
Do You Feel Anger at Me?

"I see..." Eliot sighed in disappointment. "But do you know what life was like in our region between 200 and 500 thousand years ago? In all our years, we have only encountered a few beings who knew how things on our continent were up to 200,000 years ago."

"Hmm, we were lucky enough to meet with a Diamond Monkey who was willing to talk about such information. But he didn't know about the period before that..." Nicole commented.

"Oh? A Diamond Monkey told you about that, huh?"

"Well, I don't know specific details regarding the northern region of this continent, as my tribe has spent most of its time outside this region." Lack began to speak while using his tail to throw many apples into his mouth.

"But from what we know, this region was almost as bad as it is today... However, back then, there was a greater number of Spiritual Kings than today, and there were more experts close to level 59."

"Is that true?" Abby's parents asked simultaneously.