

Eloise Bradbury sucks."

'Eloise Bradbury is such an industrial joke.'

'Get lost we don't want you!'

'Just die and never come back to the acting world again!'

'Boo! You flop! Eloise Bradbury is a flopping actress.'

'We don't want you.'

These were the only things in Eloise's head as she remembered the part of her memories that she was trying to block away.

This was it, they always remembered her as the actress who flopped.

Like why were they so mean? Eloise asked deep inside her consciousness. Was she the only actress who failed in the history of acting?

But it was this way only because of one person, Eloise thought and gave Ruth a deep piercing glare.

But that was all she could do, just glare at the wench and nothing else.

And while the others were laughing and making jest of her, Eloise was fighting extremely hard to push the bad memories away.