
The Royal Arrogance

[#slowburn romance] [Warning : Some chapters may contain mature content] Excerpt #1 "Wait . What are you doing?" she rushed towards me and grabbed my wrist ; her hands are so small and thin . but she soon came to realisation and took her hand from my wrist. "I'm taking my overcoat " I said and looked at her face ;she glanced the overcoat and bit her lower lips .Then I understood and grinned at her. "it seems like you like my coat very much , so you can keep it with yourself " I leaned and whispered in her ear . Her wet hair dangling near her ear , I want to stroke her wet hair , behind her red ears,softly . It seems she's blushing. "it's not the coat . it's just the scent is nice , that's all", she muttered . I was a bit taken back after hearing her reason , I thought of various reasons , but I've never thought my scent made her like this . I'm somewhat feeling happy . -------------------------------------------------------- Augusta Canmore , a royal Princess of a small country named Gaul. Today , she's getting married to Arthur , the Prince of Zaire country for the sake of her nation , it's a political marriage. Arthur ignores her and didn't even attend his own wedding thinks she's a spy sent by his uncle . But , Augusta misunderstands it's because of Emma , the mistress of Arthur. But deep down in her heart ,she knows; she didn't come here to be his obedient wife and she didn't expect love and loyalty from him. If she had a chance , she'll kill him with her own hands because he's the one who killed her parents. When the misunderstandings unfolds one by one, Edward , who's cousin of Arthur interested in Augusta ; creates conflicts between Arthur and Augusta . Then ,there is William , who's father of Edward aiming for the throne . Will this two able to clear the misunderstanding and stand against William? [ I took the cover page from another source . If the owner claims it , I can take it down]

scarlet_marigold · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter-4 : Her Arrogance .

Arthur's Pov:

"Babe , you've to bring justice to me , Waah!"; Emma's sobbing by holding my arms and rubbing against me . Doesn't she can't be a little bit restrained? it's disgusting.

What about the one I married ? I married her , because of those bastards. I didn't even attend the wedding ceremony , so she won't expect anything from me and live quietly in this place. As well as I don't trust her .

There's no marriage between Royalties like olden days . She purposefully wanted to marry me and even their small country requested the marriage first . Then , she was chosen by those people . Maybe, she's a spy like Emma.

I didn't expel Emma , because if I do that . Those people would get alert . Even though, I know all her acts , I continued to play along . Now it's another trouble.

it's annoying she's still clinging into my arms . Gosh , it's better to get away from this , but still it's quite intriguing to think about my wife punished Emma. Now ,I'm interested in seeing her.

"Ellios , we shall go to my wife's place ." I said in eerie voice , so she will think I'm raging in anger for her . I left my office and went to my so called wife's place. I've to continue to act , because I don't know if she's really a spy or not.

I opened the door as if I'm in a rage , but as I saw her face , I was astonished . I've seen many beautiful women,but she has a charm around her ; It's captivating. No men can ignore her.

Even though I'm emitting a cold aura, she doesn't bothered by that ;if it's other person, they'll wet their pants .I have to continue my act.

"You..How dare you do this to her ?" I shouted at her. Though it seems she's indifferent . Oh my ! How intriguing.

"Though it's true , Who are you?" , she gave me a cold menacing gaze. Indeed , she didn't see me in the wedding ceremony , so I shall tell her. I've to continue my act as a lover boy.

"I'm Arthur Howard , your husband ", I furrowed and gritted my teeth.

"Oh I thought , I got married to a paper", she smirked . God ,I thought she was a puppy , who would have thought that she's a fiery cat . But, she had touched the wrong button , I've got pride too , women. I can't let her to insult me. Even though, I married her , because of their country's request ,How dare she talk to me like that?

"You....never test my patience .Tell me , why did you do that to her ?", I yelled at her and even before I realized my hands are strangling her neck . But surprisingly , she didn't even lose her composure and seeing me with her eyes filled with contempt . Why ? Didn't she willingly married me . Then , why is she looking at me with her scornful eyes ? Somehow I feel irritated .

"Take your filthy hands from my neck" , she shouted with all her might .It surprised me , If I just pushed another go , she could have been dead by now . She didn't even cry or beg me to spare her. I loosened my grip and stood back . What have I done to her ? I'm regretting.

"Don't show your arrogant attitude with me", she's furrowed and her eyes are glaring . I'm taking back my words , she doesn't need an ounce of sympathy from me

She asked me what I want and sat down , without even looking at me or saying anything like 'sit down' . She doesn't even have hospitality . I sat down without her permission and asked why did she make her kneel .

She said Emma Didn't respect her , as a part of royalty she wants respect , then what about her respect to me , I clenched my fists and said a lie , that I gave the order to Emma not to bow anyone.

She mocked me by saying is that something I should be proud and even mocked about my country saying there's no etiquette . In the moment , my anger took over and said something stupid , that even led to another trouble.

Finally the conversation led to change my country into democratic system ; it's my fault to underestimate her . But , I'm the final boss here . I warned her by saying she's powerless here. Her face went pale. I looked her bruises and went out . I said a maid to give her ointment . Then I returned to my office .

I looked through the files , but I can't concentrate at all . Her face , her attitude all flashed into my mind . I called my personal secretary ,Liam ; he's also my close friend from childhood. Liam and Ellios are the only people I trust in this place .

I asked him a cup of coffee and he asked me ,'What happened?'. He can tell just by looking at my face . I can't hide anything from him . I blurted out the entire situation . He burst out in his laughter. I'm an idiot to say all the things with him.

"It's enough , Liam . I'm already irritated by her arrogance ", I sighed.

" it's just I've never thought she'd mock you and insult you. I'm interested to see her ." he laughed , I glared at him . he cleared his throat.

" I mean ,Ladies like loyal man ;not the one , who didn't even attend the wedding and came looking for her at the middle of the night , just to talk about his mistress ." he said .

I see. I played along with the act like I'm caring for Emma , that's why her attitude was like that . Though I can't reveal my intentions without knowing her purpose.

"Liam , I'll go for a walk a bit in the garden and go back to my room. You can close the office door ." I said and he nodded. I wore my overcoat , because it's always brisky in this time .

I walked to my usual place , but I saw a silhouette . It's Augusta. She just staring at the reflection of the moon in the water without noticing my presence . She's all alone in this place , what if someone tried to kill her .

"Why are you here , without any bodyguards with you", I approached her , she turned her gaze towards me .

Her eyes are red , it looks like she cried ; is someone bullying her ? there's no way like that can happen with her attitude .

"Don't worry, I won't die so soon .If it's not you", she said silently , the words didn't have any hidden meaning behind it. Somehow her low voice urged me to tease her . I smiled and said I won't kill her with my own hands , so she can be rest assured.

After hearing , she gave a look like 'what's there to be rest assured ' and mocked me again . It seems , she doesn't want to lose with me . But , somewhat I didn't feel irritated as before , she seems more like a child now.

I went into my own reverie and didn't reply her . By seeing her close , her black hair is graceful dangling to her waist . Her dark brown eyes are shining clearly in the moon shade. She's shivering a bit . It's still brisky here. She stood up and turned back to leave.

"Here ", I put my overcoat around her. Her eyes widened by seeing my actions . Her surprised look is more amusing .I turned around and went back to my room . My mind subconsciously registered her surprised look , if I looked back then , she was really cute .I smiled and went to sleep .

I usually wake up at 5am and workout for 2 hours . I had a call from Liam reminding about Tonight's party . I'll always go alone if it's not a couple party . If it's before, I would have took Emma , But I'm a married man now. Why should I leave my beautiful wife here all alone. I was rather curious about her expressions after asking her to be my partner .

I washed up and went her room . I knocked the door . She said come in and I opened the door . She is half naked and sitting in the dressing table , drying her hair.

"You help me to dry my hair", she said by looking at her hair . Her wet hair against her white jade skin. No one can hold himself back . But I'm more interested in her expression .

"Who are you ordering ?" I raised my brow to look more naturally.

"You..You pervert .Why are you in my room ?" She shattered and stepped back a few steps ; she looked like a fiery cat who was petted in her tummy . She was flustered and more surprised ; she suddenly realized her clothes and covered the chest area with her hands.

Her face and her body type is absolutely my type . But I want to tease her more . If she wears dress and make up , her confidence will rise again .I shall make a good use of this situation .My internal demon has awakened by her .

"Just now , You allowed me ", I chuckled by her bewildered look on her face . Is she not aware,how cute is she? .

"I thought it was a maid ,now get out", she pointed her finger towards the door . Oh my , I won't leave untill I get enough of it (note : he means expressions).

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