
The Rise of the Rune Master

Did you ever ask yourself what kind of person you are? What if you got yourself in a difficult situation where you need to choose whether to sacrifice one person for the lives of many, or risk the lives of many just to save one person? What would you choose? Alfred was a normal teenage college student. He has nothing special, his looks, voice, height, background, and talent. All of them are average. The only thing unique to him was his curious mind. If something piques his interest, he will find out everything he could about it and overanalyze it to make a theory in his head, even if it's useless and he will never use it in his entire life. One day Alfred found himself in this new world, where danger is everywhere, and death is a daily occurrence. He will be forced to make difficult choices and decisions that will challenge his integrity. Can he survive until the end? or he will be consumed by the madness of sadness and guilt that will accumulate in his heart? Not all was darkness in this world, there are also some things that will give Alfred hope. He will learn a mysterious power called a rune that will give him the power to protect his life and his people. Can this mysterious rune become the savior of Alfred and his people? or this mysterious rune will be the reason for their demise? [Author's note. English is not my main language. I'm trying to study more, and expand my vocabulary to improve my work. If you like my story, please add it to your library, I will upload a chapter every day. If you want to support me please give this work a vote thank you.]

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Chapter 04: The First Step

Chapter 04: The First Step

At first, Vir didn't understand the Elder's decision, there was also a time that he felt resentful and blamed the elders for all the tribesmen that died from hunting a beast, but now Vir finally understood why the Elders always gave a command to hunt a Beast for its Life Stone, even though the risk was very high.

Now Vir knew the truth, he realized something.

"Father, is this problem happening to every tribe?"

"Yes, that is why for the past years a lot of tribes got trampled by a monster and beast horde. Because their guardian tree wilted and die, or its Life Energy decreased so much that its protection weakened, that even a weaker monster can enter into their tribe." Chief Viren replied.

Vir understood the whole situation, his face became sorrowful, and he finally comprehended the heavy burden his father was carrying for the past few years, but Vir is still confused about something.

"I understand now the severity of our tribe's situation Father, but I still do not see how can Alfred help our tribe?"

Chief Viren looked at Vir

"Look at the wall."

When Vir heard what his father said, he finally observed the surrounding wall, initially, he didn't notice it because his focus was on the glowing rock, but now that his attention was on the wall, he noticed something. at first, he didn't understand what it was, but when he got closer, he got dumbfounded at what he saw. Vir saw writings, the wall was full of writings.

A language that he didn't understand, but he has a familiar feeling about it. Vir was sure that he saw it somewhere before. Therefore, he tried to recall where he has seen it before. After a few seconds, he got shocked, he finally remembered where he has seen it, he slowly turned his head to look at his father and stared at him without saying anything, but Chief Viren understood what he meant, then nodded his head.


When Alfred woke up, he saw Aponi cleaning his wounds. He instantly get up because of embarrassment, because of the sudden movement of Alfred, Aponi was startled. Aponi calmed herself first before she greeted Alfred with a smile.

"Ahh, you are awake, how are you? do you feel fine?"

Alfred also greet Aponi with a smile, then he remembered what he did yesterday.

"I am fine just a little soreness, by the way, I am sorry about yesterday, I am just anxious because of an unfamiliar place, and thank you for taking care of me I really appreciate it."

"Do not worry about it I understand, anyone will feel the same if they are in your situation." Aponi replied.

After the greetings, Alfred and Aponi don't have any more topics to talk about. Therefore, they stop talking. Because of this, the atmosphere became awkward. After a few seconds, Alfred finally can't take it anymore and tried to break the ice by asking a random question.

"If I remember correctly your name is Aponi right?"

"You remember! I thought you forgot because of the event yesterday." Aponi replied.

Alfred furiously wave his hands

"Definitely not! How can I forget the name of someone who helped me, I am not that ungrateful!"

Aponi giggles because of Alfred's reaction.

"I am sorry, I am just teasing you, thank you anyway"

Alfred's face reddened, and he immediately tried to change the topic out of embarrassment.

"Speaking of helping, you are really good at treating wounds, are you some kind of a doctor?"

This time Aponi was the one who wave her hands frantically, then her face reddened.

"No! I am not a doctor, I am far from being one, at least for now, I am still an apprentice. Shaman Catori is teaching me about herbal medicine and how to treat wounds"

This time Alfred became amused by Aponi's reaction and tease her even more.

"You are still an apprentice and you are already this good? I think you are very talented."

Aponi's face became even redder.

"Stop teasing me! I already said I am sorry"

After teasing each other, they both laugh, they didn't realize that the awkward atmosphere completely vanished.

"Oh! I almost forgot, I brought some food, you did not get a chance to eat yesterday so I know you are starving" Aponi said

When Alfred smelled the food, His stomach rumbled, he was a bit embarrassed, that was why he placed his hand on his stomach hoping to hide the sound.

"Sorry about that, thank you for the food, I am in fact very hungry that I could eat a horse"

Aponi tilted her head and looked confused.

"A horse? Oh, I am sorry we do not have horse meat in our tribe right now"

Alfred laughed.

"I do not really mean I want to eat a horse, it is just a figure of speech, we often used it from where I came from, it means you are very very hungry"

"Is that so, that is very interesting, anyway, do you have any requests?" Aponi asked.

Alfred thought for a while before answering.

"Do you think I can go outside? I kind of want to see what your tribe looks like"

"You definitely can, you are not a prisoner here, you are a guest." Aponi replied.

Alfred let out a sigh of relief, he thought that the Elders were not going to let him go out because of a trust issue, but now that he heard what Aponi said he felt that the Elders genuinely wanted to gain his trust. If this world was really dangerous based on what he heard, then why would they let him, a stranger, wander into their tribe.

"Thank you, I would love to go out and see your tribe, but first, can you bring me some kind of a stick, I cannot really walk on my own"

"You know I can just help you walk around the tribe." Aponi offered some help

But Alfred rejected the help.

"No no, you can just bring me some stick to hold on to, I do not want to burden you any further, and also I want to get used to my current situation faster, but thank you for the offer."

"Is that so, then let me just guide you, I do not think you will get lost or something, is not like our tribe is big, I just want to show you around." Aponi replied.

Alfred smiled

"If you really insist, then I accept your offer"

"Ok then, I let you finish your food first, then I will come back with something you can use to walk."

When Alfred finished his food, Aponi still didn't come back, he decided to take out the parchment and read it while waiting. Alfred learned that the parchment contained instructions on how to make a rune formation using some kind of energy.

"Is this rune formation some kind of magic? I can't comprehend some of the instructions, it says here that the best source of energy is a beast core, but if I don't have one, I can use monster blood for a temporary source of energy, what is that even mean?"

Alfred wanted to continue reading the parchment, but before he did Aponi came back. This time she was not alone. Alfred saw someone at the entrance of the tent, he became nervous, when he saw Vir standing at the entrance with a stern face. Aponi noticed Alfred was sweating and a little fidgety when he saw Vir, she smiled

"You do not have to worry, I know Brother Vir is a little scary, but when you get to know him you will be surprised how amazing of a person he is, and also he came here because he wanted to protect us while we were strolling around the tribe."

Alfred still didn't convince, but he still hesitantly agreed, he looked at Vir.

"Thank you."

Vir looked at him, then nodded his head without saying anything, when Aponi saw this she smiled.

"See, you two are already getting along, anyway, here is your stick, If it is too hard do not hesitate to tell me, I will help you walk, or if you like brother Vir can support you, let us go now."

Alfred didn't say anything and stood up using the help of the stick, he tried to walk, but he realized that it was harder than he thought. While he was struggling, Aponi stared at him with a worried look. Alfred felt a little embarrassed when he saw Aponi worried at him, he smiled wryly.

"You do not have to worry, I need to do this on my own if I want to get used to this as fast as I can."

When Vir saw Alfred's face, he understood what he felt.

"Aponi let him do it by himself, he does not need your help"

Aponi misunderstand her brother and became upset.

"I know that, you do not have to say it like that"

Vir didn't reply and just stare outside. Alfred understood what Vir wanted to do, he appreciates it and because of this Alfred's opinion of Vir changed a little.

When Alfred finally reached the entrance of the tent, the first thing that appeared in his eyes was the majestic image of the Guardian Tree.