
The winner

(Roses mind) "keep clam Rose, there's at least five hundred young lady out here right now, I have a 99% chance I won't be selected." (A man brings the big box to stage, the man put his hand in the big box, the man start speaking) "AND THE WINNER ISSSS... (Roses mind) "(nervous) come on come on" (mans voice) "...ROSE MENDEZ!!" (Roses heart drops and she couldn't even move she was a statue) (prince Hunters face grew surprised and shocked to hear that name) (Mans voice) "Rose Mendez please come up to the stage now!!" (Rose starts walk towards the stage) (Roses mind) "(nervous) guess I shouldn't have underestimated that 1%" (The crowd starts cheering, but Rose can see hatred and jealousy in their eyes)(Rose was nervously waving her hand to the crowd)(when Rose was taking her time getting up on the stage, prince Hunter was glancing at her the whole time, when Rose was waving her hand nervously, Rose glanced at prince Hunter and there eyes meet each other, prince Hunter looked away first and blushed a little while his back was turned, Rose was clueless as to why he was looking at her in the first place, when the ceremony was over, prince Hunter was walking towards the exit behind the stage as Rose followed behind, and behind prince Hunter and Rose where the knights, when one of the knights tapped Rose on the shoulder , and Rose looked back nervously yet curious, and all she saw was a brown haired, green eyes young man telling her)"hey".