
Chapter one

Scarlet view

"Beep, beep"



"Sigh come on you two we need to get up"

"Noo I don't want to"

"Why do we even need to go to that hellhole?"

"Pause you must be thinking, what the hell is going on and who the hell are you, well my name is scarlet night walker and the other two are the twins, the one that's fighting with the bed sheets his name is Logan, he has quiet the temper as you can see.

"Ahh curse you, you stupid sheets"

"Well you look at that, the great Logan is once again defeated by blankly, 3 points to blankly and zero for Logan"

That's lee, his the calm one out of the twins

"Why you..."

"Enough, you can kill each other later, for now lets get dressed"

"Sorry scarlet" they say in unison

"Don't worry about it,"


"It's amusing to see you wrestle with the blanket and lose"

Lee tried to stifle his laugh, and Logan had his head bow down in embarrassment.

After we got dressed I went to the kitchen to go grab a bite, but as usual I have to break up a fight.

"You can't hurt him, he just a cute little bunny"

That's Alexia, she's what you call a person one with nature

"I'm hungry I didn't just wake up at one in the morning to hunt, just for my breakfast to get stolen by my little sister!

That's Jay, him and his sister are werewolf with different powers

"Sigh, both of you stop "

I say this in a monotone tone

Both freeze and slowly look at me, with a sheepish smile

"Hi scarlet how was your sleep" Jay asked

"It was good until I started to hear you two squabble over a damn bunny"

They turn their heads away in embarrassment

"Were we really that loud" alexia whispered to her brother

Before I can answer them with a blunt reply someone interrupts me with a sarcastic reply

"Well nah, bet ya the whole neighbourhood can hear you"

That's hunter, let just say his like another me but in a boy version and very overprotective little brother that follows me around.

"Well good morning to you hunter how was your sleep"

"It was a good sleep, until these dumbasses interrupted it"

"Were sorry "the wolf siblings apologise

"It's alright, to end this petty fight how about I make breakfast and Alexia keeps the bunny or set it free"

"YES" I hear the twins scream in excitement

"Aahh but I wanted to make breakfast" Alexia whined

"No offence sis, but your food is horrible there is no meat every time you make it for us" Jay nervously replied

After eating breakfast we got into the marcades and drove to school that we call the gates of hell, we all got out and walk together to the gates of hell just when we thought that it was going to be a good day the spoil bimbo's appear and started opening their big mouths, oh you must be thinking, ummm the spoil bimbos , well these people are snobby rich kids that always pick a fight with us or the snobby girls try to flirt with the guys. Their names are Paris and mike and there minions

"Hey hunter why don't you leave these losers and join us" queen bitch said

"Hmmm how about no, why would I join a group that have a IQ of a squirrel"

"Because I'm rich and prettier then those girl you always hang out with" queen bitch said with a 'I'm higher than you bow down to me' tone

"Like i said IQ of a squrrial, why don't you and your little buddy's go back to hunting for nuts, I'm sure you swallowed plenty of them"

"Hunter relax on the insults"

"But scarrrrrlet"

"No hunter, even if they are true I cant be bothered listening to her screeching from her begging to get into your pants"

After I said that I was about to walk off just until queen bitch was about to pull my hair I grab her wrist and put a little pressure on it and spoke to her with a cold tone

"Listen here queen bitch you can screech all you want to get Hunter attention but, touch me or harassed my love ones and I will make you wish you were never born capeesh"

She nodded her head in fear


I let go of her and signal the others to follow after walking through the halls of the school, we all went to our classes, me and hunter have the same classes, I went to my seat and put on my head phones and started drawing, ignoring the lesson since I already know all this, just about to finish the last touches to my drawing, but unfortunately the bell rang after putting everything away in my bag except my music, I was too lazy to move I just sat there on my seat while my feet on the desk.

"Aren't you coming scar" hunter said

"I can't be bothered"


Just when I thought hunter left, I felt myself getting picked up and carried away in hunter arms

"Hunter put me down I can walk by myself"

"No you been pushing yourself to hard, just rest ok"

"Fine, stubborn ass" I mumbled

"I heard that" hunter said

"You were suppose too"

Hunter hug me tightly

"Well aren't you adorable"

"Let go!!"

"No not until you rest and let me cuddle you"


After that cuddle fest we met up with the others at the car park

"Hey how come you are allowed to cuddle with scarlet" Logan said

"Yeah" lee agree with his brother

"Because I'm the oldest and scarlet needs rest until she goes back pushing herself again

"Guys I'm fine and I don't push myself"

Everyone give me a look

"Ok a little bit, anyway lets go home I need to get to work"

After getting home I drove to my job which I am a DJ and maid, after setting up the music I started to serve some customers but unfortunately there was a giant blond rat with her minions surrounding her, do you know who it is, guess?





No its not Sherk



If you thought it was that blond bitch Paris then you are absolutely correct, so I went to her table and did my job.

"Hello what can I get you girls?"

"Omg girls would you look at that, the freak works"

She said while laughing snorting like a pig

I was really getting annoyed by them, but I didn't show it, I sign and repeated my question again

"I will ask again, what can I get for you girls "

"Well if you want to know,my girls and I will have each a glass of ice coffee, can you accomplish that simple task or you that useless "

"Sure anything else you want"

"No that be all you freak"

After taking down their order , I turn around heading towards the kitchen to get their order ready, just when I almost pass Paris I saw her stick her foot out to attempt to trip me, but as a smartass I walked over it and gave her the finger while walking past her .

Few minutes later I came out with their ice coffee and started handing it out to them, after Paris took a sip; her minions followed her lead, after that sip Paris spit it out like it was poison

"You call this ice coffee are you trying to kill me" pairs said in disgust

After that comment her and her minion kept complaining in their snobbish voices to the point I started gaining a migraine.

I felt like someone was watching, I turn in the direction where I felt it, which is where was the bar stand, and and the person standing in the bar stand was my boss, standing there glaring at the group of snobbish girls with anger. when I saw that glare I knew something good is about to go down.

The reason why my boss was glaring at them with anger because of how they were treating his employee with disrespect, which by the way is me, for some reason he treats all his employees that work under him as his children. Weird, I know right but its good to have a father figure in your life even if it's your boss.

My boss came out of the bar stand and headed our way with a fake smile, the girl saw him and halted their complaining, the reason why, well my boss has an intimidating appearance, his 6'0 tall black shaggy hair, tan skin, and red piercing eyes and he was quite stunning.

My boss gave a fake smile to girls when he was near us

"Lady's, what seems to be the problem my boss faked concerned while smiling

"Your employee serves us this horrid ice coffee and did this on purpose"

After she said that, all hell broke loose, my boss fake smile disappears.

"how would you know that young lady, I know my employees wouldn't do that especially scarlet and don't think I didn't hear and see you harassing my employee and trying to trip her so I suggest you and your group leave my club and never come back, you are band to come here and if you do I'll call the cops" my boss says in a pissed off tone

"Arg just wait till my daddy hears this, you will regret this" Paris said with her squeaky, snobbish voice

After she said that, she left with her minion, following behind her like good little rats into the limo, her minions kept agreeing with her while she complained about the club and us.

"Sign how do you keep yourself from killing those people or beating their ass up is beyond me" my boss ask in a tired tone

"Simple just mentally imagine torturing them or beaten them up that will cool down your anger it always work for me" I answer my boss with a shrug

My boss looks at me surprise with my explaination

"Really well now I know what to do when I'm pissed, thanks for the advice" after my boss said that, he went back inside to supervise the club.

After closing up the shop, I hop on my baby that is a motor bike, drove to the street fighting club to let off some steam, I enter the building and walk to the front desk and enter one of my fighting names which is death walker.

After few hours I heard the ref call out my ring name and this other guy's name, call the crusher, I enter the cage and saw 6'0 tall buff blonde, brown eyes guy with a cocky grin.

"This who I'm fighting, a little women" arrogant guy say with a smirk

The people that knew me gave the guy a pity look, the people that didn't know me laugh along with Mr arrogant.

I gave the guy a blank stare

"Are you going to keep blabbering your mouth with sexist comments or are we going to fight"

"Sure thing doll face, but don't start crying when I beat your pretty little face in"

I just rolled my eyes and waited for the ref to start the count down





I got in to position, shifted both my feet 39inches apart and kept my fist up near my face and waited for him to attack, the guy didn't even wait and took the bait an swung the first punch, I dodge it and gave a right hook and went straight to his face, he staggered from the punch I gave, I wasted no time to trip him and put him in a headlock, after about a few minutes I got tired of him not falling unconscious, so I brought my right fist up and bashed his face with it until he was knocked out.

I heard the ref coming next to me and grab my arm and lift it into the air and announcing my victory to the crowd, the crowd cheered my name while I walk through the crowd some of them shaking my hand and congratulating me on my win, after walking out of the crowed I went to the front desk and claim my prize, after claiming my prize I walk out of the club and hop back on my baby, and drove back home, after an hour drive I came to my destination, I hop off my baby and push her back to a place that she was safe from dirty thieving hands which is a garage that is wired with high tech security, don't judge me, I love my bike and who ever dares to steal my baby will be eliminated that dares to touch my baby, anyway after putting my baby in the garage I went to the door step and unlocking the door quietly and entering the house while quietly shutting the door slowly and quietly as possible, I walk into the living room to get a cup of water from the kitchen, but I stop and to check twice on what I was seeing, because what I saw was a funny site that made my day.

It was hunter sitting in those black spinning chairs, patting a random white cat, and crossing his legs, while looking at me with a heated glare.

"Where have you been scarlet it's two in the morning"

I gave him a look and said

"Just because you made my day, I tell you the truth in a short summary"

"Go on" hunter said with a stern tone

"I was working at my job and encountered a group of bimbos that got me annoyed so after finishing my shift, I went to the street fighting club to let off some steam and here I am"

"Sign, scarlet next time you go somewhere else please call me or tell me beforehand, I was worried" hunter said this while walking up to me and giving me a hug.

"sorry it slipped my mind, you know I can take care of myself, but I promise you that I tell you next time where I go beforehand"

"Good and I know you can take care of yourself but am just worried" hunter says this while hugging me tighter

I gave out a tired sign

"I know, anyway lets go to bed am sure your tired"

"Yeah" hunter yawns while saying that

I walk upstairs and went to my room, entering my room I got change into my PJS and went to my bed as I was about to dive into my bed I saw the twins sleeping soundly on each side of my bed so I got in between them and was about to close my eyes until I felt two pair of arms one wraped around my stomach and another on my waist.

"Hmm scarlet" Logan says in a tired tone

"Shh go back to sleep"


"did you win" lee says in a tired tone

"yeah I did now go back to sleep"

"Ok good night scarlet" the twin reply in unison"

"Good night boys"

After that I close my eyes and had a strange dream that I won't remember the next morning except green enchanting eyes.

This is my first novel on this site please do not judge if you have a problem with the novel, please I ask kindly message me about your complaint so I can improve the story to your liking or take it under consideration, the next chapter would be the info about the characters, enjoy.

hellangel2468creators' thoughts