris said still bowing, and almost whispering.
" Iris I don't have to go about proving that you know what has been going in these past months. I am not going to bother with the fact that you're very aware that I am not Brianna. There has been so many mysterious happenings around my life and the palace, and I know that you have been directly involved. I am giving you the very chance of confessing this wicked things you have done yourself, perhaps your punishments might become lighter, however if you do not, then how great your pain shall be. I am just going to plead for one thing, save mine time; because I gat alot to do, don't make me keep repeating my self " Arianna said sounding very mean. Iris was silent.
One of the men made a move to hit her, Arainna quickly stopped him with a wave of her hand. " That won't be necessary, we wouldn't be hitting nobody today. I am set out to be nice this time. " Arianna said with a cooked smile. Iris opened her mouth to catch a breathe, as she felt like she was loosing all the air left inside of her to breathe.
" So I ask again Iris; where is Brianna ? " Arainna asked standing up to her feet and walking few distance away from Iris. Iris was silent again.
" I won't make the mistake of Saying anything that would implicate me to princess Arianna. I'd keep working with the much informations she feeds me with. I can't just yeild to her little threats, perhaps she doesn't even know much; all this could just be her little schemes to suck me dry of informations, I won't fall too quickly, Iris you're way smarter. " Iris said within herself raising her head to look at Arianna, hardening her heart even more.
Arianna cell phone rings, she quickly walks outside to pick the call...
Arianna walks in again minutes later, she walks to Iris again. " You look so innocent, but sadly you're not. What did you do with my sister? You have been her personal maid, what happened the day before her wedding ceremony ? Arianna asked again looking very impatient
" I already told you my princess, there must have been a mix-up somewhere, I sincerely don't know what you're talking about, I honestly don't know that anything had even happened to princess Brianna. Please my princess believe me,( Iris said opening her hands, as if wanting to plead for something ) I have always loved princess Brianna so much, I could never do anything to hurt her. " Iris said trying to get away with her lige.
Arainna was quiet for a while. " Please I want to ease my self " Iris said acting like a mouse that had been dipped in a pool. Both men looked at Arianna. She gave her consent with a wave of the hand.
The men pointed at a door inside of the room, " how is it even possible that I did not even recognize that a door had been here ? " Iris said using her eyes to scan if there was any way of escape. She walked into the little toilet, there wasn't even a window, Iris was disappointed. She just eased her self, and returned to her spot, where she gently sat down again.
" Iris I have been lenient enough ( Arainna began speaking, without looking at Iris ) but you have first of all taken my leniency for granted, of which I normally do not allow; but I choose to forgive you. However I have said earlier, that I have quite alot to do. Send them in " Arianna instructed with a snap of her fingers. The men left in hurry. Iris used her eyes to follow after them, " who are they sending in ? " Iris wondered in serious fear.
Iris nearly collapsed as the men returned. They dragged a woman and a little boy along them, it was her mother and brother.