
Anko Mitarashi Redux

A/N: Just a reminder, new chapter here officially means new chapter over on the P atreon now, where my patrons are currently voting on the future direction of this story!


For a long moment, Anko is silent, but he can tell that she's thinking and trying to put her thoughts into words, so Naruto remains quiet and lets her do so. When she finally speaks, there's a healthy thread of venomous emotion throughout everything she says.

"… I want it gone, but if I'm being honest… I want him to PAY even more than I want it gone. He… he ruined me. Might as well have killed me, for all the damage he did on the way out. And then he abandoned me, abandoned the village, like it was NOTHING. So yes, Naruto… repurpose the mark if you can. Use it to hurt him, if you can."

Naruto can appreciate that level of spite, truly he can. Smiling softly, he places a hand on Anko's shoulder, away from the Cursed Seal, and nods.

"Thank you, Anko. I promise you; we'll make him pay for hurting us."

Anko's eyes flicker up to him at that, as if she's just realizing Naruto has a vendetta against Orochimaru as well, for the loss of his teammate. Sure, it'd been Sasuko's choice to leave with the Snake Sannin. Sure, she'd betrayed the village and his trust by running off like she did. Sasuko Uchiha had a lot to answer for, in Naruto's humble opinion. But first and foremost, they had to get her out of Orochimaru's clutches, no matter what.

However, if the cost for retrieving Sasuko involved hurting Anko overly much, Naruto didn't think he could do it. Instead, he would have to proceed cautiously. Anko's Cursed Seal was a massive boon in their fight against Orochimaru, but not at Anko's expense. With that resolved in his heart, Naruto begins to work with the Cursed Seal of Heaven more, not just studying it now, but fiddling with it.

Anko flinches at one point, and swallows thickly as he peers deeper and deeper into the inner workings.

"A-Aha… you DO know what you're doing, right?"

Naruto smiles thinly at that, choosing not to take it too personally. It's a fair question for her to be asking him, really. After all, he might be the same rank as her now, but he's still about half her age. Meanwhile, Orochimaru is… Orochimaru. The Snake Sannin has quite the reputation for a reason, while Naruto is just starting out.

And yet, he has one thing up on Orochimaru, and as he continues to fiddle and toy with the inner mechanics of the Cursed Seal of Heaven, tracing its hooks back to Anko's soul and pursing his lips as he does a more in-depth study of the seal and how it's connected to the beautiful kunoichi's chakra pathways, Naruto explains what that is to Anko.

"In your eyes, Orochimaru is probably a Sealing Genius, right? One might even call him a Seal Master."

Brow furrowed in confusion at where he could be going with this, Anko nevertheless nods hesitatingly. Smirking, Naruto shakes his head.

"Except he's not a Seal Master. Not officially, I mean. At best, Orochimaru dabbles in Fuuinjutsu. He's a researcher, at heart."

"W-What? But that's… that can't possibly be right. Look at this thing on me! Look at what he's been able to do! With just a thought, he was able to take me out back during the Chunin Exam all those years ago!"

Naruto shakes his head, eyes narrowed as he glares balefully at the product of Orochimaru's result, this 'Cursed Seal of Heaven'.

"It's a fucking joke, Anko. Yes, he can use it to control you… but it's inefficient and crude. It's a stamp he designed, learned to make perfectly, and uses to enslave his followers. A true, proper Seal isn't a STAMP… it's a work of art."

Now, maybe that was a bit hypocritical of Naruto to say. And not entirely accurate, either. Even Seal Masters had 'stamps', so to speak. Naruto himself had a couple of Seals that he could effectively 'stamp' onto people, perfected to the point that he knew exactly the number of strokes with his chakra brush to draw with the chakra ink, in precisely the right way. Fuck, he could probably apply some seals in the middle of combat.

Orochimaru, meanwhile, had managed to truly turn HIS haphazard, corruptive, corrosive Seal into a goddamn stamp. All he had to do to apply it was BITE someone after all, that was how he'd gotten Sasuko.

"No, Orochimaru is no Seal Master, Anko. You know who the Seal Master of the Great Sannin is? Jiraiya the Toad Sage. My mentor."

Anko's eyes are wide as she stares up at him in dawning comprehension. The hope he sees in her gaze fills him with a warmth that causes Naruto to smile. She's starting to believe. That's good… that's very good.

"I… I guess I never…"

"No, and why would you? Orochimaru is the researcher, the one pushing boundaries to the point of no return. Jiraiya is the Perverted Toad Sage, and he gets a lot less respect. But one of them is a Sealing Dabbler, and one is a Seal Master… who taught me everything he knows."

Anko's eyes get even WIDER at that, as she gapes at him for a moment before letting out a slightly incredulous laugh.

"Oh c'mon… that's… there's no need to be so boastful, Naruto. Heh, you were only with Jiraiya for a few years…"

Naruto nods along, still working with her Cursed Seal as he smiles fondly in remembrance.

"Yes, and he was scrambling for new things to teach me by halfway through the second. Turns out, I'm a fast learner, when I put my mind to it. Learned my dad's signature move in a week to impress Tsunade, did you know that? Jiraiya found ways to motivate me further, during our time together… and I in turn excelled beyond his wildest expectations."

It would have been so easy to rest on his laurels and take it slow, after helping Jiraiya convince Tsunade to take over as Konoha's Fifth Hokage. Too damn easy. Naruto had always had… issues with motivation, self-actualization, and his terrible attention span. Luckily, Jiraiya had noticed all of that, and whether it was out of guilt for not being there for his godson for so long, or out of excitement for just how far Naruto could go in short periods of time, the Toad Sage had gotten off his ass and actually taught him everything he could.

Of course, it could also be that they'd bonded over their love for beautiful women together, with Naruto expressing an interest in learning all of Jiraiya's… less combat applicable techniques as well. It was a classic question of whether the chicken or egg came first. Did Jiraiya and he bond over their perversion because Naruto was so good with Seals, or did Jiraiya help Naruto learn to be so good with Sealing because they'd bonded over their perversion?

In the end, it mattered little. Naruto had NOT slowed down, these past few years. He'd learned how to make a Rasengan in order to impress Tsunade within a week… and then he'd kept up that pace of learning everything Jiraiya had to teach him, as well as everything Jiraiya had of his father's writings, for the next few years after.

… Naruto was probably close to S-Rank, at this point, and no, that wasn't a humble brag. He's not surprised Anko is a little disbelieving of him at first though, even as he pulls back and watches her stare at him for a long moment. Finally, the gorgeous older kunoichi narrows her eyes.

"… You're either a really good liar or telling the truth, and I don't really know why you'd boast so much except to maybe make me feel better. So, if that IS the case, let's cut the chit-chat and get down to brass tacks, yeah? Just… do your thing. Repurpose the seal. Use it to find Orochimaru. I've always been a bigger fan of actions, rather than words anyways."

As she finishes her mini-tirade with a sense of finality, Naruto can't help it. He grins, nodding along with her words and answering her the moment she's no longer speaking.

"Sure. Done."

Anko takes a second to catch up, blinking owlishly at him before scrunching her face up incredulously once again.

"W-What? What do you mean, DONE?!"

Shrugging, Naruto traces a finger along her Cursed Seal of Heaven. A shiver runs through Anko's body, as she feels him activating it. Not Orochimaru, HIM. Of course, he doesn't use it to cause debilitating pain that takes her out of commission. Instead, he sends a spark of pleasure through her. A spark of pleasure he knows is being… received elsewhere.

"I mean that I'm perfectly capable of talking while I work, Anko Mitarashi. It's done. The Seal is repurposed… you're free of Orochimaru's influence."

Mouth opening and closing soundlessly for a moment, Anko shivers.

"Maybe… maybe you're a Seal Master after all. Orochimaru… he always demanded absolute silence while he worked. Said that sealing takes complete concentration. Not to mention, it took him several hours-long sessions to apply my Cursed Seal."

Well, given he'd applied Sasuko's with a bite, he'd clearly improved. Still, Naruto wasn't about to pass up a chance to rag on Orochimaru. Grinning, he cocks his head to the side and shrugs.

"Like I said… he's a dabbler."

Anko slowly nods, well and truly believing him now. Naruto lets her process it all for a moment longer, before dropping his next bombshell.

"Oh, by the way, I didn't just repurpose the Cursed Seal into a tracking device. In order to use it to find Orochimaru, I had to strengthen the connection between you and the Snake Bastard. But obviously, I wasn't going to let him have EASIER access to your soul and chakra pathways… so I went ahead and inverted it instead."

Blinking, Anko furrows her brow.

"Inverted it? Does that mean what I think it means?"

Grinning like the cat who caught the canary now, Naruto makes a show of checking his fingernails, acting like the smug prick he is as he chuckles airily.

"If you think it means that Orochimaru can no longer hurt you… and that any pleasure you experience will in turn, be felt as debilitating pain by the Snake Bastard, then yes, it means what you think it means."

Anko's jaw drops open at Naruto's latest and last piece of good news. And then her lips curl into a big, Cheshire-like grin. One that Naruto returns, the two of them almost having a contest as they try to outdo one another's savage, wicked smirks of delight.

"… You're the best fiancé a gal could ask for, Lord Uzumaki. Now please. Fuck me."

Chuckling, Naruto pulls Anko into a kiss, his tongue pushing into her mouth as his hand goes to one of her full breasts and begins to fondle it. The gorgeous kunoichi lets him push her back onto the bed and climb atop her, and soon enough they're both losing themselves in the pleasure of one another's embrace. The knowledge that they're screwing Orochimaru over by screwing… is just icing on the cake.


Sasuko Uchiha was an Avenger. She was-


Resisting the urge to flinch, Sasuko scowls at the ceiling of her 'room', which is more of an underground cell. Still, there's no lock on the door. She can come and go as she pleases. Technically, she's not a prisoner… unless one counts her own nature as a prison.

Indeed, because Sasuko Uchiha was an Avenger. Her need for revenge exceeded any other need in her life. Companionship and friendship HAD to be set aside in favor of Victory at all costs. Until her older brother Itachi lay dead at her feet, she couldn't AFFORD anything less.

The encounter she'd had with Itachi, a few years back when he and that shark-like friend of his had shown up to take Naruto, had all but confirmed it for her. She was still so… so fucking weak. He'd pointed it out, bastard that he was, but it wasn't like he was WRONG. Sasuko needed more power, if she was ever going to-


This time, she can't help the flinch. Luckily, no one else is around. She, of course, immediately masters the spark of fear as she presses her lips together thinly. When… the pain had first started, Orochimaru had almost immediately relocated them, meaning him and her, to an out of the way base away from the rest of the Village Hidden in the Sound. He didn't want to display such weakness to anyone, but since she was his direct apprentice, he couldn't just leave her behind.

Only, the pain seemed to be getting worse, if anything. She didn't quite understand what was happening. It wasn't like Orochimaru was willing to tell her anything. He'd taught her some stuff, and Sasuko KNEW she'd made the right choice by going with him, given how she'd grown in leaps and bounds in the years since she abandoned Konoha.

It wasn't as if she wanted to betray the village of her birth, or her team… deep down inside, Sasuko could admit that she'd even come to care for them. Kakashi was a shit teacher, but an alright superior. Naruto and Sakura were both… they'd gotten closer to Sasuko then she wished, truth be told.

Naruto in particular… but no, Sasuko couldn't afford to think about the blond boy and their last encounter together. She'd escaped him by the skin of her teeth and used that final fight as fuel all this time to get better. He was… he was a genius, just like her brother. And Sasuko was just Sasuko. She would only succeed, only overcome both Naruto and Itachi, by working harder.


Unfortunately, she wasn't getting much training at the moment. Not with Orochimaru out of commission. Frankly, Sasuko didn't know what to do. She was an Avenger but had nothing to avenge at the moment. Orochimaru's affliction was beyond her, and Kabuto was still a day away. In the meantime, it felt like all Sasuko could do was sit and wait, cooling her heels.

… Perhaps she was nearly done with her time in Orochimaru's care. Whatever was happening to the Snake Sannin, it was clear he couldn't stop it. Maybe he'd finally bitten off more than he could chew with one of his experiments, or maybe one of his many enemies had finally found a way to strike at him from afar.

Either way, maybe it was time for Sasuko to start looking for a new path to power, so she could put her brother in the ground, once and for all…


Meanwhile, back in Konoha, Naruto pulls back and gives Anko a grin, his mouth covered in her pussy juices from where he just tongued her out.

"Shall we go again?"

"Yes. More."

Her husky voice makes it clear she wants it… nay, she needs it. Not only for the pleasure he's providing her, but also for the pain they're causing Orochimaru. Naruto grins and considers how he's going to go about things.


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