
Night 4

Tommy stood there huffing and puffing as blood dribbled down his forehead. He never expected the two teens to push him back so much since he heard they were nothing more than street rats. While gritting his teeth he opened his inventory and scrolled down the item he wanted was something he got from a hooded figure passing through the slums every week. His eyes filled with glee as his mouth contorted into a sickening grin.

"HAHAHA This is the end for you two dipshits!" shouted Tommy as Jules and Yuri was a few feet away from the man.

He took out a small pellet and ingested it causing red smoke to escape his body as he screamed out in agony.

"What the hell?" muttered Jules to himself as he sensed Tommy's power explode.

Tommy changed after he ate the pellet. His entire body became twice as bulky as grey spikes escaped his spine and shoulders green veins were all on his body glowing brightly, his sclera turned bright white while his pupils were as if it was broken, he released a guttural roar and a sudden red name appeared above his head.

"The Harbinger of Revenge Tomrox"

"How can you turn yourself into a boss!" cried Winter out from the door way.

Tomrox head suddenly snapped to the girl as he disappeared and appeared in front of Winter and Jules grandma, time slowed down to a pause as it took her brain a second to register the hulking figure in front of her, a scream was slowly moving upwards through her body as a grey fist was traveling towards her head. The following moment was a blur as a sudden gust of wind and dust enveloped the duo as a mighty crash was heard. Winter blinked her eyes open and gasped as she saw that she and Jules grandmother was fine. Her attention was quickly drawn to the side where a massive grove was in the ground and broken houses layed in its way as Tomrox stood up his arm was pouring out purple blood as a big cut was on it.

"Oi girl can you not make yourself an easy target?" asked Yuri.

Winter looked in front of her and saw Yuri and Jules stood there while Jules was fussing over his grandma checking if she had any injuries. Yuri's sword was covered in purple blood as it dripped on the floor. The girl would have found the scene Jule is making wholesome but Yuri's cold eyes dug burrows into her soul.

"I didn't mean too" mumbled Winter as she looked to the floor.

Yuri sighed before he started to walk towards Tomrox, Winter looked at Yuri's back before looking back down on the floor, "Can I do nothing right?" mumbled the girl to herself. A hand suddenly was placed on her shoulder making her look up and saw Jules giving her a big smile.

"What are you talking about you helped my grandma!" said Jules happily making Winter's eyes widen.

"Thats right I would still be under rubble if it wasn't for you winter thank you" spoke Jules grandmother out giving the teen a smile.

Small tears started to well up in Winters eyes, never had anyone every thanked Winter except for her mother, it was such a strange feeling that she could not help but start to cry. The remaining children that Yuri had saved quickly ran to the crying girl from behind Jules grandmother where they had been hiding and gave her a hug.

"Now I need to ask for one more favor" started Jules as he gave his grandma a side hug.

"Please leave this area and go to Shinga district it's just a few blocks down the road, take the kids and grams over there to the Hungry Badger Motel and tell the manger Yuri is checking in his favor" said Jules.

"Hey what you doing checking in MY favor Jules!" shouted Yuri as he had a irk mark on his head.

Jules gave him a sheepish grin and waved him off like he was a child.

"Now now let the grown-ups speak Yuri-Poo" answered Jules in a condescending tone only to receive a pebble against the back of the head.

"Asshole" said Yuri as he picked up another pebble ready to throw.

"Go go now!" laughed Jules blood dripping out his head as he pushed everyone forwards.

"But what about you two that man changed into a boss!" asked Winter worry evident in her tone.

"We will be fine!" responded Jules giving her a big smile.

Winter looked the teen in the eyes and saw that he wasn't lying so reluctantly she nodded and ran in the direction Jules gave them. Once they were out of the ruined slum area Jules turned around and stopped next to Yuri who gave him a side glance.

"I hate it when you give those fake smiles" spoke Yuri out.

The smile that Jules had on his face instantly vanished as he had a somber look on his face, his eyes had worry showing volumes in them.

"We both know that we are strong Yuri hell we are level 90! but that thing is level 130..." said Jules as he looked at Tomrox who this entire time was busy eating a dead corpse that was nearby.

"Guess we are going to have to not hold back anymore" muttered Yuri as his eyes glowed softly.

This was just like Yuri thought Jules whenever they faced a strong opponents Yuri just had an air of confidence around him and it almost infects people around him giving them the same confidence.

"Yeah, Yeah you do know you don't have to be so mean with Winter, right?" asked Jules a small smile on his face returning.

"She isn't going to survive in the world if she gets spoon fed everything" said Yuri rolling his shoulder stretching it.

"Nah I think you like her you just can't use your words properly she is pretty cute though don't you agree?" asked Jules grinning.

"Shud Up" muttered Yuri rolling his eyes.

Both teens suddenly released all their power causing a massive gust of wind to blow away rubble and dust, the sudden power increase stopped Tomrox from his snack break and looked up seeing both teens glowing.

"Kill... glowers..." roared Tomrax out as he lunged towards the duo.

"Grow [Jin]" spoke Jules voice out from the glowing white storm.

A massive black cylinder the size of a sky scraper appeared out of nowhere and launched Tomrox miles away his cries of pain filled the air as he flew away like a bullet. The teens stopped glowing as Jules was revealed. He had baggy white pants and he was bare foot, resting at his hip was a gourd made of clay and had black cloud patterns on it, on the upper half of his body he wore a skin tight red crop top that ended just under his pecks, on the shoulders of the top was fluffy white fur circles, and on his fore arms were black and white arm guards. On his head he had a golden crown and his dark blue hair now reached his hips as they had golden highlights. His hand was placed on the giant black cylinder before it shrunk down into a long pole.

"[The True Monkey King] is here!" said Jules happily as he spun the pole around before resting it on his shoulder grinning.

"Always knew you were a monkey at heart" came the voice of Yuri who sounded a bit more mature.

"Yeah, right Edge Lord look at you!" complained Jules as he looked to the side.

The smoke cleared out and Yuri was shown in his new form. He had jagged black knight armor that covered his body, his shoulders had red circle patterns on it as his chest had a jagged white line going up and down, it looked like it was a face of a beast glaring at its prey, his eyes glowed bright yellow in his visor as his mouth had a steel black maw that had sharp teeth like a shark, a white cape that was positioned on his shoulder was fluttering in the wind, to finish of his new form he had marron red ram horns coming out of his head.

"[Demon King] just makes you so edge!" said Jules as he did a pun on the jagged knight armor.

"End me" muttered Yuri as he cringed at the joke and held his face with a gauntleted hand.

A loud roar distracted the two as Tomrox came flying back to the duo a massive spinning orange orb in front of him.

"[Gut Bomb]"! grumbled Tomrox out in a guttural tone blasting the giant sphere towards the teens.

Yuri simply walked in front of Jules and grabbed his cape pulling it to the left.

"[Unbreaking Cage]" muttered Yuri as his eyes glowed yellow before they were engulfed in a massive explosion causing a blinding light to start.

Winter flinched as a massive explosion happened behind them as she looked back, she saw a massive orange mushroom cloud caress the sky, gale winds blew through the street almost blowing them off their feet but they just managed to stay up right.

"Jules, Yuri!" shouted Winter scared and was about to run to help them only to stop as a little girl held her hand.

"Everything is going to be fine Big sis Winter! Jules and Yuri are the strongest!" said the girl happily.

"Thats right one-time I saw Yuri destroy a lone boss with a single punch!" gushed one of the kids.

"When I grow up, I'm going to be just like them!" said another child causing everyone to agree.

"Winter they said they will be fine so trust them" spoke out Jules grandma giving the white girl a smile.

"Ok..." muttered Winter turning back to the road going to Shinga district.

Back at the fight Tomrox was laughing like a hyaena seeing the damage one of his skills did.

"My mind will not be consumed! I'll be the strongest and take over the world!" said Tomrox gaining his mind back from the blind hunger.

Once the dust cleared Tomrox stopped laughing and his broken pupils started to shake, there perfectly unharmed was Yuri and Jules, surrounding the teens was a dark purple glowing square that had bars made from skeletons of different monsters and humans.

"You done?" asked Yuri as he flicked his cape over his shoulder causing the square to vanish.