

"Do Dreams come true?" and I am not talking about those dreams of better life, I am talking about those Subconscious dreams that you have once in while and after waking up forget about it. Well, Kelly's dream came true. the dream of his death as he looked at the haunting abyss that is swallowing him whole he thought about the events following up to it. One seemingly normal day Kelly and his Classmates are summoned in a whole new world to protect it from a Demon King not know the deception and mysteries hidden behind the veil and on his first expedition to a Mid-Grade Dungeon he is going to die, Kelly looked at his side and thought "Better than Dying alone". But, how would he and his partner in Death could know that their journey has truly begin now. Unbeknownst to them, stepping foot into the treacherous depths of a Mid-Grade Dungeon is only the beginning of an extraordinary odyssey. Follow Kelly on his journey as he go against Kings, Emperors, Gods and World itself and conquer his own fate, while also collecting beauties on the way. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Hi, there Author here I know synopsis are little bit off... ok no excuses even I don't know what i have written. honestly I can't explain the story in synopsis there is lot going on so if you like please give it a read. it is a slow pace at the start because I have to explain many things so bear with it. i am a new writer so it'll be really helpful if you leave comments on how should I improve. I have taken inspiration from ARIFURETA:FROM COMMON PLACE TO WORLD STRONGEST, so there would be some similarities but fear not the characters, plot and even world building is different. if you read it till now thank you again and enjoy the read. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ I don't have a discord channel so if you want to contact me join my telegram channel link is below: https://t.me/Rise_White_Conqurer

Nightmare_Kaushik · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Lord Of Darkness

Stepping forward with sly fox like eyes, Lotario said.

"Well, not having a job is a drawback. You wouldn't be able to get any derivative skills, and also your growth rate wouldn't be as fast as your friends. Soon your friends would leave you behind in dust."

Lotario said in a mocking tone, listening to that Agawa stepped forward to defend Kelly.

"Please stop Lotario-san! There is no way Kamimura would be a burden."

Listening to Agawa's comment which made matters worse, Lotario smiled satisfactorily.

Until now everyone didn't think much of Kelly nor viewed him in a negative way. But after the pope stressed on the importance of 'job' Agawa called Kelly a 'burden' when trying to defend him. To everyone it only sounded like Kelly without a 'job' is a burden on the hero and his companions.

Kelly was certain the boys in his class who all hated him would jump at this new chance to belittle him. The rest of his classmates all had combat-based jobs, and he highly doubted Lacking a 'job' would be that much of a hindrance.

Daichi Hiyama grinned wickedly as he hollered out to Kelly,

"Hey Kamimura. Don't tell me you seriously got a no 'job'? how are you gonna fight monsters like that? Hey william isn't, that gonna be a big problem if out of all of us only Kamimura doesn't have a job"

"Well, if we are talking about progress then, yes. He would be a little slower than others but aside from th…"

"Hahahahahaha, are you kidding me"

When Sir William tried to explain further. He was cut off by Daichi's loud laughter.

"Gimme a break Kamimura. How are you gonna fight like that, you are gonna die. Guess we don't have to worry about who is going down first"

Hiyama folded his arms provocatively as he said those words. As Kelly looked around, he could see that most of his classmates, the boys especially, were all laughing at him.

"Who knows. You never know until you try, right!"

"Is that so! If you are so confident, then how about you show your status plate to us. I was laughing so hard when I heard you didn't have a 'job' that I couldn't take a proper look at it"

Under the gazes of everyone, Kelly reluctantly gave his status plate to Hiyama,

"They better be high in other aspects."

Hiyama had most likely already seen Kelly's stats, but he simply wanted an excuse to bully Kelly some more. He possessed quite a nasty personality. His two flunkies all jeered at Kelly as well. They were the kind of stereotypical thugs that feel good when basking in their own superiority. Their actions were so clearly malicious that Haruka and Sumire both glared at them, eyes full of disdain.

When he saw the stats engraved on it, Hiyama burst out laughing. He passed the plate down to his other underlings and they all sneered or laughed at Hajime as well.

"Bwahahaha... What the hell, man! You're totally average! Actually, 2's are a little above average, so I bet you could be compared to children's!"

"Hyahahaha, you've gotta be kidding me! This guy's not even gonna last ten minutes! He'd die so fast that you couldn't even use him as a meat shield!"

"And aside from the same skill we all got, he only has one other."

Unable to stand it any longer, Haruka opened her mouth to give them a piece of her mind. But before she could get out a single word, someone else began yelling at them in a pathetically low voice. That someone was Sumire.

"Hey! Stop laughing at him! I won't allow anyone to laugh at him. Please return his plate"

The boys were all taken aback by how much anger was visible in her eyes. But in order to hide they became intimidated by someone like Sumire they glared at her with much more intensity than before.

"Huh, what did you say pipsqueak? I dare you to say it again"

"Yamamura-san! Th-tha…"

"What! Cat got your tongue, huh?"

Sumire, being who she is lost all the courage she has gathered in the face of obvious hostility. Seeing the reaction, she expected Yamamura grinned cheerfully, and moved onto corner Sumire more when an unexpected voice stopped her.

"Leave it be Miki, look at her she is on the verge of crying!"

When Kondo said that Kelly turned back to take a look at Sumire and he could detect tears forming at the edges of her eyes.

"Heh, pathetic"

Daichi and others laughed disdainfully at Sumire,

"Well, at least she isn't a total waste of space unlike someone else. She is the only one in the whole class who could use healing magic, and has largest number of skills after Agawa"

"Hmm, she is useful."

"How about it? Wanna join us, if you stay with us, you may as well survive"

Daichi shamelessly drew his hand forward in front of Sumire, with eyes that said he will not take a no for an answer.


Sumire without even meaning to hid behind Kelly like always. Seeing that Daichi's face distorted into one of irritation, he started rambling.

"C'mon do you really think he'll protect you? Right now, he doesn't even have the power to protect himself, admit it he is a fucking coward. Look even right now he isn't saying a word to defend you, he is a freaking weakli…"

"H-How are you so sure? He isn't powerful enough"

Daichi, who kept on downgrading Kelly, was abruptly stopped by Sumire. Once again with newfound courage she questioned Daichi.

"Huh, c'mon just look at his stats and skills. What more proof do you need"

Sumire, who heard all of that, suddenly came forward from behind Kelly and smirked arrogantly.

'Uh-oh, why do I have a bad feeling about this?'

Kelly thought when he looked at Sumire. Daichi, who observed the obvious change in Sumire, took a step back and watched her cautiously. Not only him, Sumire's eccentric behavior caught the eye of everyone present there, finally after looking at everyone she spoke.

"it's apparent that Kelly-kun is the strongest among all of us, I am sure he is even stronger than Agawa-kun"

Sumire looked back at Kelly and winked at him with confidence.


Kelly muttered, confused, not understanding what Sumire meant by that statement.

"I mean it's clear that Kelly-kun has some hidden power that will awaken in time of need, he will surely become the lord of darkness by embracing the new power within him. And finally save us all"


"Pfttttttt... hahahahahahahahaha"

After some silence the whole class began to laugh at them, Kelly put his hands on his forehead to hide his embarrassment. Even Haruka who was looking for a chance to step in couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Hahahaha, what the hell! I can't stop laughing"

"Lord of darkness, pft hahahaha"

"More like Lord of idiots"

"Man, you two make a good pair don't you"

Daichi said, throwing back Kelly's status plate apparently satisfied with everything. Took a turn to leave, slowly everyone left one by one leaving only Kelly and Sumire alone.

"What happened?!"

Sumire asked innocently with upturned eyes. Kelly, who overcame his embarrassment, only patted Sumire's head in answer.

"Nothing let's go back shall we"

'Haa…, Man this is the worst possible outcome isn't, I could already imagine my future. it's gonna be a big pain in the ass!'

Kelly sighed inwardly as he continued on.