
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

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237 Chs


"If it's money, I can give it to you." Yao Jing's first reaction after being pulled out of the car was not to yell, nor to beg for mercy, but to give conditions.

The person who pulled Yao Jing froze for a moment, and then said jokingly, "I'm sorry, we collect money, help people do things, we are principled people."

Hearing this, Yao Jing quickly captured the information revealed by this person.

They were hired.

"I'll give you five times what your employer gives you." Yao Jing said again.

At this time, she opened her mouth is five times the price, the purpose is to directly take down these robbers.

Sure enough, the robbers were stunned.

Others are generally caught twice the price of what, this Yao Jing actually directly to five times, that is very generous.

"Really five times?" "Asked the robber holding Ms. Yao.

"Yes, five times, at once, if you will only let us go!" Yao Jing said.

"Boss..." The robber holding Yao Jing looked to the next person and seemed to hesitate.

"Are you stupid, you take her money, not kidnapping and extortion?" We are in illegal detention at best, and even if we are caught, we will be fine!" The man nearby reprimanded.

"That seems to make sense! Don't struggle, it doesn't matter how much you give!" The robber said, and dragged Yao Jing to the SUV walk.

"I'll give you ten times!" Once again, Yao Jing threw out a price that people could not refuse.

Now even the boss is having second thoughts.

Ten times the price, that is more than that a Yong paid!

"Never mind the rest, take her away!" "Said the eldest.


Yao Jing was pulled into the car in this way, and then several people drove away quickly.

On the ground, Song Siqing lay there, her body trembling, unable to move.

There were few passers-by around, only people watching from the beds of some distant houses.

Song Siqing felt sure that she was going to die, her body was in pain, and there seemed to be internal injuries, the whole viscera seemed to burst open.

Song Siqing's consciousness began to become confused.

I do not know how long it took, Song Siqing vaguely heard the footsteps around her.

"And Yao Jing?" A man's voice sounded.

"Was, was taken away. Black, Highlanda, license plate, Sea A34332 "Song Siqing tried her last strength to say these words, after which she lost consciousness.

Under the night, a slender figure stood beside Song Siqing.

The man's face wore a full black mask, and the whole face looked like nothing but black.

The moonlight cast a long shadow on him.

Around, several figures quickly came close.

"Boss." "Said the crowd, bowing around the man.

One of these people is the greedy Wolf.

"Send Siqing to the hospital." Lin's voice came through his mask.

'Yes! Someone immediately came forward to pick up Song Siqing turned and left.

"Dong Jian, check a black Highlanda, license plate A34332, may change license plate, area near Binjiang District." Lin said as instructed.

'Yes! Lin Zhi Zhi headphones came Dong Jian's voice.

"Greedy Wolf." Lin Zhi ordered the black mask without any features to look at the Wolf.

The greedy Wolf dropped to his knees.

"If anything happens to Yao Jing, you... Just make amends." Lin knows life calmly said.

"Boss, I can die right now." The Wolf raised his hand and pointed his sharp claws directly at his neck.


One hand easily caught the greedy Wolf's claws.

This hand is the hand that Lin knows his destiny.

Lin Zhi life was two or three meters away from the Wolf, a moment of effort, unexpectedly came to the side of the Wolf, this body law, the ghost is unpredictable.

"I'll keep you until I find Yao Jing." Lin said as instructed.

"Yes! Boss."

"Young master, the car is going to the direction of Tianhe Pier." Lin Zhi Zhi headphones came Dong Jian's voice.

"Let's go." Lin Zhimin voice fall, figure has disappeared in all sides.

Greedy Wolf and other people a flash, also disappeared in the night.

The other side.

The black Highlander zoomed along.

Yao Jing sat in the last row, with one robber on either side of her.

Yao Jing's hands were tied with twine and her mouth was blocked.

"Uh-huh." A sound came out of Yao Jing's mouth.

The robber on the left frowned and asked, "What for?"

Yao Jing looked at each other, eyes down, indicating that the other side to block her mouth to remove the cloth.

"Take it off." "Said the oldest man in the second row.

The robber removed the cloth from Yao Jing's mouth.

"Ten times commission, that's the best I can offer." Yao Jing said.

The people around were silent.

"When you come out to do this, you only want profit. Your employer can give you money, and I can give you money, and I give you more."

"Let me go with ten times the profit, you can do fewer cases, and even if you do get caught in the future, your sentence will be much reduced."

"As long as you are willing to take money, then we are a trading relationship, to qualitative kidnapping and extortion, you must use forced means to restrict personal freedom and ask for money, I take the initiative to give you is not forced, so kidnapping and extortion is not established, and I will not call the police."

"Think about it, anyone's money can be used to drink and have fun. I'm a businessman, I'm about maximising profits, and now, letting me go is clearly maximising profits."

Yao Jing constantly said words in a calm tone, these words constantly around the ears of several robbers.

"Boss, I think he's right." One of the robbers couldn't help but say.

'Shut up! The eldest snapped and said, "This woman is very clever, she is just lying to us."

"I can give you the money up front. I can see that you are trustworthy." Yao Jing said.

"Are you sure you want to pay us first?" The eldest turned his head and stared at Yao Jing.

"Well, I can trust you, and I can see from your confusion that you're actually very trustworthy." Yao Jing said.

"If you think me trustworthy, then I can't betray my employer!" "Said the eldest.

"But credibility also needs to have a degree, any loyalty, is because the betrayal of the chip is not enough, the chip is enough, even God will forgive your betrayal." Yao Jing said.

"Yes! I believe you. Stop the car!" "Said the eldest.

The driver stopped the car decisively.

"Transfer the money immediately, our commission is 100,000 yuan, ten times is one million!" "Said the eldest.

"My wallet is in the car, my phone is in the car, I don't have anything with me right now." Yao Jing said.

"Do you want us to go back? The police must have arrived at the place where you crashed the car by now!" "Said the eldest.

"You can take me to my company! My computer can directly log in to the online bank, and then I can transfer money to you immediately, at this time, our company except for a few security guards, there is no one else, you can send someone to follow me, so that I don't have to worry about escape." Yao Jing said.

The eldest hesitated.

One hundred thousand commission suddenly became one million, that this year they can stop, but he is not very trusted Yao Jing.

"Boss, how do we go now?" The driver asked.

"Where is your company?" "Asked the eldest.

"The Lin Group is the tallest building on the edge of the downtown business area." Yao Jing said.

'Good! The eldest gritted his teeth and said, "I trust you and hope you will keep your promise!"

"I also hope that you will keep your promise and release me when you get the money!" Yao Jing said.

"I am a man of my word, you can rest assured!" "Said the eldest.

So the driver turned the car around and headed downtown.

A few minutes later, the eldest's cell phone rang.

The eldest picked up the phone, looked at it, and picked it up.

"What's the matter? Didn't they catch him? It hasn't come to me yet!" There was an angry voice on the other end of the line.

"The man ran away again. We're chasing him now. Wait a minute." "Said the eldest.

"Ran away? You're such a loser, speed!" "Cursed on the other end of the line.

"HMMM! The eldest nodded and hung up the phone.

The other side.

"Young master, the other party has turned the direction and is heading toward the city center. It is only three kilometers away from you, and it is getting closer and closer. It is expected to encounter you in two minutes." Dong Jian's voice came out of the headphones again.

"Two minutes? I know." Lin Zhi said, stopped the pace, standing on the side of the road.

In two minutes.

Two flashes of light came from a distance.

Lin Zhiming and others stood on the side of the road, watching the car.

On the bus, the driver of the car said, "What the hell are these people in front of you, wearing black clothes and masks at night, scaring people?"

The elder brother looked ahead and saw several people in black clothes and masks standing on the side of the road one or two hundred meters ahead.

"Leave them alone and drive your car." "Said the eldest.

"HMMM! The driver nodded and stepped on the gas.

Whoosh, the car passed the men.

I don't know why, the heart of all the people in the car at this time clicked.

The next second...

Bang, bang, bang!

Suddenly there were several muffled noises on the roof of the car.

"What's the matter? " The eldest looked up in horror.


There was a loud bang and a hand went through the roof of the SUV and landed directly on the steering wheel.

The driver was shocked and was about to open the hand.


Another hand went through the roof and caught the driver's head.

Outside the driver's seat, a loud noise was heard.

The door of the entire SUV was pulled open directly, and the hand that grabbed the driver's head was jerked out.

The driver had no time to fight back, and he was just thrown through the air? .

At the same time, a figure flashed outside the car, entered the car, and sat in the driver's seat.

The car screeched to a grinding halt.

The man in the car shuddered violently.

Black shadows flashed outside the car.

People inside the car were terrified.

Bang bang bang

A dull sound, accompanied by waves of shaking.

The remaining three doors of the Highlander were ripped from the car by force, and then a pair of hands reached inside.

The people in the car had no time to resist, and they were dragged down from the car.

In the blink of an eye, only Yao Jing was left in the car.

The wind blew in through four empty doors.

Yao Jing doubtful head to look out, only to find... Outside the car, there's nobody there!