

Once he finds where the sounds came from he is shocked, he see giant wolves but they where not wolves they where Dire Wolves, he had read about them before in his books. He sees a group of people trying to fight them but where no having much luck.

Alex runs down to them and starts to attack the Dire Wolves with his katana in his hand he swings and slices through them, blocks there teeth and claws back, and he jumps up and gets on top of the Dire Wolf and stabs it in its head. Once all had been dead, jump off and wiped the blood off the blade, the group of people stood there in shock that he killed them all by himself.

"What?" He asks

One of the men speak up "Who are you and how did you kill those Dire Wolves."

Alex shows them his katana "I used this."

They stood there lost because them had never seen one before.

Alex ask "Where am I"

"What do you mean where are you?" A girl spoke "Your telling me that you saved us but didn't know where you are."

Another Spoke "Your on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Jericho."

One said "Thank you for helping us."

"No problem but now lets talk about my reward"

The group got a little mad "What do you mean reward."

"Nothing is free and its nothing huge just information."

A man spoke "What do you need to know."

"Where am I, Who are you people and how the hell did I get here."

A girl asked as she laughed" Well first whats your name?"

"Well my name Is Alex Alonso and ho--"

Alex had fainted over because of all the energy he had used and how he had just got to this planet he was soon to find out.