
The Rogue System [BL]

Zhu Kang, a trafficked soul, was captured by an evil organization and was stripped of his real memories. Unaware of the dangers he worked for this evil corporation as a system. One day, all of a sudden, fifteen men dressed in black started a shoot-out killing all the other systems. In desperation, Kang threw himself into a transmigration device that tossed his soul into a random world. "System 202 has escaped.... a-again.....” one of the black-clothed men said. Trembling, he glanced at their team leader. Kai Alden gritted his teeth. “You let him slip away so easily! Send me into that world. I will capture my dear System and bring him back here,”

Lullabybao · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
291 Chs

Chapter 20 - Heat

The elevator doors opened and Zhu Kang glanced at it in shock. He did not even realise that they had already reached the top floor of the building. "sir, your floor is here..." he awkwardly shook him.

But the taller man just groaned and nuzzled his head into his hair.

'You have got to be kidding me. Why is this happening? Why am I so close to the very person that I want to avoid! Why oh lord why?' he awkwardly pushed his head away. "Tell me your room number sir. I will have one of my friends drop you,"

"Aren't you here? Take me..." he whispered.

'Now you are not dizzy, huh? Is this man doing this intentionally? Is this..... a trap?'

Zhu Kang's whole body froze in shock. Somehow, he could feel his muscles stiffen and his body's temperature dropped.

Shivering slightly, he unconsciously moved close to the only heat source near him.

"This whole floor is my place... take me to my bedroom.." Aaron moaned softly.

Zhu Kang flinched, moving away from him a step. 'Was I rubbing myself against him? What the fuck? What is going on?'

As soon as he was away from him, his body temperature went low once again. His knees started to ache, his head was aching as well.

'What is this? Was I drugged as well? But I didn't drink anything at all?..... no way did that horny rhino do something to me?'

"Any minute now," Aaron growled.

"Geez, no one would believe you are the one who needs help," he thought out loud unknowingly.

"Excuse me?"

"n-nothing," with a kind smile Zhu Kang pulled the man out of the elevator. "please guide me where your room is," he whispered, maintaining that wide smirk.

'any minute now, bozo, my cheeks are hurting,'

Aaron peered at him for a while before nodding towards their right.

"Great." Zhu Kang placed an arm under his warm armpit and gently guided him there. somehow feeling that heat made his body feel less stressed and more relaxed and cosy.

'Weird... very weird.... this is not a drug problem, instead it's a 'me' problem. I need to consult a doctor. No, that won't help at all. I need to consult Gwyn, only he can tell me what is going on with my body,'

Gritting his teeth, Zhu knag dragged Aaron over to his bedroom. Contrary to his imagination, this room was very normal. With white and grey contrasting walls and a few painting hung in some corners. There was not even much furniture in there.

Only a bed and a bed-side table.

He lowered him gently onto the clean bed.

Aaron moaned incoherently.

"sir I have done my duty and I shall be taking my leave now,"

"no... wait..." Aaron clung to the bottom of his coat. "Lower the temperature," he whispered, peering at him with his dilated eyes. They were super black, with no trace of that golden shade anywhere.

His heart skipped a beat.

Zhu Kang gulped. "O-okay... where is the thermostat?"

He nodded to the small remote on the ledge by the window.

Zhu Kang swiftly ran to it and lowered the temperature to 16 degrees. "Is that okay?"


He lowered it to 6 degrees.

"Lower..emmm"' he moaned.

Zhu Kang frowned. 'Don't make it sound so sexual, dude. I'm just dealing with your thermostat,'

Shaking his head, he lowered it to 0 degrees. "Is this okay now?"

"no, lower,"

He snapped his head up. 'Lower than that? Are you even human? You will freeze to death and I will be arrested for killing a national hero. No thank you sir,' he pretended to change the temperature and placed the remote down.

"I shall be taking my leave now,"

"I said lower. Why is it so high?..."

Zhu Kang sighed. "It is low,"


He picked up the remote frustratingly, but accidentally his grip kind of crushed it. 'Oh, fuck....' he swiftly pieced the two together and pressed the button. The remote was not working.

"it's lower now sir," he smirked widely his trademark fake smile and walking towards the door.

"I said lower!" Aaron groaned and grabbed his hand. "Lower it...."

Zhu Kang felt a shot of heat surge through his body from that touch. "S-sir let go,"

"no.." Aaron dragged him back by force and hugged him tight. "you... you are cold...." he whispered, smiling softly.

Zhu Kang bit his lips tightly. 'Dude, it is you who is hot. Please let go. Wait, shall I just smack him unconscious? Will he remember it though?'

He was on the verge of being tempted to do so, but a weird feeling in his body stopped him. His legs and hands went weak. It felt like limp noodles feeling that weird heat.

'oh shit... why is my body acting this way? I need to go.'

"Sir.... I need to use the restroom. Please..." he wiggled around. The man's grip was strong. Stronger than his. If it were any normal human, it would have shattered their bones.

Aaron opened his eyes and looked into his eyes. "why?"

"Why? To pee. Can you please unhand me?"

Aaron's hands slowly moved away.

"Thank you," he got up, wiping his arms. The spots that man's skin touched started to burn weirdly. it felt good.

And that scared him.

He ran to the door.

"The bathroom is this way," he shouted.

"oh..." Zhu Kang smiled back. "it's okay. I will use the staff bathroom."

"The door is locked," he leisurely whispered, crawling into the sheets. "Use the bathroom,"

Gritting his teeth, Zhu Kang walked back into the room and into the bathroom. It was luxurious to the level of vain with gold and silver decoration littered everywhere.

He pulled out his phone and called his brother.


"I think I'm in trouble,"

"What? Where are you? I will come get you," an urgent voice came from the other side.

"no.... it's just... my body is acting weirdly. It's been getting cold and stiffening up. Something is wrong"

"ohh..... you are in heat my darling brother. Just find a warm fire and wank off. It will be all good,"

"w-wank off? Are you crazy? Heat? What is that? Why?"

"It's spring. It's the season for mating. It's normal. Just wank it off and sit by a warm fire to get that heat back in your body. It will all be good. Oh I forgot to mention better do this in about ten minutes. Or else you will get limp and won't be able to move. I might have to come rescue you. Call you back in fifteen. Toodooloo,"


Zhu Kang peered at the phone in horror. "I need to leave this place,"

He dashed out. But a figure stood by the door, panting. His eyes did not look normal at all. Now it looked more like that of a drugged up horse.

"E-excuse me,"

The man grabbed him and hugged him to bed. "Very cool..." he moaned, rubbing his head on his neck.

Zhu Kang cried on the inside. 'Why.. oh why am I thrown in this situation? How will I wank with this guy on top?'