
Making Agreements

The leader of that faction then said. "Your faction has a lot of room to grow. So if we ally now, we can help you gain more influence within the Church with less difficulty and, in return, reap the fruits of that once the Black Plain Empire becomes stronger."

"So my group is an opportunity for yours? Do you intend to help us now so we can help you in the future?" Gloria asked.

"You can see it this way." That man nodded positively.

Another person in that group, a bald but young-looking man, said. "We can see it as one hand washing the other. Our faction has connections with several smaller church groups that we can direct to your side.

You could easily gain alliances that way and even manage to absorb some of these groups.

We also have access to information that your group may not have, things that just numbers and cultivation levels are not enough to achieve certain paraments."