
When to Attack 

"Congratulations. Having your first heir is quite an accomplishment." Gavin Rowse, level 70, commented to Minos as he stood in that local royal throne hall away from everyone else since he was not very sociable.

"Hmm, thanks." Minos nodded as he greeted the people in the surrounding area by waving his hands and smiling.

Gavin, this fellow with blood-red hair and unique eyes, looked silently at Minos, feeling quite a respect for this person.

But this was not because Minos had become a father before him. No, as much as Gavin recognized King Stuart's achievement, he had no desire to have a family. So that would not be what would make him respect someone.

What impressed him about Minos was the cultivation speed of this man, who had quickly reached level 65 and surpassed him in terms of combat proficiency.