
The Rose Princess Blossoms From The Tyrant Duke

Born from the birth of a tragic Viscountess and brought up by her father the Marquess. After the Marquee's sudden death. The young lady Rosaria is left in the hands of her cruel Uncle as a frail looking lady .Broken from her engagement and plotted by her loved ones. She has no choice to save herself and survive this cruel, selfish world.Things get worse when she is been forced to marry a tyrant Duke from the south. As the night blossoms, Thinking of her she is met with a man who comforts her and agrees to sleep with her to ease her last freedom before heading to the tyrant. But the man is not what she thought of as she had slept the tyrant himself. Thus begins the survival of the tragic Duchess and the love blossomed between the lady and the tyrant.

Isa_Tokyo · Fantasi
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21 Chs

Chapter 2

"Wake up, love, wake up," the Marquees pleaded as the guards went to fetch the doctor. He became enraged when he saw Isabella while calling for help "ou! Did you intend to harm her?"

Isabella was terrified. She shook her head frantically. Although she despised the princess for stealing the man she loved, she never intended to hurt her and didn't even consider it because she was outside the entire time. She had simply handed the princess the glass.

"No, it wasn't me!"

Nobody believed her. The circumstances surrounding this incident, as well as her usual behavior, pointed to her as the perpetrator.

When this became certain, the Marqueea commanded angrily, "Bring that evil girl to the underground prison. Now!"

"I really didn't, Henry!"

As she fell to the ground, the marquees raised his hand and slapped her. Her eyes widened in surprise as he brushed her off.

"I will arrest her personally."

"Please believe me when I say that I am not the culprit. I'd like to leave. My daughter is looking for her mother."

"Be quiet, you wench.You will have no choice but to chain yourself to Ares' gates."

"No, I can't see my daughter; she needs her mother."

The Marquees ignored her and ordered the guards to drag her to Ares' gates.

Ares' gates were a prison cell that housed the most unforgivable sinners. It was thought to have been specially designed by the God of War himself, making it notorious for being a place you couldn't get out of once you got in.

Only immediate members of the royal family were allowed to open and close its doors, and imprisoning her there meant that the duke had given up on his ex-wife.

'How could you do this to me?'

Isabella, overcome with despair, was led underground by her cold-hearted Marquees. The cold, musty air was filled with a fishy odor. It was terrifying for her to enter a prison for the first time in her life. The most terrifying aspect, however, was the darkness that surrounded the cells.

Before entering the cell, the Viscountess decided to try her luck.

"Henry, I really…"

"Go in."

Despite the fact that she had called out to him in distress, she was met with an icy voice. Isabella was in excruciating pain as her tears streamed down her cheeks and splattered on the ground.

'I've been completely abandoned.'

Before pushing her into the cell, Henry reached into his coat and secretly handed her something.

Why did you give it to me? 'Do you want me to commit suicide?'

"Kill yourself and end your misery"

As the cold air inside the cell settled on her skin, so did the reality of his abandonment. Isabella clutched the dagger Henry had given her and cried silently.

"Before I die, would you do the pleasure of adopting my daughter and give her all comforts and treat her as your child."

"Why should I do that"

" She may not be yours but your friend who you loved dearly, please take care of her" She lends her finger

The Marquees sighs, knowing that it was his fault that the Viscountess had become this way. He takes the dagger from her and departs, leaving her in a cage guarded by guards.

The Viscountess wept as she sobbed. Weeks passed, and the Viscountess lay motionless in her cell, losing all nutrition and feeling sick, when she heard crying and saw Henry with her daughter.

"The princess was poisoned and lost her child, and it wasn't your poison that killed her; it was the illness she contracted from drinking. Despite the fact that you were the suspect, you were the one who killed the baby by giving her the drink. As a result, I am adopting and raising your daughter as my own while you are pardoned and exiled from the capital, never to see your daughter again."

She laughed and then began to cry when she heard the hurtful words. She reached for her hands and asked to hold the baby one more time before leaving the cell. As she was handed the baby, she kissed and hugged it.

"I never named you; your name will be Rosaria; please keep her name Rosaria," Isabella says as she returns her.

"All right, we'll keep that name."

She smiled and asked for his permission to hug him; when he refused, she begged one more time. As they hugged, the Viscountess drew the dagger he had given her earlier.

"What are you up to?" He yelled.

Her last memory with her fiance came to mind as frustration and fear paralyzed her rationality. He had the audacity to say that the baby would be separated from her mother and would never see her again. "

'It's a good thing something like this happened.' Isabella recalled the numerous insults she had endured up to this point: Henry's only disgrace, the good-for-nothing whom everyone avoided... As she picked up the dagger, she laughed hollowly.

'It's better for me to just vanish.'

The Marquees tried to stop her, but she told him to back off with the dagger. She smiled at him and kissed her daughter,.


But it was too late: she'd already stabbed herself in the chest with the dagger. The woman committed suicide in an instant.

He went on his knees when the marquees noticed the cold-bodied Viscountess laying cold next to him. The baby started crying and wouldn't stop. The Viscountess was then given a proper funeral and her inheritance from Gounarelli was left to her uncle and aunt, as she had specified in her will. The money was given to the baroness in order for her to start a new life while the marquees cared for Rosaria, who was given to the princess, who took good care of the baby but died from the illness, leaving the Marquees and the young infant alone.

Years passed, and Rosaria was four, and Marquees, who lived with her, faced numerous challenges, including refusing to marry for the third time.

Following the death of the Viscountess, the Marquess formed a bond with the young girl and protected her from other Mellakou family members who referred to her as a witch. Rosaria spent most of her time at the mansion with her maid because she was born with a frail body. She grew up without a mother but with the love of her father. However, the story does not end on a happy note.

When Marquees Henry was given a letter to work in the capital, he was afraid to leave her daughter behind and took her with him. During the heavy thunderstorms, they were driving down a cliff. When lightning struck, the horses panicked and ran as fast as they could. The coachman was unable to control them and they skidded, causing the carriage to fall.

Both the marquees and the coachman were found dead on the ground, while Rosaria fell and broke her legs. It was a sad day for the Mellakou, and because Rosaria was alone, she was left alone with the hands of her uncle who was the count and the only family member.