
The rising revenant

a man who dies in an accident. when he wakes up he finds himself in a mysterious place. He find out the he is some kind of mark one and he has to fight the encroaching darkness and bring peace. See how he uncover his secrets and deals with the challenges in his journey.

methestranger · Fantasi
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45 Chs

Chapter 18: Whispers Within Walls

Elias clutched the worn leather-bound journal, the inscription on its cover a familiar symbol – the Mark of Xulthor. His grandmother, her face etched with concern, stood beside him. They were in her attic, a dusty haven filled with forgotten trinkets and the lingering scent of old paper.

"This belonged to your grandfather," she explained, her voice tinged with a sadness that resonated within Elias. "He was…different too. He understood the whispers, just like you."

Elias's curiosity sparked. His grandfather, a man shrouded in mystery, a figure his grandmother spoke of only in hushed tones. Now, holding this journal, it felt like a tangible connection, a glimpse into a life lived in the shadows.

He eagerly opened the book, its pages filled with his grandfather's meticulous handwriting and intricate sketches. The first few pages detailed a detailed classification of the Tenebris – the beings of darkness – surpassing even the knowledge gleaned from the tablet in the hidden temple.

Tenebris - type of Darkness

* Remnants (type 1): Twisted fragments of darkness with minimal intelligence. Think: mindless zombies, feral beasts.

* Harbingers (type 2): Monstrous creatures with immense physical power and rudimentary intelligence. Think: ogres, trolls, mutated animals.

* Devourers (type 3): Can drain the life force of their victims. They possess cunning and a rudimentary understanding of dark magic. Think: vampires, wraiths, shadow demons.

* Shadows (type 4): Cloaked figures who manipulate whispers as weapons and illusions. They are intelligent and capable of strategy. Think: dark sorcerers, shadow assassins, whisper manipulators.

* Spectres (type 5): Ethereal beings with dominion over the dead. They possess advanced intelligence and can manipulate the physical world to an extent. Think: powerful ghosts, banshees, spectral warriors.

* Obliterators (type 6): Monstrous entities focused on raw destruction. They possess immense physical strength and are resistant to most forms of attack. Think: titans, balrogs, destroyers.

* Corruptors (type 7): Spread darkness and can twist the minds of others. They are highly intelligent and capable of subtle manipulation. Think: succubi, incubi, malevolent spirits.

* Dominators (type 8): Control lesser creatures and bend them to their will. They possess powerful telepathic abilities and can manipulate reality on a small scale. Think: demon lords, shadow kings, powerful warlocks.

* Harbingers of the Void (type 9): Herald the arrival of the Gods of the Void. They possess immense power and are capable of opening rifts between worlds. Think: fallen angels, archdemons, harbingers of apocalypse.

* Gods of the Void (type 10): Beings of unimaginable power who can warp reality itself and consume entire worlds. Think: elder gods, Cthulhu-like entities, destroyers of creation.

As Elias absorbed this information, a chilling truth settled in his stomach. The whispers he fought to control were a weapon forged in the darkness, a power coveted by malevolent entities. He wasn't just fighting for control; he was fighting for his own humanity.

Turning the page, Elias discovered sketches and notations detailing techniques for harnessing the whispers. His grandfather, it seemed, wasn't just a scholar; he was a warrior. These were combat techniques, ways to channel the whispers into offensive and defensive maneuvers.

He saw illustrations of warriors projecting bursts of energy, erecting shields of crackling light, and even teleporting short distances. The possibilities were both exhilarating and terrifying.

"These techniques," his grandmother said, her voice breaking the silence. "They are dangerous, Elias. But they may be your only defense in the world you've seen."

Elias nodded, the weight of responsibility settling further upon his shoulders. He wasn't just a teenager anymore; he was a guardian, a torchbearer in the darkness. The whispers were not just a burden; they were a weapon, a legacy passed down from a grandfather he never knew.

With renewed determination, Elias vowed to master these techniques. He would honor his grandfather's memory, protect his grandmother, and face the encroaching darkness with the whispers as his shield and his sword. The world might not be ready for him, but he was ready for it. The library, filled with the whispers of the past, had become his training ground, and Elias, the marked one, was ready to fight.

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