

After Minos' threatening words, two days passed, and the meeting of local leaders continued until it finally ended this morning.

The meeting led by the Edwardstone family was marked by the division of the local powers into the Minos and Mortimer groups, with no declaration of war but a clear willingness that it could happen.

Those on Minos' side would certainly fight, while those on Mortimer's side would stay at their headquarters if anything happened.

That, of course, had not been said literally. But the sects and families on the Saints Killing Sect side would not turn their weapons on the powers of the imperial family.

They did not want to become traitors. They only planned to become omissive to their duties.

In any case, instead of this event having worked for its purpose, to create relations between the strongest sects in the empire and ensure the peace and security of the state, it had served for each party to firm up its positions.