
Chapter 17 : Hating Thunderstorms

Kit’s POV

My heart was beating too fast.

Sera was here. In my apartment, getting changed into my clothes. My wolf roused, pacing under my skin. He buzzed with unrequited excitement. Desire to be touched. The tether in my chest longed for her.

While she changed, I shrugged off my shirt, putting on some fresh clothes before settling down on my loveseat, and turning something on the TV to distract myself.

I could hear her heart beating, a bout of her scent breaking through the mask. It made my mouth water and hair raise on the nape of my neck. Like sweetwater. A rushing rapid over a rocky riverbank.

My bathroom door opened and I tried to shake off the budding desire. How the realization that we were alone in my apartment made my cock thicken in my pants. I looked up from the couch and instantly, my mouth went dry.

She was so unbelievably beautiful.