

Gotham City Outskirts: October 31st, 2008, 21:34pm:

No P.O.V:

The shadows are a terrible place...especially in the city that is always incased in shadows.Gotham is a horrible, disturbing, blood curdling place.Where the very worst of humanity sprout like weeds and spread crime, death and mayhem like a plague.Men like Penguin and Maroni who would control the forces that are designed to keep people safe are now nothing more than puppets and thugs.Some like Scarecrow and the dreaded Joker, just seemingly love causing destruction and death for the sake of fear or fun.Tonight is no different for an unlucky convenience store worker.The Bat of Gotham may be someone for criminals to fear but he is not always around.....and when he is gone...the scum come out to play.

"Alright....the money in register.Now!Before I blow your head off!" One of three robbers shout as he cocks a shotgun at the convenience store worker who is on the verge of crying.The other two men have their handguns and are trashing the place while jeering at the worker.The worker finally gives the robber the cash."Sorry buddy...." The robber says as he fires the shell into the worker, killing him instantly."Let's hit the road!" One of the others say as they run out.The robber with the shotgun laughs as he looks down at his handy work.All three of them hop into their pick up truck and head back to their hiding hole.Little did they realise of the black Charger waiting in the darkness.The driver's eyes unblinking as they stare at the robbers as they drive away.The robbers drive off but the driver of the Charger starts his engine and follows after them.His eyes turn a blazing orange as the engine roars to life.

P.O.V: Matthew

Finding these low lifes was fairly easy.Instead of heading back to their homes for the night, they decided to go back to their little thieves den.Amateurs really.But the blood of that worker is on their hands and it must be paid...otherwise the other guy is just going to do it himself.I found the truck that they were driving and stopped in an alleyway opposite the abandoned apartment block.I cut the engine and hopped out, I see a single light on in one of the many rooms, must be where the robbers are.I walk across the road and enter the building, I walk up the many flights of stairs with little to no exertion.While I'm climbing, the happy voices of the robbers reach my eyes.I can just faintly hear them laughing about the dead worker.Anger runs through my body like a raging rapid, how can they just laugh while a man lies dead in his own blood.I feel a severe headache and a distant whisper of a thousand voices."Hurry..." The voice says to me as I shake the headache out.I roll my eyes at the impatience.I reach the unit where they are and I wait by the door."Tonight was a good night boys.Did you see that fucking guy, fucking crying?Ha...well he won't be crying anytime soon." I hear one of them say, possibly the one that did the deed.A scowl is etched into my face as I boot the door open, I didn't hold any of my strength back and the withered door just splinters in all directions from me.

The robbers blitz's in a panic as I cross the room.One of the robbers spot me and goes to throw a punch but I grab him by his extended arm and throw him into a wall, the old plaster completely breaking.The other two are still coming too their senses as I walk slowly over to the one that killed the guy.I feel my eyes burning with a primordial rage, the other guy wants out.I see the the other robber charging at me but with my greater size and strength, I stop him and heave him up above my head.He stares down at my flaming eyes and I see and feel the fear and dread well up within him."What are you?" He says in fear as I scowl and throw him through the window, watching him fall down screaming onto the pick up truck.The other guy seems pleased by my brutality.Fucking sadist.I hear a groan and see the killer trying to crawl to the doorway.I turn back and walk over to him and lift him up, throwing him against the wall as I stand inches away from his face."I don't know who the fuck you think you are or who your dealing with.But you just made a big mistake." He tries to sound brave but it just sounds like a child trying to be tough."Funny.....I was going to say the same thing.You killed a man tonight, you laughed as you shot him and you laughed about it here.Time to pay for your sins." I say but he just laughs in my face."Who the fuck do you think you are?Batman?" He says as I smile."No...something worse." I say as my eyes blaze with fire.I groan as my skin starts to burn away, exposing my skull.I feel the other guy switch places with me, he is very happy and angry at the same time.That is a truly scary thought.

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P.O.V Change: Robber:

The would be hero's skin starts to burn away, fire seemingly starts to come out of the exposed throat and mouth.His eyes are blazing with fire as they stare back at me.The sight is making me piss myself.The fire completely incases the skull, making him look like the devil."Look into my eyes." The demon speaks as it lifts me up higher on the wall.It's voice sounds like an echo of a lot of people combined into one voice, deep, booming and fucking terrifying."Please.Mercy, please." I plead with absolute terror in my voice."Your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent...feel their pain." I start screaming as I see all the pain that I've caused.The boy that I pushed into the river from my childhood.The woman on my 18th birthday.Many other women.A family of three that I killed, just for their car.And the cashier tonight.All of them, like fiery shadows that are clawing at me.I try to get away but they just pull me back in.I hear a demonic laugh and I see a fiery shadow of a skull just laughing at my suffering.I just hope that it ends soon.

P.O.V Change: The Rider

Good riddance.The scum falls to the ground as molten rock and fire solidify in his eyes.Shuffling is heard and I turn my gaze at the scum that the boy threw.I growl in anticipation, walking over to the soon to be corpse, I salivate at the prospect of his fear.Men fear what they don't understand...but they dread what they can't comprehend.Death by fire....my fire...is the most pure that these defilers of the innocent will ever be.I lift the human and turn him to me.The fear in his eyes is the most joy that I get out of my life and it is like an addiction that I never want to end."Please, mercy.....I didn't know that he was going to kill that guy...I don't deserve to die." He says in terror.I gaze into his eyes, reading his very soul....and he is a liar."No mercy." I growl before lighting fire in my hands and gripping his mouth and the back of his head.He screams as I twist my hands.His hand does a full turn as his mouth is burnes down to the bone.He drops dead as I start to walk out.My business is down.

I exit the building and see the corpse of the one that the boy threw from the window.He is getting more like me everyday.I was pleased with how he conducted himself, he is accepting his new fate more so everyday.However there are times, I want to just take control but his will is very strong... unusual for one so young.I drop a fireball on the corpse before walking back to the boy's vehicle.I get in and drive away.The vehicle's blower and wheels catch fire as I drive at breakneck speeds away.I see a sign and it says, 'Bludhaven 14 miles', hmm.Must pay a visit.

Bludhaven, November 1st, 2008.10:12am:

P.O.V Change: Matthew

"Ugh." I groan out as I wake up from the backseat of my car.I get out and see that I'm in a rundown place.I get my phone out and see that I'm in Bludhaven, Gotham's sister city.Great, he decided to go for a joyride while in control."The guilty need punishing." I hear him say in my head."We agreed to let you have control for a limited time, not to go wherever you want when you have the chance." I say back to him which makes him laugh."You think you own this body.....ha.You were but a corpse when I found you.The guilty do not stop when you want.I must deliver punishment to them.If you won't help willing.Than this body will become mine if I wish it so." He says threatening to me and I just sigh."Ok, I'm sorry.Why are we in Bludhaven anyway?" I asked him."I wanted to pay a visit.....but it seems that we can't stay here anyway." He says which makes me perk up, he has never been afraid before."I'm not afraid, you idiot!But I detected a magical signature when we arrived last night.If it wasn't for my quick thinking into giving you control again, they would have surely detected us." He says quickly as I shake my head from the ache of his shout.Should've known better that he isn't afraid of anything."So....what do you want to do?" I ask with gritted frustration.He brought me here and now he wants to leave or is implying that he wants to leave."We stay and find out who or what that magical signature is.If it's demonic or something else, we have to get rid of it.The innocent are always targets for magical entities....then we can go." He replies.I refuse to argue because knowing him, he's still going to go and find out.Regardless of my consent.

"Fine.....but first, I need to eat, piss and fill up the car.Because of you, it's nearly empty." I say as I start the car and head to the nearest gas station."Whatever." Damn, he has some attitude.I drive and find a gas station with little to no customers, perfect.I park and start loading gas in.I look around waiting for it to fill.In my daydreaming, I see another car rock up to the station.A man hops out and walks into the station, I notice his height, green eyes and very straight moustache.He glances at me and continues on.As I put the pump back on the rack, my head starts aching."Turn around." He tells me, not bothering to argue, I turn and see the car that man walked from and see a young girl, maybe 11 or 12 in the back.She is staring at me with wide eyes, with wonder or fear, I couldn't really tell from where I am.I see a doll that is on the ground, under the window.Deciding to be a Good Samaritan, I walk over, despite the voice telling me no.I pick up the doll and hand it back to the girl.Seeing her up close, I can see the similarities between her and the man, possibly her father.She is staring at me in wonder."Here you go." I say while smiling."Thank you, do you need some water?" She asks and I stare at her with a pondered look."For the fire." She says as my eyes widen."Fascinating." The voice says, almost in awe."Zatanna." I hear a voice say and I see that the man has come back, with an angry scowl on his face."What are you doing?" He says as he shoves me away.The voice is growling at me but I reel him back in."I'm sorry sir, she dropped the doll and I just gave it back." I say as back up away from the man."Well, thank you.But now you can leave." He says as he stands between me and the girl, who has gone quiet."Sorry to disturb you sir.....have a good day." I say as I walk to the store to pay for the gas.

I pay the cashier and I walk out to see the man and the girl, Zatanna drive away.I see that the girl is still staring at me.She is quite unnerving."Homo Magi.....it's been 2 centuries since I last saw and felt one." The voice says in amazement."What the hell are they?" I ask as I hop into the car."Subspecies of Homo Sapiens.They evolved with a natural affinity with the energies of Chaos, Order and the energies of the Earth.Magical humans." He tells me as I ponder that bit of news."How did the girl see you?" I say as I look up into the rearview mirror and see a flaming skull staring back."She has the potential for great power.She didn't see me per say but merely the hellfire magic, she is an extraordinary individual.If trained right, she could hold the power to become the most powerful sorceress this world has ever seen." He says as I nod."You figured that just by looking at her?" I ask."I didn't look at her, I read her soul.Souls are powerful mediums.Not only are they the truth about a person but they hold their entire life force.For Homo Magi, that is tenfold.I saw the potential that she has.In time, she could become a match for me in magical strength." My eyes widen at that particularly, but something is still not making sense."Why didn't the man notice you if the girl did?Assuming that they are father and daughter." I ask."He is trained, his magical senses are more attuned.The girl is being trained but not at the man's level yet.I was able to hide from him but the girl's magical potential allowed her to glimpse at my magic." He finishes and I just nod, I don't understand like him so I'm just going to leave it at that."Let's go.We found the magical signature, now let's get out of here." I say as the voice just grumbles.

Gotham: November 1st, 2008, 13:49pm:

The drive back was long, but quiet enough.The voice decided halfway through to have some quiet time with himself.That was fine with me.My mind was trailing back to the girl earlier.Whether the voice wants to admit it or not, the girl saw him...saw me.I have never told anyone about him or what has become of myself and that girl discovered me based on pure luck.It's a daunting feeling.I tried not to think about it but somethings are hard to forget.I know that particularly well.I arrive home to my mother's apartment.I walk up the withered stairs to the apartment.I enter and see just a heap of mess.Shoes, clothes, food wrappers, toys etc. I sigh and start picking up the rubbish.I hear a cry and see my sister, Luna, in her crib."Hey, baby.Come here." I whisper lovingly as I lift her up."You're ok, big brother Matty is here." I say as I sit down on the ruined couch.A syringe catches my eye as I sigh in frustration.Luna cries a little, almost in respond to my sigh."It's ok.It's alright." I say as I rock her back and forth.She starts to sooth and soons falls asleep."Children are always the first to suffer.I hate that." The voice says as I place Luna back in her crib.For the first time in a while, me and the voice actually agree on something.My father was never there for me, my mother is a druggie.I learnt to raise myself and now Luna is going through the same thing.But I'm here now and I'll be damned if I let her became what I had to become to survive.

"Matty.....you're home." I hear a slurring voice sound out as I turn and see my mother walk out of the hallway.Her hair is in shambles, her clothes are just thrown on and she has a bottle of cheap beer in her hand."Yeah.I got caught up with something last night." I say to her as I walk over and help her into her chair.I sutely take the bottle out of her hand."How are you feeling?" I ask, just out of habit really."Oh you know.Doing ok." She says as she leans back into the chair."Have you taken your medication today?" I ask, hoping that she says yes."Sorry honey, I've been really tired, I haven't had the chance." I nod at her answer before walking into the kitchen.I glance at her as I prep her a sandwich.She has severe bags under her eyes.Needle entries on her arms.I shake my head in disbelief.She said that she will go sober, but what can you expect.I pour a glass of water and I sneakily place her medication in her food.I know that she won't take them willingly so I resort to this shit.

"Here you go, you need some food." I say as I hand her the sandwich and the glass."Thank you, honey." She says quietly as she bites into the food."She is hanging by a thread." The voice says to me but I ignore him.I've had this discussion with him multiple times but I still refuse to listen.She can be helped, she can get better.The voice doesn't think so but I hold onto that hope.

Next Day:

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful par for the voice wanting to go out and hunt.I told him that we'll wait until dark before going out.I hate doing it but it's better to satisfy him than to argue.When I put Mom to bed, I hold made sure that Luna was comfortable before leaving.I exited the apartment and made my way to the garage.The voice kept telling me that blood had been split and that punishment has to be exacted.Basically the same shit that he says every night.I started the car and drove out of the garage and away from the apartment block.Good distance away.....I let the voice take control.

Gotham Rooftops.November 1st, 2008, 21:06pm:

P.O.V Change: Artemis Crock

Dad decided that I needed another 'training lesson'.I can't help but love and hate the guy.After that debacle with Jade and her false promises, Dad has decided to up my training and that usual entitled harsher punishments for failure.But still, I pushed forward to please him, even when I don't want his approval...at least not anymore.He was always cruel even when we were back with Mom.The training was all he cared for, dinner at the table were tense affairs not times of joy or fun.Jade always hated him, never really saw him as a father.Just someone to hate.I can see why she ran but a part of me hates her for leaving me behind.

Nevermind that now, no point in complaining about it.Dad decided to send me out to 'engage targets from a distance while under the cover of darkness'.I have done this training numerous times.The only difference is that he is sending me out alone and with lethal arrows.He expectse to kill.Killing is something that I've done before, I don't like it but it's better than what he'll do to me if I don't.I was currently watching a gang of thugs in one of the back alleys of Gotham.The thugs were having a weapons deal.Dad explained that I were to follow them, eliminate them and take the weapons.Seems simple enough.The thugs made the deal and semi auto guns were traded, as well as two bazookas.I can see why Dad wanted them.I see the thugs with the weapons head back to their truck to leave.I had fired an arrow at their wheels to keep them there.However, I had missed."Damnit."

I say in gritted frustration as the truck begins to leave.I hop across the rooftops and fire a zipline arrow down to the street.I zipline down above the truck and jump off the line, at the same time of firing an arrow piercing arrow into the trucks engine.Bringing it to a complete stop.I landed in a combat roll a few yards away from the truck.The I see thugs three in the vehicle.Two in the front.One in back.One of them decided to point their machine gun at me just as I loaded one of my arrows.Suddenly I hear what sounds like an engine roar.I look past the truck and see an old Charger sitting just down the street.

I hear the thugs scrambling for something as one thug gets in the back and loads one of the bazookas at the Charger which is now speeding its way towards the truck.The thug with the bazooka fires a shot at the Charger which explodes.The car flips as the front wheels and blow are lit on fire.What happens next shocked me to my core.The car landed back on its wheels, which all are now coated in flames.The engine's blower is also on fire and just seems to be sprouting flames.I watch in awe as the flaming car rams into the truck with enough force to send it a few yards sideways.It almost appears on top of me.I retreat back to a dark alley and watch as flames coat the road, surrounding the truck in a ring of fire.

I peer through the fire as the thug with the bazooka tired to run only to trip and be pulled back behind the truck.I hear bones breaking and muscles being torn apart.The other two thugs try to escape out of the truck only to be beaten down by a figure.One of the thugs is pulled back to the Charger as the figure opens it up and drops the thug in.The other one had decided to brace the flames and run through.His screams are blood curdling as he runs towards me.I panic and try to hide but he finds me and trips over the sidewalk."Help me!Please help me!" He screams.I go to run but a flaming chain wraps around him and pulls him away from me before I can grip his arm.The man is pulled into the flames as he screams echo across the street.The figure I saw before is standing menacingly in the fire almost like it doesn't affect him.And for the first time, I notice why.The figure is like a demon, a flaming skull with bright flaming eyes.Crack like streams that run down said skull.A black driver like jacket with a white upside down 'U'.Black pants and black gloves.Dread and terror fill my gut as I gaze at the demon esque figure.The monster turns its attention to me and I feel the full weight of its gaze on me.It's presence and position in the fire give new meaning.I've never been religious but looking at that thing make me believe in the Devil.The monster turns around and walks back through the fire to the Charger.It gets in and drives back where it came.A trail of flames are left behind as the hellish Charger drives off into the distance.

I run into the alley and sit behind a dumpster as I try and get my breathing back under control.Dad told me that Batman was the most intimidating person that he ever fought.Well Dad, I didn't even fight whatever that was and it was the most terrifying thing that I ever saw.I climb the firescape of the building behind me and hop across the rooftops before coming to my Dad's safehouse."Well.....where are the weapons?" He says from his seaten position.I stare back at him."What do you know of a guy with a flaming skull?" I ask him and for the first time in my life...I see my father afraid.

Gotham: November 14th, 2008, 02:43am:

P.O.V: Batman

Gordon had set up shop in the abandoned apartment block.I waited on the roof listening in to the conversations that the cops are having down stairs.Three bodies...same M.O as previous victims, just more brutal this time.One body had has neck twisted 180° with his mouth burnt down to the bone.One body was thrown from the window onto the pick up, the vic died on impact but not before the corpse and the truck were burnt.The last vic is the one I'm most curious about.The body has little to no physical damage but the vic is dead.His eyes are smoldering like molten rock.Same as the others.

"How's it going?" I hear a voice call out as my protege, Robin lands on the rooftop."Your late." I say to him as he rolls his eyes."Good evening to you too.You know that just because you leave very early doesn't mean that I do to.I need sleep man." He complains and I just ignore him."So what's going on?" He asks."Three vic's, same M.O as the others." I reply as he nods."Do you think it's the new vigilante?" He asks as I stare at him with a glare."Right.....sorry." I hear the cops starting to leave and I disable the bug before making my way down.Robin follows close behind.

I enter the flat and see the damage down."Damn..... someone really went to town on these guys." Robin quips but before I can say anything, something catches my attention.With my detective vision, I focus on the footprints on the floor.I focus and see that one of the prints was burnt into the floor.It has faded with time but the burn mark is still visible, at least to me."You know you could've called." A familiar voice calls out.I turn and see Gordon in the doorway.Robin cheekily waves to him and Gordon just smiles at his antics."Been busy." I reply as Gordon chuckles."League shit...got it." He says as I grumble.The League had taken most of my time so my time in Gotham has become limited lately."Who are they?" I ask Gordon who just sighs."Low lifes....no one that's really important.A few petty robberies.The ringleader had a track record of sexual assaults and armed robbery but the other two, just some petty crime." He answers as I look at the wall where the ringleader was found.With my vision, I can the faint outline of a man, similar to a nuclear shadow.Intense heat was condensed in this single area."This guy has been tearing up the streets for the past few months.With you gone, the scum are running rampart.Penguin, Pgy, even Zazz are running around.But lately this new guy has been doing things that criminals are running scared of, terrified even." Gordon says as Robin perks up."A Batman huh?" He says while chuckling but I notice Gordon serious expression."Nah kid.The criminals we catch or even turn in willingly say that this new guy is more terrifying than Batman...and more brutal." That piece of news catches me.Being with the League, I'm not up to date with what the criminals of Both get up too but now, someone or better yet, something is making them quiver in fear.Something that puts the fear of me to shame."Any ideas?" I ask Gordon.

"Some of them claim to have seen a demon tear through their buddies like paper." He says as I narrow my eyes."A metahuman?" I ask him which he perks up."That's what I thought.But the description of what the scum see is making me doubt it.They say that it's a demon with a flaming skull." Gordon explains which gives a little context.The victims, all them, had some level of heat induced tramua to them.Some were burnes to cinders while others had smoldering eyes.Fire is a recurring theme with this new vigilante."Anything else?" I ask as I make my way to the door."Yeah...a name.Criminals are calling this vigilante, 'The Rider'." Gordon finishes as I grumble under my breath."Robin." I call out to him as I leave.A new vigilante, with a habit of killing his targets, most often with some kind of fire.Description deals as a man with a flaming skull.Not a lot to go on but with enough time, I'll figure it out.

P.O.V Change: Matthew

Next Morning:

The Rider.That's what criminals are coming my 'alter ego'.I thought that it didn't matter what criminals called me but the Rider deemed that a name gives a myth a following, either by fear or worship.We were just a nameless face but now that we have a name.Criminals will spread the word of the Rider that deals punishment to those that spill innocent blood.The Rider lately has been aggravated because of criminals walking up to police and turning themselves in to protect themselves from the Rider.I thought that they were doing the right thing, the Rider disagreed.He told me that they are thinking that we are human that follows laws, we are not.They think that prison will protect them, they are wrong.That conversation made me really worried.The Rider deems himself above humans, above mortals and that laws l, rules, prisons won't stop him from exacting vengeance on those that deserve it.

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But right now, I'm just sitting at home, watching the news.The reporter said that the police had found the remains of the three thugs that I killed a week ago.Huh, new record.The longest any of our victims gone undiscovered was about three days."Terrible.Just terrible." My mother says as I glance at her.Watching the news was always a pastime of ours."Hope they find who did it." She says as I nod."It might be a metahuman.Read somewhere that is what it could be." I say."Metahumans.....and I thought Mexicans were bad, those things are way worse." Yep, racist remark.First of the day."The police will surely find him." I say as I get up and head to the kitchen to get a drink."The cops are working with Batman.....this is just another vigilante that they'll let slide." She says as the doorbell rings."I'll get it." Mom says as I hear the door open."Who is it?" I ask as I glance at Luna in her crib, a smile is etched on her face."It must have been prank but there is a package here for us." She says a si walk out and see her place the box on the table, next to the crib."Whose it from?" I ask as she inspects the box."Doesn't say anything.But there is a note." She says as she hands me the note.I open it and see a card with a question mark on the front."The fuck?" I question as I open the card.It reads, 'What is the sound of a Firecracker that has done its job?'.I ponder the question."Boom?" I answer hestiatingly.I see Mom open the package and...


I see fire heading straight for me as I'm blown off of my feet as I hit the wall.All I feel is dizziness and the singe of my skin."Get up, boy!" I hear the Rider demand as I come too.I see ash and smoke all around me."Mom?Luna?" I ask out as I get up and see the what has happened.The window wall is completely blown out.The couch is on fire, the walls are breaking down.I can't see the crib anywhere."Mom?!Luna?!I scream out as I make my way through the rubble.I can feel my skin healing from the damage of the blast.I hear sirens coming in the distance.I feel tears well in my eyes.I than notice that I still have the card in my hand.I turn over the burnt cardboard and see a small note, 'Love from Daddy'.I feel rage build up as I trip over a plank of char wood.I lift it up and see two skeletons of burnt bones.One of a woman and one of a baby.I let the tears fall as I gently rub my hand over the babies skull."We have to go." The Rider says as I brush the tears away.I get up and run out of the destroyed apartment.Entering the garage, I get in my Charger and drive away, tears are cascading my face.This feeling...it's worse than the night the Rider first came to me.My mother...my sister...gone in a flash of fire.One minute there, the next.....gone.I pull into an abandoned warehouse and get out.I start pacing and screaming in agony.I pick up a heavy barrell and throw across the room.I scream as I feel the Rider coming."You want vengeance...we can get it." I hear him say.I wanted vengeance when he first came to me.I couldn't fullfill it but now....with who I think did the deed...I can."If I help you...what than?" I ask him."Your vengeance will be fullfilled.After...that's up to you." He says to me.I have a feeling of what will happen.Anger courses through my body as I walk back to the car."Where are we headed?" The Rider asks as I simply answer."Arkham."

P.O.V Change: Robin

Myself and Batman were making our way to an apartment that exploded.The daytime wasn't our friend today but this is some serious stuff.When we arrived the place was crawling with firefighters, police and ambulances.People that were in the building were being treated for smoke inhalation and/or burns."What happened?" Batman asks Gordon who is also here."Bomb squad is finding whatever pieces they can find but so far they say that its handmade and that it's similar to an anti tank oridance." Whoa, that's some high level building."Any deceased?" I ask, putting my two cents in."Yes, mother and daughter.Claire Hall and her six month old baby, Luna Hall.They were closest to where we think the bomb went off." A pit falls in my stomach.What kind of monster kills a woman and her child."We have a video surveillance of the block inside.You're going to want and see this." Gordon says as we gestures us to follow.We enter the surveillance room of the building as the video is played back.We see a camera at the end of the hallway of the floor that the unit was on.We see a person, roughly 15 or 16 years old walk out of the unit after it blew.He doesn't appear injured but he is clearly distressed and upset.He is wearing a black leather jacket with an upside 'U'.Navy jeans and black gloves."Who is that?" Batman asks as his eyes narrow at the video, which is now showing thean entering the garage."That's the third occupant of the unit.Claire Hall's oldest child, Matthew Nygma.And yes, his father is the Riddler." That bit of news hits me like a ton of bricks and I see that Batman is also shocked by the news."Where is he now?" I ask but Gordon shakes his head."We don't know." I turn back to the video and see Nygma get in an old Charger before driving out of the garage.Where did you go?

P.O.V Change: Matthew

I had sped way past the speed limit.Every fibre of my being was just burning with rage.I know that my father was the Riddler, mom had been vocal of how she used to be the right hand woman of the great and powerful Riddler.To me, she was just a supervillain's bed warmer.Even years later, when her mind began to wander and she resorted to drugs, she would tell me stories about how she loved Riddler.Delusions of a woman who had gone off the edge.The package and the note was the final straw for my patience.He had never interacted with me, or my mother in my life.Why now would he show up.....and plant a bomb on my doorstep.For what reason.Well.....tonight, I'm going to find out why.

I see Arkham in the distance.The Rider had always wanted to pay a visit but I talked to him about giving them a chance.Not everyone in Arkham deserves punishment.The Rider called me a fool, a brave one...but a fool nonetheless.I don't care anything but the Riddler tonight, but The Rider feels bad things are coming from Arkham.Blood is being split, innocent and guilty.Something is going on but I don't care.

I came up to the asylum and see that the gates are broken down and three different vans are packed out front.One for Penguin, one for Dent and one for Riddler.I'll be damned if I let him get away.

I slam my brakes and get out of the car.There are about a dozen thugs, about four from each gang.They all turned their attention towards me."You got a death wish or something?" One of the thugs for Penguin shouts out to me."Do you?" I reply with gritted teeth as I just walk forward.They all point their guns at me."You do have a death wish.Do yourself a favor kid and fuck right off.You don't want to be here when shit hits the fan." He says as the guns all cock.My eyes glow with fire as I feel the Rider come forth."So be it." I say as the Rider takes control.

P.O.V Change: The Rider

I see all them panic and feel their fear build up as the boy's skin burns away.I growl and swing one of my chains at the low life in front of me.Who the hell do these people think they are to deny vengeance....my vengeance.The man in front burns to cinder as his soul cascades down to Hell.The other thugs fire their weapons, having no effect on me as I swing my other chain out and burn three others in one swing.I throw both together and lock one low life in a bind.I growl and send more hellfire down the chains.The man screams in agony as he burns.I twirl around and swing both chains around, cutting through the rest of them in one swoop.I pull the chains back as they wrap around my arms.I growl and blow out fire from my cheeks before walking forward.

With all my strength, I boot the heavy oak door down, sending it across the hallway.I see bodies of criminals and security guards lying on the ground, blood is coating the hallway.I feel the souls of this place and it makes me sick the amount of stained souls inhabit this place.I will take great pleasure in punishing them.I reach out and try to find the man that the boy deems the Riddler.I find him and I see that the familiar connection to be true.Here's me thinking the woman was talking shit.Appears after millennia of existence I can still be surprised.

I find the elevator that these humans use and I press the 5th floor button.While stupid and prone to violence, these mortals are inventive.I wait as the elevator raises till it stops.The doors open and a I see a green woman standing there in a leafy attire.Her eyes widen at me.I take the time to read her soul.Pamela Isley, one of these metahumans, ability to control plant life and her own pheromones.She has the blood of innocents on her hands, cause she is trying to fight for nature.....for the Green.I walk past her as my eyes focus on her own.Fear and dread wells in her but I leave her be.There is chaos in her.She wants to help nature but at the cost of killing.She doesn't want to hurt anyone but will do whatever it takes to keep nature from dying.I want to punish her but her cause is what keeping me from burning her to ash.

Doesn't matter now, I can feel the Riddler nearby.I hear fighting and I turn to see a large crossroads or sort.A quadrangle.I see guards, criminals all fighting each other.Even criminals beating on other criminals.I walk forward and the fighting ceases around as they gaze at me.I savour their fear.I make my way through the mob but one dumb mortal decided to have a go.I turn and grab his face before breathing my hellfire onto him.He screams for a split second beofre his skin is melted away off his face.The body drops as I turn back to the mob.All the criminals scatter and head back off the stairs to their cells, dozens of doors close.I nod at their smartness before continuing on my way.

I find a hallway that says 'criminally insane wing'.I scoff at that.No such thing, the guilty are guilty.Plain and simple.I walk down the long corridor and see names on doors and small windows in which people look out of.I come to one particular door, that says Harley Quinn.I look in the window and see the occupant on the floor.She looks up and waves at me.I narrow my eyes and move on.I didn't even have to see her soul to know that she's crazy.Fractured minds are always a bitch.I come at the door that says 'Riddler'.I growl and grip the massive door by the hinges and pull with all my strength.The door comes off like it's nothing and I fling it down the corridor.The occupant of the room is standing agaisnt the wall in a non chalant manner."Well...I expect someone with a bit more finesse but I suppose you're going have to do." He says as he starts to stroll past me but I shove him back against the wall.

"The hell?Who do you think you are to touch me?" He complains as I cross the room to stare him down.I sense his fear starting to raise."You're not one of the metahumans that my guys hired are you?" He asks and I laugh on the inside.What a fool.I shake my head slowly side to side as his fear reaches a new level."So....uh.What do you want?" He thinks that this is a simple conversation that he can talk his way out of.Dead wrong."Let me speak to him." I hear the boy say.I can feel his anger.I'll allow this.....could be interesting.

P.O.V Change: Matthew

The Rider agrees and he turns back into me.I feel my skin start to regrow over my face as I stare at the man that is my father.I see the little semblance between him and me.I must have gotten everything from my mother's side of the family."So who are you?" He asks as I stare a hole through him."I'm Matthew.I'm Claire Hall's son." I tell him and his eyes widen."So.... you're her kid.Can't say that I'm still impressed." He says and I punch him across the face, sending him to the ground."Have a care how you speak to me." I say as I pick him up by his shirt."Tell me.Right here and right now.Did you order for the bomb to be sent to my apartment?" I ask and he just chuckles."You tell me junior." He says cockily.

"Your answer will determine your fate." I tell him as he just smirks."When I found out that a past bed warmer of mine had a kid...I couldn't let it slide.So to prevent my enemies from exploiting you...I just made sure that you weren't in the way." He says as I stare horrified at his logic."You tried to kill me...because of some twisted logic that you were going to be exploited by your enemies?" I ask in disbelief."Even criminals have reputations to uphold." Anger courses through me at a rapid rate."You killed my mother...my sister.Now.....it's time to pay for your sins." I say to him but he chuckles."What are you going to do?Kill me?" He says."Not me." I reply as my eyes glow.

P.O.V Change: The Rider

He gave back control willingly.Not out of asking, or necessity.But because he wanted me to.For the first time since our partnership, he has granted me control without fighting me for it, either willingly or unwillingly.I come forth and feel the complete dread of the scum in front of me.He laughs at the death that he caused.At the death of a baby, the most innocent.I hate him with every fibre of my being."Your soul will burn in Hell!" I yell at him with absolute rage fire coats the cell.I unleash hellfire on his body, turning Hai body to ash and damning his soul to the most fiery pit of Hell.When I feel is body crumble to nothingness, I reel the fire back in.The cell is completely covered in soot and the walls starting to melt.A single white outline of the Riddler's body is etched into the wall.

I turn away and walk out of the destroyed cell.I stand out the front as I notice all the windows of the other cells are lined with their occupants.I growl and breath fire out my cheeks.They all retreat back into their cells.I allow the boy to take control once again.Time for his decision.

P.O.V Change: Matthew

The Rider had fullfilled my vengeance.Now for the ultimate decision.To rest or to continue the Rider's crusade as his host.I had set out what I agreed to.I exacted my vengeance from that night and my family's death has been avenged."Your choice is now.Your soul can rest but your body will belong to me.However if you choose to stay than your life will never be the same.You can never have family.Vengeance for the innocent will always come first." The Rider gives me an ultimatum.To rest and be with my family or to continue on as a host."Do you believe in Fate?" I ask him."Fate has a plan for everyone.....even me.Why do you ask?" I ponder for a minute."I don't know if it was fate that led you to me that night.I don't know.But I do know that no one should suffer what I suffered.The innocent need protecting.Our laws don't do shit for them.The guilty need punishing.....I'll stay and help you." I give my answer and I feel the Rider is pleased."Good choice, Matthew.Now...our mission has began for now we..."

P.O.V Change: The Rider

Matthew gives me control as I burn with new vigour.".....Are the Ghost Rider."

Gotham: May 29th, 2009.01:27am:

P.O.V: Ghost Rider

"....please, don't kill me.I have a family!" The woman screams as she tries to crawl away.He leg is bent and her face has a handprint burn."The man you killed had a family too.The double standard with you criminals sickens me." I growl in anger as I wrap my chain around her throat and send hellfire down it.The woman screams as the fire burns through her throat.I pull the chain and her head rolls off while her body burns to ash.I grab her by the hair and look into her horror filled eyes.I send hellfire down her hair and face, leaving nothing but a charred skull.Dropping said skull, I walk back to the car and hop in.Driving away from the woman, I listen for any wrong being down.The entire city is being heard.The city is quiet tonight....it's never quiet, something is always going on.

I sense a presence nearby, a girl, young and angry.Strange.I pulled into an abandoned alley and got out of the car.The presence had a deep hatred for something.....no, someone.I walk down the alley with one of my chains loose, dragging along the ground, leaving an ashen trail.I hear shuffling and look up.Whoever she is, she is elusive.I detect something familiar about this individual.I hear a whistle and without looking catch an arrow aimed for my head.I turn and see the trail of the arrow and see the girl from months ago.She stares wide eyed at my catch.I burned the arrow before swinging my chain, hoping to catch her.

She jumps and fires an arrow at the opposing building.My chain misses her and cuts through the firescape that she was perched in.She fires another arrow but I intercept it with my chain.I release my other chain at the new firescape and wrap it around one of its holdings.She stares wide eyed at the chain, as I pull it.The firescape gives way as it falls to the ground.I see flhet firing another arrow to the roof.Creating a grapple point to pull herself up.She's really starting to get on my nerves.I walk to the building side and stare up.She stares back at me.I grit my teeth and throw both chains up to the roof.The force of my throw lodges them in.I pull myself up and start climbing.She panics and moves back.

I jump up and pull the chains out before gripping the side of the ledge.I pull myself up and see across the roof.I pull my chains back in as they wrap around my arms."You're skilled.....but stupid." I growl at her and she just narrows her eyes."No need to be rude.You have been causing problems for some people in this city and I'm here to correct it." She says as I just stare aimlessly."You're an assassin?He.....he he.....ha ha ha ha he he.!" I just started laughing.The laugh is scaring the shit out of the girl."You think that some arrows will stop me...you're not very bright, are you?" I say as I get control of myself.She growls in anger and fires an arrow towards me.I move out of the way and walk slowly towards her.She fires two shots in quick succession but I dodge again.She fires four shots followed by two more.I dodge the first four and catch the next two.I didn't exact the little explosion to come from the arrows but I pay them no mind."Maybe we got off on the wrong foot.I'm Artemis." She says as she loads four arrows on her bow.I growl in frustration at her arrogance."I don't care." She fires but I had enough, I swing both my chains out, hellfire incasing them.The girl, Artemis, dodges.Her reflexes are impressive, but mine are honed after millennia of fighting.I swing one chain to her legs and one to her torso.She gets caught and I slam her to the ground.She groans under the tightness of the chains as I march over and stare at her.Reading her soul in the process.A daughter of two criminals.Trained from a young age from her father.Suffered abuse from father, especially after her mother took the fall for him and came paralyzed.She has a sister, who hated their father and walked out when her mother went to prison.I see now that she is a girl that has been through a lot of shit.Has suffered heartbreak and pain from someone who was supposed to protect her.

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"Well.....what are you waiting for?I saw you last year kill those men.I heard that you kill those that have done wrong.Kill me then....I deserve it." She tells me as I continue to gaze at her soul.She didn't come here on the behalf of someone that I pissed off, she came because she wanted to fight me.....and lose.She wanted to die.She has a good heart and a stronger spirit.She has done wrong and she has split innocent blood.But it wasn't out of greed, lust, or joy.It was to survive.I stand up and pull the chains off of her, however I do leave a burn mark across her stomach which she winces at."Not today." I say as I walk away from her and jump down from the roof.Something about that girl had caught my interest.She insisted on me killing her, technically I don't kill anyone by burning them, their souls are damned to Hell.Doesn't mean that I don't kill from time to time.Reading her soul, I found out that she is Artemis Crock, daughter of Lawerence and Paula Crock.Lawrence Crock, that I know, the Sportsmaster, mercenary for hire.Had a few run-ins with him, always escapes but I sense that he has a deep fear of me, which I relish every time I see him.Paula Crock.....not a name I recognise but from reading Artemis's soul, I'll found out that she is currently in Blackgate Prison under observation because of her paralysis.Maybe I should pay a visit...just to get a read on this girl.

Blackgate Prison, 02:33am, May 29th:

P.O.V Change: Matthew

I enter the prison under the dead of night.Prisons are designed to keep people in rather than out.And with the help of the Rider, I was able to scale the walls alright.I enter the secluded wing of the prison.Where special cases or people with disabilities are housed for their sentences.The guards are completely lax when it comes to security, no wonder, many prisoners escape.I found a security room with a guard sleeping with a sandwich in his hand.Like honestly.I moved him out of the way and found that Paula Crock is currently in the common room, apparently with good behaviour she was able to get certain privileges.A single guard is stationed near here.I guess with an experienced criminal, you would want precautions even if she is paralyzed.I find the code for the door and unlock it, I see the guard is confused on the camera as I wake in."What are you doing here?You can't be here." He says as I just walk over and backhand him into the adjacent wall, knocking him out.I'm in no mood for games tonight.The wheelchair bound woman turns to me with zero expression.I turn to her and stand in front."Have you come to kill me?" She says as I shake my head."No...to talk." I say as I pull out a chair and sit."Talk?I don't know you so why would we talk?" She questions.

"Because your daughter tried to kill herself tonight." I say simply as her eyes widen.I see her hand reach into her pocket."What did you do?" She says with anger.My eyes glow in warning as to who she's dealing with.The Rider laughs at the terrified expression on her face."Your daughter is fine.But I would still like to talk to you.Let's not pull out shanks because the other guy might not be as kind as I am." I say as she nods and pulls her hand back out."So.....you are the Ghost Rider.I've heard the rumours and stories, of course....I just was expecting someone older." She says as I smirk."Yeah me too." I say jokingly."What do you want to know about my daughter?" She asks while hesitant."Tonight was the second time I saw your daughter and the first time interacting with her.She was very adamant about me killing her.I know that your situation with your husband is not the best but I need to know where he is." I ask her and I see the hidden anger at the mention of her husband."You know nothing about my situation." She says with anger."I know more than you would care to say but this isn't about you.I know that he is hurting your daughter, forcing her to commit acts that could end up here or worse.....dead.She said that she was hired to take me out for the same people here in Gotham.I know it to be a lie but she still tried to engage me even when she knew she couldn't win." I explain to her as she just sighs and strolls herself to the window.

"I wish I could take it back...taking the fall for him.I was certain that he would care for them like he did me....but I guess I was wrong.Have you ever felt that?That you trusted someone and they turned out to be nothing more than a liar?" She asks me."Sorry but no." I reply as she nods."My daughters are everything to me.I wish I could have spent more time with them, but I couldn't be the mother that they deserved.And now they are paying for my mistakes." She says.I know that Artemis has a sister that abandoned her."I had a sister...she died a few months ago...I tried everything to care for her.....even when I didn't know how." I say to her as I walk up next to her chair."I'm sorry for your loss." She says which I shake off."Your daughter needs help.Mentally and emotionally.Any more time she spends with that man is more time that brings her closer to death.Either by someone else or herself.So help me." I plead with her.She sits there and just stares out the window."I'm sorry but I can't help you.I don't know where his safehouse is in Gotham, I know that he changes it every time he comes here.I wish I could help you but I can't." She says as I narrow my eyes."You either don't know the man you married or you are lying.If I find out that it's the latter....." I start as I lean down to her level.In the Rider's voice, I speak."I'll be back to make sure you regret it." I say in anger as I see her eyes widen in fear.I walk out of the common room and make my way out of the prison.

In an abandoned warehouse where I made a base of operations.The Rider was pissed at Paula's unhelpfulness.I agree with him, she was married to a man that she claims to love....how can you not know where his safehouse or possible safehouse are."Can you find her?If we can find her then we can find him." I ask him."I have a familiar feel of her soul.Give me time and I can find her."

The Rider had sensed Artemis's soul to the rich side of Gotham.A lot of Gotham's elite owned this part of town.The Rider rarely came here but when he did, it always ended in bloodshed.Tonight was a gala night for the upper class.I had spotted a few names that had graced the gala.Salvatore Maroni, The Penguin etc, I had even seen Bruce Wayne and his ward Dick Grayson.Must be important if the great Bruce Wayne is here."We'll never get in." I say to the Rider who stares back from the side mirror."We go in, chains blazing.What's so wrong about that?" He asks which makes my eyes roll."You are the Spirit of Vengeance.You have been in existence for thousands of years and in that time you haven't learnt subtlety?" I ask in disbelief.The Rider scoffs like a child at my accusation."So what's the plan then, genius?" He sarcastically mocks me but I spot a man not far from me in a rich three piece suit."No....no way." Oh yes.I get out and make my way across and pull the man onto an alley."He-!" He goes to shout but I cover his mouth and hold him in a choke hold.Using my strength, I was able to make him pass out a little quicker than usual.

Changing into these clothes was surprisingly easier than expected.The guy, by chance, was my size.Driving my Charger up to the valet lane.I hop out and chuck the keys to the valet."Watch the paint." I warn the man who cowers slightly.I entered the lavish hall and immediately noticed the vast wealth all around the place."This is ridiculous.I would rather be tortured for an eternity by Hell's worst demons than be here." I hear the Riser complain and I silently laugh at his antics."You're not the one that has to find her.You just sit back and let me handle this." I say as he grumbles in annoyance.I sit by the bar and pick up a martini.The bartender gave me a look which I returned tenfold.This is Gotham...no one is asking for ID."Sense her yet?" I ask him which he just growls."Not yet.Too many souls." Touche."Baby....baby....try not to drink it too quickly." I hear a woman's voice and see a beautiful woman stroll up to my side.I look at her and damn, very beautiful.Olive skin, black hair.Short stature but very feminine but still has signs of honed muscle.Gray eyes that just scream seductive."I'll try not to." I say to her as I place a gentleman kiss on her hand."I'm Matt." I say to her as she smiles."Jade." She replies."That's a very beautiful name." I say, just speaking without thinking."Why, thank you.No one here to keep you company?" She asks as she gestures to the bar."No unfortunately.Just me." I say as she smirks."Well now you do...come, I want to dance." She says as she pulls me onto the dance floor.I stutter but shallow my nerves."We don't have time for this." The Rider says but I ignore him.We have plenty of time.

Slow waltz music starts to play as I hold Jade's hand and rest my other on her hip."I didn't think you would be good at this.....glad to see that I was wrong." She says as I just smile."To be honest, this is my first time actually." I say as she goes wide eyed."Really?Well.....you are a natural." She says seductively as she leans into me.I twirl her around before bringing her back in."I aim to please." As I say that, I hear the Rider fake a gag."So what are you really doing here?" She says as her tone goes from seductive to serious."What do you mean?" I ask, oblivious."You're not stupid.I know everyone here but you...you don't belong.....so what are you doing here?" I stare into her eyes and see that all playfulness has left.I see her hand go from my shoulder to my neck, I feel a slight prick of a hidden blade pressing against my neck."You don't want to do that." I say in warning, the Rider is becoming increasingly agitated."Tell me why you are here and maybe.....I'll let you live." She says threateningly as the blade presses harder.I glow my eyes in warning as her own widens in fear.When I do that, a massive headache blasts me."The League of Shadows...they are here!You have to let me out!They deserve punishment!Ra's Al Ghul is here!Let me out now!" I groan in pain as I feel the Rider forcing himself out.I push away from Jade as the music stops as everyone stares at me.I see the elite, Bruce Wayne and his ward.I see Sportsmaster in his civilian attire...but the old man behind him....is someone that the Rider growls at."You!" The Rider screams as I groan and steam starts to come from my face.I roar in agony as the Rider takes control.

P.O.V Change: Ghost Rider

I burst through Matthew's control as I focus on Ra's Al Ghul.The clothes par Matthews's shirt and pants are burnt away.Many people are screaming in fear.I point at Ra's as he approaches."You...guilty!" I growl in rage, to make me angier, he smirks."Hello, old friend." He says as I hear many blades being unsheathed.I see many shadows coming into focus as the elite mob makes a run for it."Is that all you brought?" I mock him as I feel a blade pierce my back.I turned and see the girl that Matthew was speaking with.She goes wide eyed at my unflinching gaze.I reach back and pull out the melted Sai.I throw it away before turning my attention back to Ra's.He unsheathes his katana as I hold a chain at the ready."Take him!" Ra's shouts as the ninjas charge me.I roar as I spin and twirl my chain in a wide arc. Some of the unlucky ones are incinerated as my chain cuts through them.I stop and flick the chain at a shadow, killing him instantly.Someone tries to shoot me but I dodge and swing the chain to wrap around her, I pull and incinerate her.

Ra's swings his blade but I avoid it and swing my chains, Ra's dodges and swipes at me but I wrap my chains around his sword as I pull it from his grasp.Ra's dodges my swings as more ninjas come pouring from every which direction.I swing my chains in wild patterns as many dodge but more are caught by the hellfire chains.I see Sportsmaster pull a javelin of some kind and throws it at me.A soon as I catch the pole it explodes.Sending me across the hall into the flights of stairs.I get up and wipe the dust off my shoulder.I roar and charge him, flialing my chains around to swipe at him but he expertly dodges.I send one chain at his feet while the other at his chest.Sportsmaster weaves through the chains and throws a chair at me which I cut through with a chain.I feel a punch connect with my face.I slowly reel around at the woman from before.Now reading her soul, my eyes narrow at finding out that she is the sister to the girl that we are looking for and the first born of Sportsmaster.Very interesting.

The girl backs up from me as I breath fire out my cheeks before turning back to Ra's.I notice that he is heading up the skylight above me.I growl and swing my chain at him but he deflects it away with his katana.Sportsmaster is also running, now with the girl and the one that we were looking for.I growl and pull the chains back.I chase after them, I chase them out into the street where everyone from the gala and wherever else can see me but I don't care.The three of them get in a fast looking car and drive off.Amateurs.

I whistle for the Charger which comes speeding down the road.I open the door and chase after Sportsmaster, the car changing along the way.Now in full pursuit I weave between the cars on the road and get closer to my target.Sportsmaster is speeding up but speed is no match for Hellfire.I race up closer and almost level with them, if not for the machine gun that Jade is shooting at me.I growl and move to the side away the gunfire before accelerating back in.I control the car to drive automatic as I climb out of the window and stand on-top of the car.I growl as I fling my chain at the axle of their car.I pull and rip the axle out as the car is sent crashing, tumbling down into the crossroads.I mentally order the car to stop as I jump down.I walk over to the car and rip the door off and fling it across the street.Sirens are wailing in the distance as I kneel down and come face to face with all three occupants.

Sportsmaster has a look of fear on his face.Artemis is terrified and Jade more so.I grab Sportsmaster and pull him out of the vehicle before throwing him to the ground away from me.I twirl my chains around as they leave streaks of molten rock on the road.I hear a chopper's blades going as I look up and see a chopper coming.It's door opens as I see Ra's seating there.The ninja opposite him opens fire onto me with his Minigun.While impervious to gunfire, I can still feel the impact.I growl as I shield myself.I glance through my fingers and see a missile coming right at me.And I'm too late to dodge.The missile hits me and as it explodes I'm sent a hundred metres into a large semi truck.

I come too and see that the chopper is gone and so are the Crock's.I pull myself from the wreck of the truck and shake my head of the dizziness.I look up and send hundreds of cops pointing there guns at me.I growl and light my chains on fire as I exert hellfire from my skull.The exertion makes the smaller fires on the ground and on the truck grow in size.The scene makes everyone present shit themselves in fear.I snort and twirl the chains back onto my arms as I make my way back to the Charger.I hop in and drive away, not before smashing into two cop cars that are in my way.I growl in annoyance at the failure tonight.I let my anger and hate get the better of me and two targets on my 'to damn to Hell' list hot away.Not happy...not happy at all.

Next morning: Matthew P.O.V:

I walk up in pain as I climb out of the makeshift bed.I groan as all my muscles ache and I can still feel the pain of that Minigun."What the fuck did you do?" I demand as I wash my face in the sink.I look up and see the Rider staring back."I got angry....I made a mistake." He says in monotone as I scoff."A mistake is leaving the eggs out overnight.A mistake is not watering the plants after a few days.No...last night was the baddest fuck up that you have ever done since I've known you." I say I'm anger."You jeopardized everything." I say as the Rider scoffs."You jeopardized everything when you were pulled by your cock by that woman.Who by the way is the sister of Artemis and the daughter of Sportsmaster.You nearly got yourself killed because of your damn hormones." He rips into me but I just don't even bother.I'm a fucking eighteen year old kid, give me a fucking break, will ya?"We were suppose to look for that girl....we both got distracted.....we can do better." He says as I just nod and sit back on the bed.I hang my head in my hands as I just shake off what happened."Someone is coming." The Rider says as I perk up.I hear footsteps, I grab a nearby chain and hug the wall."Who is it?" I ask.Before he can answer, a whistling sound is heard as I duck under a sharp object that lodges in the wall.I see that it's a bat shaped boomerang.I turn and see Batman and Robin standing before me."Ok.....I get the feeling that we are going to fight....just to warn you...I'm not in a good mood." I say as my eyes glow."If we wanted to fight you.....you wouldn't see us coming." Robin says cockily as I scoff."Doubt it." I say as the chain starts glowing hotter."We want to talk...that's all." Batman says in montone as he stares at me.My eyes stop glowing as I drop the chain on the bench next to me."Come on then." I say as I gesture them to follow.

"Let me guess.....you know everything about me?" I ask as I notice Batman narrows his eyes.While he doesn't answer, I already know the true answer."You're Matthew Nygma.Son of Edward Nygma and Claire Hall." Robin says which makes me scoff."Not anymore.It's just Matthew." I say as I grab a soda out of the fridge."After last night.....we figured you were the one that killed your father at Arkham." Batman says as I chuckle."Bastard had it coming.He sent the bomb that killed my mother and sister....glad that the fucker screamed before he burned." I say as Batman narrows his eyes at me."So you admit to being the one that has done these killings over the past few months." He says and I see the game that he is trying to play."I did...but before you get high and mighty, they deserved it." I say but Batman returns fire."Deserved or not, you don't get to decide who gets to die." I smile at the irony."I'm not the one who decides....plus....it's vengeance.These men and women split innocent blood.They deserved their fate....Mr Wayne." I say as I stare into the eyes of the Batman whose eyes go wide.I notice Robin off to the side with a look of shock on his face."How did you...?" Batman goes to question but I hold up my hand."Let's just say that you're an open book." I say sarcastically as I walk over to the bench and hop up onto it.

"Ok...so if you know who we are....can you tell us about your powers?Like how do they work?How did you get them?" Robin asks really quickly."Slow down.....and to answer your questions.Sure I can...no I do not know how they work......and I made a deal with the devil." I say which makes Robin and Batman's eyes wide at the last sentence."Look.....I'm still going to do what I'm doing....no prison can hold me and you don't have the power nor ability to stop me.So let's go our seperate ways and we won't be none the wiser." I say to them but Batman narrows his eyes."What's to stop you from killing innocents yourself?What if you lose control?" Batman questions as I feel the Rider's rage.My eyes glow with fiery rage."Watch your tongue, boy!" The Rider speaks through me as I reel him back in.I am able to calm him down as I turn my attention back to Batman.I sense Robin's unease and Batman's slight shock."Sorry.....but trust me when I say that I know the difference between the guilty and the innocent.Now if you don't mind....can you please leave?" I ask as politey as possible.Batman grumbles before walking out.Robin goes to follow but turns back to me."If you ever want to meet up, just call.It's never bad to have friends." He says as he leaves a phone, possibly a burner on the bench next to him before walking out, following Batman.I pick up the phone and place it in my back pocket.Maybe......and that's a hard maybe.But maybe, nonetheless.

Gotham Park: 12:17pm, July 4th, 2010:

P.O.V: Matthew

Leaning on the side of the bike, I watch as Robin toys with Mr Freeze.A large shape flies overhead and unravels his cape....always with the theatrics.Batman punches through Freeze's glass helmet and knocks him out.The Dynamic Duo stand there tall and proud.....or broody, with Batman.I walk over to them with a slow clap in my stride.They turn their attention to me."Well done guys, that was amazing....a bit slower than your usual time." I say sarcastically as I brush my hand over one of the frozen civilians, the small amount hellfire melts the ice fairly quickly.The man panics and just runs away...smart.

"You could've helped." Batman drones out but I just shrug."It would've been over before you got here and I can't take all the credit....this is still your city." I quip and he just grumbles."So.....you excited?Today's the day." Robin says as he walks up the me."Like the thousands of times I have said...I'm not joining your superhero boy band." I say with exasperation."Come on.... it'll be fun." He tries to push."My answer is no but to stop your pestering...I'll come by and see you get inducted...sound fair?" I say as Robin smiles."Thanks Matty.....I appreciate that." I glower at the nickname but smile nonetheless."Whatever." I say as I walk but to my bike."What happened to the Charger?" Robin asks."I decided that I need a change.I still have the car and no you're not having it." I say as Robin pouts."See you in Washington." I say as I drive off towards Washington DC.

Hall of Justice, Washington DC: 2:00, July 4th, 2010:

I rock up to the Hall of Justice.Got to give the League credit....go big or go home.I see Batman with Robin.Green Arrow with his protege, Speedy.Weird name for an archer.Aquaman with his protege Aqualad.Now there's just one more that should be here...."Oh man." I turn and see The Flash arrive with his own protege, Kid Flash."I knew we'd be the last ones here." The yellow clad teen moans as I laugh.Fastest people in the world and always arrive late.Ironic."Hehe...." I chuckle to myself as I walk up to the group."Who the hell are you?" Speedy says to me...now that's just plain rude."Me?I'm just a guy." I say as stand in front of them."This is Matthew Nygma.....he is here as a guest and as a potential recruit." Batman says to the Leaguers as I scoff."My answer is still no." I say as Robin chuckles."Just wait." He says as I glower at him."Ooh....nice ride." I hear Kid Flash say as he speeds over and starts inspecting my motorcycle.He starts brushing his hands over it.I suggest an idea to the Rider who chuckles.My eyes glow as I let a little bit of hellfire heat come off the bike.Kid Flash cries in pain as he pulls his hands back and swings back and forth."Don't touch the bike mate." I say as I notice Batman's glare.I shrug as I see Aqualad smirk and Robin holding his stomach from laughter.Speedy just stands there, brooding.Pull the stick out mate and have a laugh."What the hell was that?" Kid Flash says as he speeds back over to us."Forget about it." Batman says as he walks to the Hall.We are get the unasked order and follow after him.

"Whoa, is that Batman?" "I see Flash and Flash Jr." I hear people say left, right and centre.I just find it hilarious....superheroes are now the new celebrities.....can't go anywhere without someone flashing their camera or recording on their phone.The Rider hates it.Hates the attention...even though he isn't getting any of it."His name is speedy, duh." "No, Speedy's Green Arrows' sidekick." "Well that doesn't make sense." I hear two blokes having a conversation and finally someone other than me finally acknowledges the weird ass name.

"Glad we're all here." Aqualad says."Have all four sidekicks been in the same place before?" Kid Flash quips as I feel intense hatred come from Speedy."Don't call us sidekicks.....not after today." He says with venom.Jesus.....he really needs to pull the stick out."Sorry.First time at the hall...I'm a little overwhelmed." Kid says as Robin retorts."You're overwhelmed.... Freeze was underwhelmed.Why isn't anyone just whelmed?" I come up behind him and playfully snack him on the head."Because the rest of us thinking properly." I say as I stroll past him."Ok seriously, who is he?" Speedy says as I stand before the Hall's doors."They are very annoying." The Rider says as I nod."Now you know how I feel when you say something annoying." I quip and the Rider growls at me."Who are you talking too?" Aqualad asks me with a raised eyebrow."Oh....just myself.Need a genius opinion every now and then." I reply as Aqualad smirks at my retort.

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The doors open to see the massive statues of the founding members of the League.I can sense the wonder and awe from the sidekicks."Such pretentious vanity...disgusting." I nod my head in agreement....very, very pretentious.The steel doors with an 'authorised personnel' sign opens as two tall men walk out.A green skilled humanoid, known as the Martin Manhunter.And a red metallic humanoid with a blue cape and yellow markings.The robot hero known as Red Tornado.

"Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash, welcome." Manhunter speaks in a soft monotone voice.He turns and gestures everyone to follow but Red Tornado stops me as he presses his hand agaisnt my chest.The Rider always said not to harm the innocent...but that is only innocents with souls.I stare angrily at the rudeness of the machine."Authorised personnel only." He says in a flat robotic voice."He's with us.....let him in." Batman says as Red Tornado turns to Batman and back to me.His hand drops before strolling away.I flex my jacket before following after the group.

We arrive at a large library.".....and of course, our library." Manhunter finishes as Flash gestures to the open space."Make yourselves at home." He says as Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad relax on the chairs.Speedy stands with his hands on his hips.....anger rolling off of him in waves.I stand back on a side table and pick up an unsolved Rubix Cube, I start trying to solve as I hear the computer scan the League members.I heard something about four ice villains attacking on the same day...who the fuck cares."That's it?You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass." Speedy says as he stands before the league members."He is as arrogant as he is stupid." The Rider states as I watch in amusement as the red clad archer makes a fool of himself.Speedy gestures to the windows as tourists look within and flash cameras.Not much of a secret base, is it?"Who cares what side of the glass we are on?" He say in anger."Roy.....you just need to be patient." Green Arrow tries to defuse the situation but Speedy is having none of it."What I need is respect." I choke on my breath and give out a quiet laugh.Everyone turns to me as I clear my throat."You got a problem?" Speedy says to me with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah.....the fact that you are demanding respect when you're bitching and moaning about not getting what you want.Almost like a child." I say in a condescending tone.His eye twitches under his domino mask as the Rider is howling in laughter at the burn...pun intended."They are treating us like kids.....worse like sidekicks." He says as he turns his attention to the others.I wanted to something but my piece had already been side.I drone out the conversation.Whine, more whining.....fucking hell, it's just whining."...orbiting satellite called the Watchtower." I perk up at that bit of news.Clever.....very clever.I see that Green Arrow has turned to Batman who is just glaring a hole through the blonde.Before Arrow can say anything, I speak."Someone fucked up." I say as Arrow turns to me, an annoyed scowl on his face, I shrug nonchalantly.

Speedy throws his hat to the ground in a fit and walks off."Guess they're right about you three." He says as he walks past the others."You're not ready." He says as he stares at me.I smile at his arrogance."The world is much more menacing on your own....try not to get chewed up by it." I say as I chuck him the solved cube.He catches it and glares at me but nonetheless he walks away."Douchebag." I say as he exits the library.

An alarm blares as the big guy, Superman, graces the computer screen."Superman to Justice League.There's been an explosion at Project Cadmus.It's on fire." Ooh, fire is always fun.Batman walks up to the screen."I've had my suspicions about Cadmus.Maybe this will present the perfect opportunity to in-." Before Batman can finish, another face pops up.One that one recongise."Zatara to Justice League.The sorcerer Wotan is using the Amulet of Attan to block out the Sun.Requesting full League response." He says as I trail put of frame....just in case."Superman?" Batman questions."It's a small fire.....local authorities got it covered." The big guy says as Batman switches a button."Than Cadmus can wait.All Leaguers assemble at Zatara's position.Batman, out." He says as the screen shuts off before turning back to the others.

"Stay put." He says to them as their eyes widen in shock.Ooh, bad move."What?Why?" Robin says in a shocked voice."This is a League mission." "You're not trained." Aquaman and Flash say respectively."I meant that you're not trained for this mission." Flash says."There will be other missions.But for now, let us handle this." Aquaman follows up."So stay put." Batman drones out with his infamous glare.The three of them walk towards the restricted door, a sign saying 'for League Members only'.Batman turns his attention to me."Watch them." He says as I feel the Rider growl.I agree.....I'm not a fucking watch dog, but I nod regardless.

"My king....I thought that he trusted me.What secrets could they be also keeping from us?" Aqualad states as I sigh."Maybe some that are better left in the dark.....until the right moment." I say as they turn to me."How do you figure that?" Kid Flash says to me.I ponder for a minute."Do you believe in Fate.....Mr.West." I say which makes all their eyes go wide."How'd you-.?" He doesn't finish as I interrupt."Do you?" I say as he shakes his head."Well.....I do.I don't think that it's a coincidence that these two events happen at the same time.Not like this.Cadmus is something that Batman wants to investigate.However, a sorcerer deemed that today.....of all days, is the one that forces all members of the League together.Now.....you three have a choice....sit by and wait...or make something of yourselves and step out of your mentor's shadows." I say as I lean back on the table.

All three of them are quiet for a minute.Myself and the Rider wait with baited breath for something to happen."What is...project Cadmus?" Aqualad states as I silently cheer.Hook, line and sinker."Don't know.But I can find out." Robin says as he heads to the computer.I lean up on the table and watch him hack the computer.And of course it's the same system as the Batcave.Batman should really invest in different passwords."Hehehe." I feel the Rider laugh at my joke.Thanks."Ok.....project Cadmus.Genetics lab, here in DC.That's all there is, but if Batman's suspicious, than it's worth investigating." Robin says as he smirks.I chuckle at his thought process, he's already made up his mind."Solve the case before the League does...it would be poetic justice." Aqualad says.Ok, ok.Things are getting interesting."Wait, wait.You guys are going to Cadmus?Because if you're going, than I'm going." Kid Flash says as they turn their attention Aqualad."So just like that?Are we a team on a mission?" I see that Aqualad is thinking about it.Smart...assess the pro's and cons."We didn't come for a play date." And just like that, Robin has a way with convincing people.All three of them head to the door as Robin turns to me."Matty?You coming?" Robin says as I growl again at the nickname."I told you, I'm not apart of this hero shit.And I told you to stop calling me 'Matty'.I say to him.He just shrugs and runs out.Kid Flash follows behind as Aqualad double glances at me."We could use the help if this goes wrong." He says...he is asking hep from someone that he doesn't know.I don't know if that's naviety or optimism."Sorry p'all.Not my business." I say as Aqualad nods I respect and follows after the other two.

I get up and walk to the full size mirror in the library as my shape changes from me to the Rider."Why didn't you go with them?" He asks as I shrug my shoulders."Hero business is not our forte.....plus it's stupid." I say.The Rider paces back and forth."You said something about Fate before...I believe in Fate.It has a plan for us....all of us.Even me.I feel that something major is about to happen in the next few hours.For good or bad, I don't know.But I would like to find out." He says as I get the feeling of hope from him."What are you planning to get out of this?" I ask him."Maybe...I think that we need a change.We have been alone for so long.We have made a lot of enemies.Wouldn't hurt to have a few friends." He says as I sit back on the floor.I ponder for a minute.He is right...we do have a lot of enemies...hero stuff is something the Rider despises but maybe he thinks that we can make it work.Oh, we won't be a hero, no way.More of a... necessary evil."Where do we start?" I ask the Rider who has an evil smirk on his.....skull.....bone face?How the hell does he have expressions anyway?

Later that evening:

I drove the bike to where Cadmus is.The Rider says that he feels a lot of negativity here.Something bad has happened or will happen.I walk past the puddle of water and the firemen, before throwing a chain at the open window and pulling myself in.I see a computer which Robin probably hacked.Files that are thrown everywhere.I walk to a corridor and see an open elevator with a cable going down.Down?I walk over and see that the shaft goes way down deep, this shouldn't be here.I jump on the cable and slide down to its end.I swing over to the open doors while pulling the grappling hook back in.I hook it on to belt, Robin would want this back.

"Rider.....see if you can track them." I ask the Rider who hums.My eyes glow as I sense the presence of a lot of souls.....some of them are very dark and corrupted.Something really bad is going on down here.I feel Robin's soul....being the most familiar of the trio and I turn a corner and find a small creature stating up at me.It's small horns glow as I feel something in my head."Leave!Parasite!" The Rider yells as the small creature wails in agony as it holds its head, the creature falls dead to the ground."What the hell was that?" I ask."Mental intrusion.Little bastard thought that he could control me.....HA!" The Rider states as I continue on my way.So, Cadmus has little creatures that can control minds in this deep underground secret facility.I am never doubting Batman's gut ever again.I turn a corner and see a large open walkway with dozens of electricity generating creatures.Seems Cadmus found a way to stay off the grid."What are you doing here?!Are you with those intruders?" A man says as I see a blue clad man with a yellow helmet and shield on his arm."I don't want any trouble.Just looking for my friends." I say as dozens of creatures.These ones are skinny, with really sharp claws."You're friends started this trouble.Take him, don't let him escape!" The man shouts as I let the Rider out.

P.O.V Change: The Rider

I swing my chains as I cut through these corrupted abominations.Life is only for God to create.This is an aberration of nature.I will correct it.Their souls will spend an eternity in torture for the horror that they have wrought.I take great pleasure of teaching them that fact.I roar as I wrap a chain around one of the creatures and tear it to pieces before being damned.The creatures give no such feeling of fear...but the man does.I turn my attention to him as he runs at me with his shield.I grip the edge as I hold it back.The man tries to push further into me but I give no ground.I chuckle and throw him down the hallway.He scurries away as the creatures continue coming.I twirl the chains in a fiery arc that disintegrates them all into ash.I pull the chains back around my arms as I give control back to Matthew.

P.O.V Change: Matthew

I groan as I feel my skin grow back, it's something that I'll never get used to.When my flesh burns away, I don't feel it because the Rider is in control but when I come back, I feel all the skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments grow back and it's very uncomfortable to feel all that as it stitches itself back together.I feel where Robin went as I head down a corridor and turn another corner.I see an elevator door open as I look down and see the lift right there.The Rider empowers my legs as I jump down and land with a thud.I light my hands with hellfire and push through the metal.The super heat of the hellfire burns through the thick steel like butter.I drop down and see the difference in design with this floor.Weird red rocks coat the walls, they almost look like they are melting.Strange blue and red circles are randomly placed positioned on the walls.I reach my senses out and feel the souls of Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad.I walk down the right hallway.I hear voices as I hug a corner."Get some G-trolls down here and get this door open!" I glance and see a doctor, possibly the one on charge, yelling at the man from before."They are already on their way...but I don't know where the other intruder went.He was able to take on the G-Elves singlehandedly.I suggest that we use the G-trolls to muscle down on the fourth intruder." The man said to the doctor."That intruder will get what's coming to them.But for now, we wait.Plus.....you realise that we can't let those intruders go, do you?" The doctor said as myself and the Rider growl in anger."Doc, these aren't your typical meddling kids.You don't want to get on the wrong side of the Justice League." The man in blue said.Weird.He is concerned about them when before with me, he was incredibly aggressive.Another one of those little creatures from before is preached on his shoulder, as well the doctor.I suddenly notice the blue skinned horned....thing behind the doctor."What the hell is going on down here?" I whisper to the Rider.I notice the little creature on the man in blue shoulder, its horns are glowing.This must be the way that they telepathically communicate.Fascinating but incredibly invasive.I drive my senses through the thick door and feel the souls within...strange, there's a fourth.I hear muddled noises, similar to crashes and bangs going on.For a minute there is noise and then silence.I glance around the corner and see the thick door pulled down as I young man with black hair, blue eyes and a white full body suit with a red 'S' on it stands there, emotionless.I see the very close resemblance between him and the big guy."A clone....interesting." The Rider states as the doctor walks next to him and gazes down at the knocked out bodies of Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad."Attaboy." The doctor says to the clone who continues to stand emotionless.A clone of Superman....this got a whole lot harder.