
The Rise of the New GODS

The gods are running out of time it is time for the birth of new ones Alexander Lotrish, the crown prince of the Lotrish Empire, as the heir of Zeus, the leader of the human gods preserves the memories of his previous life Follow the story of Alexander and how he will form his new team of gods If anyone wanr to make me a cover or tell me something write me an email to: alzeronbook@gmail.com English is not my mother tongue so any mistakes you see tell me in the comments, you can also tell me any suggestions you had And please be patient with me, thanks

Alzeron · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Alexander Lotrish

'What the fuck just happened, the last thing I remember is going out for shopping and hear a loud noise'

"Well, what happened is that you were struck by lightning and died" Said a voice that entered his mind directly as if it were telepathy.

"Who's there?"

"Zeus" said the voice

"Yeah, sure, I introduce myself my name my name is Loki"

"Hahahaha, I doubt it very much boy, Loki died long ago"

Suddenly everything lit up, and the only thing you could see was an old man with strong muscles and a white beard. Everything besides the old man was absolutely white you didn't know where the floor ended and where the wall began.

"Wow, you have seriously worked on this joke, you have even copied the Matrox set, which I just happened to see yesterday"

"I'm not kidding boy. I know perfectly well what you are thinking and I know exactly what you did in your room last night"

"What??! You really spied on me just to make this stupid joke, you damn asshole!"

Then the old man snapped his fingers and he remembered the moment when the lightning bolt struck him and the immense pain. He even felt his soul leaving his body.

"So, I'm dead... Fuck !!!!" He screamed from the bottom of his soul

"I know what you're thinking"

"I know you can read my mind, It was already clear the first time you said it"

"It's a shame that a 19-year-old virgin like you died without even kissing a woman. A real shame"

"Shut the fuck up old man!! So you are Zeus? I heard you even fucked your daughters, right?

"Hahaha, I like you boy it would be a disgrace that the next Zeus does not have the same personality as the previous ones"

"Have there been more Zeus?"

"Yeah the original Zeus died eons ago in my world and millions in yours"

"My world? and what's yours?"

"GAIA, of course" Zeus said with a proud tone in his voice

"If we don't come from the same world as I know who Zeus is and the name GAIA sounds familiar to me"

"I was going to tell you, but since you didn't believe me, I had to answer your questions. The world you call Earth is just a world made by the original Zeus to select his next descendant, most of the stories of the gods have been transmitted by him. In fact the Earth is not more than one hundred thousand years old. GAIA is the real world where humans come from. All evidence of dinosaurs and evolution are simply false evidence that the original Zeus put to confuse humanity. In fact there is only your galaxy the other galaxies are just mere decorations" Zeus said.

'¡¿Qué ?! ' he thought

"So I'm going to be the new Zeus and the Zeus in front of me also came from the Earth??????!!!!!" he said while holding onto his head, learning that his whole world is actually a cage to lay an heir to zeus was too much for his head

"Oh, come on, you never liked the Earth, it does absolutely nothing there apart from sitting in front of your computer" Zeus said while laughing

He never cared about anyone but it lived his life doing what he wanted to do and when I wanted, so never became really someone important so it was just a sad employee of a shop video game. The life that he spent on earth for him was as if he were watching a movie, he did not even interact with anyone, every day that passed, he wished more than that absurd movie would end at once. That's the reason why he accepted so quickly that he had died and was going to be the next Zeus.

'The old man is right, I have always known that Earth was not my place, Its just that I have never thought that I would be struck by lightning and become a God. Wait how old is this old man if he is already looking for a descendant?'

"I died in 1520" Zeus said after reading his mind.

"Zeus only lives 500 years?"

"Not really, in GAIA those 500 years are billions of years. It should have been a thousand years in your world if my ascension had happened correctly but if not, it can only live 500 years of your world" Zeus said sadly. The life that he spent on earth for him was as if he were watching a movie, he did not even interact with anyone, every day that passed, he wished more than that absurd movie would end at once.

"Okay, so where do I have to sign?"

"It is not so easy to become a boy god if the Power passed you now, you would exploit"

"You must go to GAIA, create a new team of human gods and reach level 31. I know you have no idea what I mean with the levels, just imagine that it is an RPG. You as the leader of the gods are the only one who remembers his past life, that is the power that is given to you, without counting the ones that I will give you later."

'I have been talking to him for 2 minutes and this damn old man already talks to me about RPG, he is making good use of my memories'

"I have two last questions. What am I right now? And, this of being in a white space, you got it from Matrox right?

"You are a soul and yes, I think it is an incredible movie but the other two are not very good. Did you like it?" Zeus said with a smile on his face.

"I liked a lot actually. I guess that's not your real appearance, right? How was it when you died If it comes from more than 1000 years ago, it was surely an old man casting lightning bolts and saying in a deep voice something like "I am Zeus ..."

"HAHAHAHA, you're right boy, it happened just like you said and it seems that its true that all Zeus have the same personality"

"Perverts and arrogant?"

"Exactly. Well, your soul form is beginning the transfer to Gaia. When you are 5 years old we will see each other again, do not worry, you will have a very good family and your destiny as the new Zeus will be incredible. I wish you luck." Zeus said as he waved his hand

Then everything went dark

'Don't fuck with me. I think I am in my mother's womb. Please I don't want to be here for nine months or whatever. Wait, actually it's quite comfortable here, wow I think I could sleep here forever.'

Just when he thought that a light appeared

'Shit, I had to open my mouth and put up such a big flag, I'm a jerk.'

After a while of pressure all he saw was blurred figures that spoke a language that he had never heard or that his hearing had not yet become accustomed to

"it's a boy!" someone said

"Why don't you cry, is something wrong?" said a female voice

"I don't know of the thousand children that I have helped to give birth all have cried, wait". then he slapped him on the ass.

"Damn, what a pain who the hell has been the one who hit me!!" That's what he tried to scream but all he did was cry.

"Take the crown prince, milady"

When they put him in the arms of a woman, he knew that she was his mother, not because he felt familiar with her, but because he has seen so many movies and read so many novels in which this happens that it was clear that she was surely his mother.

This is the moment when I should be named, right?

"Your name will be Alexander, Alexander Lotrish" said his mother

This is what his mother said but what he heard was very different.

'He has repeated Alekandesh??! What a fucking ugly name. When I grow up I will change my name without a doubt!!' With that in mind the newborn crown prince Alexander fell asleep in the arms of Empress Martha, his mother.

This is how this story begins of how the new Zeus will defeat who dares to be his rival and how he will try to flirt with any pretty woman, even if he has to offend all the gods in this world!

This is my first project and I would be really happy if you support it, my goal is to finish it as long as I have enough support, I suppose that I will reach 300 episodes and if I don't see any support then I suppose I will leave it unfortunately. That is why I will strive to make the novel better and better and that is why I ask for your support. Thank you.

Rememeber that im not english and i probably have a lot of gramnmatical mistakes, so be pacient and if you want tell me hot to improve myself telling me my errors and your suggestions

Alzeroncreators' thoughts