
The Rise of Rozane

"The Rise of Rozane" tells the captivating story of Rozane, a young orphan with mysterious powers who becomes a formidable villain seeking world domination. Fueled by betrayal and bitterness, he manipulates influential figures and clashes with Superman in an epic battle. As the truth of his tragic past is unveiled, unexpected allies emerge, and Rozane's journey takes an unexpected turn.

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48 Chs

The Last Stand (ch 41)

The clash of cosmic powers intensified as Rozane, Goku in Ultra Instinct, and Vegeta in Ultra Ego fought with all their might against the god of annihilation, Synor. The battlefield trembled under the pressure of their immense energy, and the skies crackled with their titanic clashes.

However, despite their combined strength and determination, Synor remained seemingly unaffected by their attacks. His aura pulsed with power, and each of his counterattacks sent shockwaves through the Z Fighters.

Goku's eyes widened as he struggled to keep up with Synor's blinding speed. "This guy... He's on a whole other level!" he gasped, his body straining from the exertion.

Vegeta gritted his teeth, his Ultra Ego form pushing him to his limits. "We can't let him defeat us!" he growled, launching a volley of energy blasts.

Rozane's mind raced, trying to devise a strategy to turn the tide of battle. But it became clear that Synor's power was beyond anything they had ever faced before.

Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, Rozane's eyes glinted with a realization. He reached deep within himself, tapping into a well of hidden power. A surge of dark energy enveloped him as his latent abilities awakened.

The Z Fighters stared in awe as Rozane's powers surged to new heights. Goku's eyes widened, recognizing the immense power emanating from Rozane. "Rozane, what happened?" he asked, sensing the change in his friend's aura.

Vegeta's expression softened, a mix of surprise and curiosity in his eyes. "He's tapped into a new source of power," he deduced, realizing that Rozane had discovered untapped potential within himself.

Rozane's gaze remained focused on Synor. "I won't let you destroy this universe. I'll do whatever it takes to protect it," he declared, his voice resonating with newfound determination.

With his newfound power, Rozane unleashed a barrage of dark energy and arcane attacks, catching Synor off guard. The battle escalated to a whole new level as the Z Fighters and Rozane pushed the god of annihilation to his limits.

But even with this newfound strength, Synor proved to be a formidable adversary. He countered their attacks with ease, his own power seemingly boundless.

As the chapter came to a close, the battlefield was engulfed in a cataclysmic clash of cosmic forces. The Z Fighters and Rozane were on the brink of defeat, and just when it seemed that all was lost, Rozane revealed his hidden reserve of power. The ultimate showdown had reached a turning point, and the fate of their universe hung in the balance.