
The Rise of the Rune Master

Did you ever ask yourself what kind of person you are? What if you got yourself in a difficult situation where you need to choose whether to sacrifice one person for the lives of many, or risk the lives of many just to save one person? What would you choose? Alfred was a normal teenage college student. He has nothing special, his looks, voice, height, background, and talent. All of them are average. The only thing unique to him was his curious mind. If something piques his interest, he will find out everything he could about it and overanalyze it to make a theory in his head, even if it's useless and he will never use it in his entire life. One day Alfred found himself in this new world, where danger is everywhere, and death is a daily occurrence. He will be forced to make difficult choices and decisions that will challenge his integrity. Can he survive until the end? or he will be consumed by the madness of sadness and guilt that will accumulate in his heart? Not all was darkness in this world, there are also some things that will give Alfred hope. He will learn a mysterious power called a rune that will give him the power to protect his life and his people. Can this mysterious rune become the savior of Alfred and his people? or this mysterious rune will be the reason for their demise? [Author's note. English is not my main language. I'm trying to study more, and expand my vocabulary to improve my work. If you like my story, please add it to your library, I will upload a chapter every day. If you want to support me please give this work a vote thank you.]

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Chapter 32: Augmentation Rune.

Chapter 32: Augmentation Rune.

The Rune Glowed After the Life Energy of Vir coated it entirely, then floating water slowly appeared on the Rune. Everyone watching was surprised by this, even Vir who did the act was baffled. In all of the stun faces, 2 individuals had different reactions.

Instead of being surprised, they were ecstatic, these 2 were Shaman Catori and Alfred. The moment the Water materialized on the Rune using Vir Life Energy, the theory of Alfred was proven at the same time. This discovery would advance Alfred's knowledge dramatically regarding the Runes.

The new ideas were already popping into Alfred's head the moment he saw Vir activate the Rune using his own Life Energy.

'If people can activate the Rune with their Life Energy, it means I can weaponize the Rune. For example, what if I put a Fire Rune to the blade of the stone spear. The Arrows can use their Life Energy to activate the Fire Rune on the blade after stabbing a monster or a beast to burn them inside.

I really need to reach the 3rd Stage faster if I want to make better Runic Tools or Runic Weapons. My Life Energy control and capacity are hindering me, starting tomorrow I will do nothing but improve my Life Energy.'

Alfred was deeply in thought when someone grab his shoulder.

"Alfred! This Rune of yours is amazing." Dara excitedly said.

Alfred was baffled by the sudden interruption. However, he didn't say anything. Dara was just excited with everything happening right now, maybe he would act like this too if he was in her position.

"Thank you"

Alfred wanted to go back to his tent to start improving his Life Energy. Therefore, he slipped into the group of people while they are busily crowding the place. After Alfred finally got out inside the crowd of people, he hastily ran, or more like jog towards the direction of his tent.

Inside his tent, Leo was lazily lying on the bed. Alfred didn't bother him and immediately sat in a lotus position to start his training. He decided to not stop practicing his Life Energy until he reached the 3rd Stage Energy Coating.

Alfred could already cover half of his arm, because of his different way of controlling the Life Energy, the growth of his control and strength was much faster than anyone else in the tribe. He predicted that he could reach the 3rd Stage in less than 2 months if he only focused on improving his Life Energy.

Alfred was becoming impatient because of his low Life Energy control and strength. It was hindering his potential, the inspiration he had earlier might disappear if he took too long to invent these new ideas. The days went on, and Alfred didn't do anything besides improve his Life Energy.

The Water Rune he made was being used daily by the 3rd Stage hunters to use it to water the plant and to also practice their Life Energy. Dara also increase the size of the plot in the planting area, she made it 10 times larger than before.

Shaman Catori and Elder Ahote visit him sometimes for various reasons, Shaman Catori came to him to learn the ancient language, and also, she tried learning the Rune. However, the Rune Shaman Catori made always failed for unknown reasons.

Shaman Catori also found out that English was not the Ancient Language she wanted to learn but the Runic Symbols were, but Alfred was having a hard time translating it to her because he was also just learning the Language.

Elder Ahote came to his tent to check on him or to discuss some new ideas. Alfred also tried to teach Elder Ahote the Rune to see if he could succeed, he explained it to him very carefully so Elder Ahote can understand it better. However, like Shaman Catori, Elder Ahote's Rune also failed due to unknown reasons.

The 3 White Lions were now half the size of the Lions on earth, they truly grow rapidly. Alfred sometimes lets Leo go to the Forest to hunt so he can develop his hunting skills. Because Alfred closed himself indoors all this time, the time he talked to Aponi lessened as time went on, but he didn't let this hinder him. Instead, he made it a motivation, the faster he broke through the faster he could talk to her.

The food problem of the tribe was solved when the first harvest of the vegetable happened. Chief Viren decided to have another celebration to commemorate the day. Just like that 1 and a half months had passed, and Alfred finally reached the 3rd Stage Energy Coating, he could now coat small things like a stone knife.

Even though he could only maintain it for a minute, for him that was enough. After reaching the 3rd Stage he immediately informed the Elders. This time the 3 Elders were gathered in Elder Ahote's tent, the inside of the tent was still messy as always, and the different kinds of materials laying around the ground were still there.

Elder Ahote just picked the materials, then put them in a corner to make a room to sit. Alfred wanted to invite Vir, but it was a shame that he was in the Forest hunting, his punishment ended half a month ago.

"Young Alfred, why did you gather us here?" Chief Viren asked.

"I already reach the 3rd Stage Energy Coating. I want to try some of the ideas that I have been holding because of the lack of Life Energy control and strength. I want the 3 of you to witness it."

"What! You have already reached it? Vir growth was the fastest I see when it came to Life Energy and even him, took 5 moons to reach that level and you only take you 3 moons?" Shaman Catori exclaimed.

"That is because my way of controlling Life Energy is different from others. Therefore, my progress is faster."

"Let us stop talking for now and show us, I am also excited by this." Elder Ahote eagerly said.

Alfred agreed, he look around to find some materials he could use to demonstrate his Runes. He chose a wooden stick, it was a handle for tools such as an ax or hammer. After that he hold a stone knife in his right hand, then he coated it with Life Energy to carve a rune on the wooden stick.

After a few seconds, the Rune glowed, it last for a few seconds before it stopped. Alfred was panting when the Rune stopped glowing, he wrote a Strength Rune and pour almost all of his Life Energy into it. Alfred did it because the more Life Energy he poured into the Augmentation Rune the stronger the effect.

"I – am D – done," Alfred said to the Elders while panting.

"What is this Rune Alfred?" Elder Ahote asked first.

"It was an Augmentation Rune, Strength Rune."

"What can it do?" Shaman Catori asked this time.

"Try holding the wooden stick"

Alfred handed the wooden stick to Shaman Catori, the moment Shaman Catori held the wooden stick the feeling of becoming strong immediately immerged.

"What is this!" Shaman Catori exclaimed.

"Can I try?" Elder Ahote requested.

Shaman Catori handed the wooden stick to Elder Ahote. After Elder Ahote held the Wooden stick he also felt the exact feeling Shaman Catori felt when she held the item. He could feel the increase in strength in his whole body.

Elder Ahote passed the wooden stick to Chief Viren to include him in this amazing feeling. Chief Viren had an exact expression to both Elders when they held the wooden stick for the first time.

"That is the reason I hasten my improvement, with that, hunting a beast will become much easier than before," Alfred said.

While the 3 Elders were fascinated by the wooden stick, an Arrow suddenly burst in.

"Elders the hunting party return and Head Arrow Vir call for an emergency meeting right away."

All the Elders frown because it's been a while since an emergency meeting was called. They immediately stood up, they didn't even ask the Arrow for detail.

"Alfred come with us, this is might be very important" Chief Viren invited Alfred.

The Elders and Alfred walked hurriedly to the biggest tent in the Tribe. When they walked inside, they already saw Vir and Dara inside sitting. The 2 immediately stood up when the Elders entered. The Elders were puzzled why was Dara here in the emergency meeting. However, they didn't ask and just let Vir explain.

Vir noticed the Elders' confusion about Dara's attendance in the emergency meeting. But Vir waited until Elders and Alfred sat down before he explained everything. After the Elders and Alfred sat down, Vir finally Spoke.

"I called for this emergency meeting because our tribe is in great danger, and I called Dara here because this is also related to her. We met some people while hunting, they said to us that the Blood Tribe is destroying a lot of tribes because they are looking for someone. They are looking to the people who kill the son of their Chieftain."