
Lewd Yang

Lexi saw him jolted from where he sat. His usual flashy aura transformed into dark air surrounding him. The bags under his eyes were screaming lack of sleep or rather, he seemed he hadn't slept at all! Overall, Ethan was akin to a person who's on the brink of sanity as he hastily made his way towards Lexi.

Stepping back with every step he takes, Lexi put her arms up while lowering her head as if her slim arms were enough to hide her panic-stricken figure. She heard Churu's statement earlier but Lexi didn't dwell on it further as she was well-versed of the cute little dumpling's antics. Indeed, Churu might not lie about the fact that Ethan and her, didn't have sex but… Churu certainly left more important details behind!

"Wha, wha, what?" Lexi stuttered in fright from the monster coming at her.

Ethan came into a full stop several steps away from her, he chuckled with a demonic tone.