
Going to Tsunade

For a long moment, Naruto hesitates, a bit divided on what to do. Not on whether or not he should go speak with Tsunade, that was something he decided almost immediately. There was no way he was just going to let this go and settle in to the old dynamic of Team Seven again. Especially when they were still missing one of their number anyways, so it wasn't like it was a whole Team Seven.

Either way, Naruto owed his perverted mentor more than that, he wasn't going to give up at the first sign of Jiraiya abandoning him. With that said, what it really came down to was… did Naruto need to go to the Hokage alone, or should he try to talk Kakashi and Sakura into coming with him. All in all… Naruto can't say for certain that he'd be able to convince the two of them, and if he tried, they might in turn try to stop him from doing anything rash.

To be fair, he wasn't really all that sure that he'd be able to convince Tsunade either, but at the very least, he could remove some unknown variables and make the path forward clearer for himself. Heh, he can just imagine how Kakashi and Sakura would react if they could hear his inner monologue right now. He's painfully aware of how he'd been when he was younger, and he thanked his lucky stars every damn day for Jiraiya… and Kurama's tutelage.

Certainly, Jiraiya's teachings alone probably wouldn't have managed to penetrate Naruto's thick skull, given how he'd been when they'd first set out on their training trip three years ago. No, it had needed something of an inward touch, so to speak… and what better than the Demon Fox living inside of his head rent-free then to knock some sense into him?

In the end, having calculated all of the odds, Naruto can't help but feel that it would be better for him to go to Tsunade alone. That way, he can be sure he'll be able to plead his case to her instead of being stopped by Kakashi and Sakura before even getting within reach of the Hokage's Tower. With that decision made… Naruto very quietly makes the switch.

He half-expected Kakashi to call him out on it if he's being honest. But if the Copy-Cat Nin notices… he doesn't say anything as Naruto leaves a shadow clone behind to continue on with Kakashi and Sakura, while he himself carefully begins to make his way through Konoha, towards the Hokage's Tower. Naruto KNOWS that Sakura doesn't notice, because he's confident she would have had something to say about him sneaking off like this.

Regardless, the shadow clone will be just fine. He'd upgraded the technique, as it were, while he was away from Konoha. It wasn't really just a shadow clone, anymore. There was a seal that Naruto had invented, with Jiraiya's help. It was akin to a simple storage seal, but what it stored was chakra, and because of the way he and his perverted sensei had managed to make it work, a shadow clone could be formed around it, and it would in turn act as a fully formed chakra network for said clone, at least at first glance.

What this meant was, the shadow clone that was currently masquerading as Naruto had the capacity to take a handful of hits before it burst into smoke like usual. It had the smallest smidgen of Naruto's chakra inside of it but given just how large Naruto's natural chakra reserves was, a smidgen of an ocean was still quite a lot.

The important thing was, the shadow clone was sturdy and would pass a cursory inspection, even from a sensor. If anyone took a closer look obviously, or tried to put him through his paces, it would quickly become apparent that it was only a clone, but for this, it would serve it's purpose, of that Naruto had no doubt.

Soon enough, he's in sight of the Hokage Tower, and wondering exactly what he's going to do about the ANBU that are always present and always watching over Tsunade. The Hokage can't be left unguarded, after all, so those masked ninja that make up Konoha's most elite are tasked with protecting her. Another thing Naruto had learned in his time with Jiraiya, though it'd left him wondering how he'd gotten in to see the Sandaime so many damn times.

He just wasn't sure if he could expect the same treatment now that he was older. Leaping in to the Hokage's Office through the window felt like it might just get him in trouble… and as much as Naruto wouldn't NORMALLY care about that sort of thing one bit, he was trying to get something out of Tsunade right now. He was trying to get his way after all, and Naruto had learned that, in order to convince anyone of anything, you had to at the very least get them in the proper mood first.

He wasn't that young kid who'd beaten the shit out of Gaara of the Sand until the other jinchuriki had come around to his way of thinking, not anymore. And given his rate of failure with his so-called 'Therapy No Jutsu', Naruto wasn't sure he would be, ever again. Examples like Haku and Sasuko flit through Naruto's head at that, and he grimaces a little, the corners of his mouth turning down. Yeah, he really wasn't good at that as some people tried to give him credit for.

Luckily, it's around that moment that Naruto spots Shizune making her way towards the entrance of the Hokage's Tower. Seeing Tsunade's apprentice, the blond boy grins happily and zips right over, appearing at Shizune's side in a flash.

"Shizune! Hey, it's so good to see you again!"

The beautiful medic nin startles, blinking as she looks at Naruto in mild surprise.

"Naruto… I'd heard you were back in the village, but aren't you supposed to be with Kakashi and Sakura?"

Damn, word traveled fast. Or rather, it was more likely that Jiraiya and Tsunade had been planning this ahead of his and his sensei's return to the village, which was why Shizune, as Tsunade's right-hand woman, knew about it. Chuckling, Naruto runs a hand through the back of his head somewhat sheepishly and gives Shizune a helpless shrug.

"In a way, I am! I'm just also here!"

Shizune, knowing all about his shadow clones, offers him a deeply unimpressed look. But then, given how much bullshit she had to put up with from her mistress, Naruto supposed he shouldn't be all that surprised. Well… no point in beating around the bush any longer, was there? Growing more serious, Naruto looks Shizune in the eye.

"… I need to talk to the Hokage."

For a moment, the older woman just looks at him searchingly, and Naruto can tell that she doesn't know EVERYTHING. She was probably only told that Naruto would be rejoining Team Seven and Jiraiya would be leaving him in the village for a time, NOT that it was without his input and that it was probably because the Toad Sage was planning on doing something dangerous all on his idiotic lonesome.

After studying him for a brief time, Shizune finally just lets out a soft sigh and nods, and with her approval and help, Naruto soon finds himself stepping into the Hokage's Office wearing a big beaming grin. As Tsunade looks up from behind the desk, her eyes widen slightly before narrowing slightly at the sight of him. Then, she glances to Shizune, who has likely already realized she might have made a mistake, letting Naruto up here.

"Hokage, ma'am… I'd like a word, if possible."

He's fairly sure it's the respectful tone that he takes with Tsunade that does it. After all, the last time he saw her, he was still calling her granny. But then, the last time he saw her was years back, and Naruto has done a LOT of growing up since then, in many different ways. He's certainly grown up in all the ways that let him take one look at Tsunade Senju and realize she's a fucking looker, even at her age.

Jiraiya is old, there's no doubt in Naruto's mind about that. He doesn't have too many wrinkles, but he's definitely got this silver fox look to him. It works for him though, even if Naruto pulls in all the women who are looking for a younger option, be they themselves young or more mature. Between the two of them, it'd always worked pretty well. Jiraiya tended to attract the ladies who liked older men, and Naruto got the ones who liked younger men.

Regardless, Tsunade isn't like Jiraiya, and she certainly isn't a granny, even if they are supposed to be contemporaries. Even now, the Fifth Hokage is a great beauty… though obviously that's not the only reason Naruto isn't teasing her by calling her granny right now. He really wants this conversation, he really wants a chance to convince Tsunade to send him after Jiraiya… which means being respectful and getting her attention, however he possibly can.

The beautiful buxom blonde looks at him for a long moment, before giving a slight nod to Shizune. Casting one last glance of her own in Naruto's direction, Tsunade's apprentice steps back out of the office and away entirely, leaving the two of them alone. Well, as alone as one can be in the office of the village's leader. Still, Naruto steps forward all the same.

He's worried that Tsunade won't let him finish once he tells her why he's here, so he starts off and he doesn't stop, doing his level best to get it all out in one big rush.

"Ma'am, I want you to send me after Jiraiya. He's in over his head with… with whatever it is that he's doing now. Think about it, he's spent the last few years with me at his side, watching his back, shoring up his weak spots. Even if I was a snot-nosed brat when I left, I learned a lot… and he almost certainly got used to having my help. He's not used to going it solo anymore, and if he thinks that he's protecting me by leaving me here, that has to mean whatever this is he's doing now is way too big for him alone!"

There, all of it rushed out… and maybe a bit of how Naruto used to be is leaking through as well, because Tsunade has a little bit of a small smirk on her face. She cocks an eyebrow at him as he stops talking, waiting a beat before snorting in amusement.

"What? No 'believe it!' to cut it off? I'm almost disappointed, kid."

Naruto goes a little red at that, because to be honest, it'd been on the tip of his tongue, but he'd spent the last couple of years training that particular verbal tic away, and he wasn't going to let himself regress now. Seeing that he wasn't going to respond to her teasing, Tsunade sighs and runs a hand across her face as she leans back in the chair for a moment. Then, she looks at him again, far more serious this time.

"Jiraiya's work for the village… isn't up for discussion, Naruto. I'm sorry, but your place is here, in Konoha. The old pervert has made that very clear to me. He said you've got work to be doing here, though he was rather… circumvent about what that was."

… Is it just him, or is Tsunade's face getting just a little red? Naruto furrows his brow, ready to argue his case some more, ready to fight this with all his might… when a distinct clawing sensation stops him dead in his tracks. In the back of his mind, Kurama is scraping against the bars of his cage… a surefire sign that the fox wants to talk and wants to talk NOW.

This really wasn't the time or place, and Naruto tries to send that back along the connection that he and the Nine-Tails have developed, tries to get that across to Kurama through their bond… but Kurama is having none of it, and Naruto winces, bringing a hand to his head.

"Naruto? Are you alright?"

Tsunade's concern has him looking to her, and he lets out a small laugh.

"A-Aha… yeah, I'm uh, I'm fine. I assume that Jiraiya explained everything that's happened between me and my passenger, yeah?"

It would be silly to expect Jiraiya to keep secrets from Tsunade and Konoha after all, just as silly as it would have been for Naruto to keep secrets from Jiraiya. Tsunade slowly nods, still frowning, and Naruto lets out another laugh.

"Ah, well… Kurama is demanding an audience really quick. Do you mind?"

Her face slightly redder by now, and wasn't that odd, but ow, Naruto couldn't really think too hard about Tsunade's complexion with Kurama scraping across the back of his head, the Hokage slowly shakes her head, indicating that she doesn't mind. So, without further ado, and much to his own relief, Naruto looks inward and finds himself in his mindscape a moment later. He's still in the Hokage's Office of course, and still standing there, but he's not… present anymore.

Still, if Tsunade and her ANBU guards can't keep his body safe, Naruto was boned anyways.

"What?! What is it, you stupid fox?!"

A low growl resounds from behind the massive bars that signify Kurama's cage and the seal on Naruto's belly. However, the area beyond said bars is no longer shadowed and impossible for Naruto to peer into. It's actually filled with quite a lot of light now, and even some basic amenities that Naruto and Kurama had managed to will into being within the demon fox's cage. All part of their deal that they'd made.

Now though, the Nine-Tails is clearly agitated as he steps up to the bars, looking down at Naruto in all of his majestic glory.

"What do you think you're doing, brat? Trying to run off after that old geezer. We have a deal, remember? You're supposed to be looking for potential mates… and there are plenty right here in this village. That one girl was certainly fun, but even I could tell you had to hold back with her… why stop at just her, huh? Why not have some fun, yeah?"

Naruto scowls at the fox, crossing his arms over his chest somewhat mulishly.

"I can find just as many mates out there on the road with Jiraiya, Kurama! C'mon, Jiraiya needs us, you know he does!"

Scoffing, Kurama shakes his massive fox head back and forth.

"Don't be ridiculous. Even with all of your progress, that one is still so far beyond you, it isn't even funny. Whatever he's doing now, whatever he's decided to leave you behind for… it's because you aren't ready. Which is why you should stay in this village and make mates out of all of its women!"

… Sage, why did the Demon Fox have to be such a massive pervert? Honestly, Naruto didn't mind it, most of the time. He quite enjoyed 'mating' as well, so most of the time, he and Kurama were on the same wavelength. But right now… ugh, the sucky part was, Kurama was probably right too. And so was Jiraiya. Whatever it was, Naruto probably wasn't ready to handle it. But that didn't make him any happier about it. It didn't make him any happier about being sidelined.

Although… frowning, Naruto narrows his eyes at Kurama suspiciously.

"… Why'd you have to summon me in here to tell me all of this, you dumb fox? You could have made your point clear without the face to face."

Suddenly, Kurama is averting his gaze, the demon fox scoffing again, but far less believably this time.

"Maybe because I knew it wouldn't get through your thick skull without a face to face conversation?"

No… no, that wasn't it. Scowling, Naruto turns his focus outwards again, transitioning from his inner mindscape to being back in the present, in the real world, in an instant. What he finds is… well, it explains why Kurama was trying to distract him. The Hokage isn't just slightly pink any longer… Tsunade is staring at Naruto rather hungrily, blushing profusely and visibly aroused. Naruto would know, he's had plenty of experience with what Kurama's musk can do to people.

It's not mind control, nothing like that. It doesn't force anyone to do anything against their will. Which is why it's all the more surprising that Tsunade is looking at him like a piece of meat. Though, even as aroused as Kurama has managed to make her… the woman still manages to keep her composure.

"Naruto… I think I understand why Jiraiya left you behind now. And I think… I think that his and the fox's scheme holds some merit."

Wait, what?

Tsunade smirks a little at his poleaxed expression.

"It would do well for the Uzumaki Clan to be reborn here in Konoha. Perhaps… mm, perhaps we should start with Shizune."

Okay, wait, this was a lot more than Kurama's musk. This was… Tsunade was… Naruto flares his senses for a moment, and only realizes then that while he was distracted, Tsunade dismissed the ANBU guards. It's just him and her in her office… and she's about to call in Shizune and… what, offer up her apprentice to his not-so-tender mercies?

Is everyone in Naruto's life a giant pervert? Just a little bit of Kurama's musk, and Tsunade is dropping all pretenses. Naruto… Naruto isn't sure what to do. Except, Kurama is purring in satisfaction in the back of his mind, and his dick is getting hard in his pants… and fuck, it's not Shizune he wants… at least not just her. And part of him wonders if this might be his best chance to get with Tsunade herself and put the gorgeous older woman in her place.

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