
The Returner Dad Is S-Rank

A new Hunter gets whisked away to another world on the way back home. Leaving his wife and daughter to fend for themselves in a world filled with malice and violence both from humans and monsters. With a skill that can only be used for healing, he will fight in this strange new world with every ounce of strength he can muster. Even though there is no possible way back home he will gamble with his life and plunge forward into the unknown, to his beloved wife and daughter, no matter the cost.

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25 Chs


Jake flew into the town to search for his family while Alice and Andy searched for them outside amongst the rescued survivors. There was a good chance that maybe Sylvia and Ellen had already been rescued and were safe but then there was another chance as well that they might still be inside somewhere waiting to be rescued. Jake did want to take a chance and rushed inside while making sure that Andy searches for them outside the town.

He looked around the town as he flew over it. He was flying just high enough that he could see a couple of streets at a time. He started scouting the streets as he advanced to the center of town. At the start of his search, he does not come across any monsters. Only the monster carcasses left by hunters and the damage done to the town are visible. Groups of soldiers can be seen evacuating the remaining citizens and taking them out of the town.

After about a minute he sees a live monster in the street. The monster is a red-colored wolf that is gnawing away at an abandoned taxi. It is bigger than a normal wolf almost the size of a motorcycle and much more ferocious than a normal wolf. Its fangs are razor sharp and dangerous, evident by the way they were tearing that taxi like it was made of paper. Its fur and head were dirty with blood, dirt, and grime.

He proceeds to deal with the wolf but before he can do that a man hurls himself at the wolf and punches its head into the ground. The big burly man then proceeds to rip the wolf limb from limb with his bare hands. He then takes a broken limb and pierces the wolf's head with its own fangs. He stands by the body as a group of soldiers rush forward into a building and rescue three people.

'Hunters, this is the first time I am seeing one in action. What type of ability was it that he ripped the limbs of the monster so easily. Or are hunters normally this much physically strong.'

With the monster dead he heads deeper into the town and he sees more monsters and more hunters fighting them. All the monsters are wolf-like with a few distinct features to them. Some are a little larger in shape and some have a different color of fur to them. Some have long fangs and some had no fangs at all. They were all wolf-like but had some minor differences like these.

Jake saw a lot of hunters as well. Some hunters were using swords and arrows to fight, medieval weapons and some were fighting barehanded. Some were using elements like fire, ice, and electricity. The soldiers were providing them with cover fire from time to time.

Jake sees a man running in the street alone who is being pursued by a monster. There are no army personnel or hunters around to help him so Jake decides to help him. The man runs into a wall with no other way to escape. The monster is approaching and he can only pray to god for help.

Jake rushes down towards the man and monster. He speeds up and like a crashing meteor, he falls on the wolf and obliterates it. The man standing in front gets completely covered in blood and guts but Jake is still clean. He stands in front of the frozen man and asks him a question.

"Hey man, I need some directions. Think you can help me with that." The man is frozen in his place and wants to be relieved that the monster is dead but then another wolf appears out of nowhere.

"Directions? There is a goddamn monster behind you and you want directions? Get out of the way." The man scared for his life tries to push Jake away to run but Jake stands firm and stops him again.

"What monster?" Jake asks him and the man almost loses his mind thinking that the wolf was almost upon them. He tells Jake to look behind and shouts while pointing at it.

"That monster!"

He wants to run away from there but Jake is standing in his way. He looks at the wolf again but is surprised when he looks. The monster is frozen in place and cannot move. Its Jaw is open as it tries to bite the man but is stuck there and cannot move. Drool drips from its mouth as it imagines just how close it is to the man.

Jake looks at the monster and snaps his fingers, a terrifying crunch sound resonates as the bones in the wolf's head break and the skull of the monster caves in. A slight groan escapes its open jaw and the life in its eyes disappears completely. Jake snaps his fingers again and the body of the wolf falls into its place, lifeless.

"I took care of the monster for you now please tell me where can I find the Ritz Apartments," Jake asks for direction from the man. According to Andy the building was in the center of the town and Jake had flown in, covering a lot of ground. By his estimates, the house should be around here somewhere.

"Oh, you were a hunter? You should have said so if that was the case. you scared the hell out of me for no reason. The Ritz building is that way," The man points toward a building on his left. "That building in the middle is the Ritz Apartments."

"Thanks, just keep going straight you will find a squad of soldiers they are helping people evacuate." Jake flies again and heads towards the Ritz building. Jake stops for a bit in the air a few more times along the way and takes care of a few more monsters that are wandering around the place. This time he doesn't fly down but just kills them in the air. All the wolfs die the same way, a loud crunch of bones and their heads caved in and dying without struggle.

Finally, he reaches the place that the man had pointed out. The sign in the front says R..Z. It is damaged so it most likely said Ritz before. There is a big fountain out front but the garden that Andy talked about was on the east side, not the west.

'Andy, You idiot.' Andy told him the garden was on the west side if not for the man pointing it out to him he might have ignored the building. He goes straight to the fifth floor and finds apartment number 43.

When he finds the apartment he sees that the door is closed and there is no damage of any kind to the door or the floor. Which means they should be safe right now. He stands in front of the door and closes his eyes for a second and concentrates. The mana that is surrounding his body expands outwards and forms an invisible bubble. The bubble then starts expanding around his body in the shape of a bubble. The bubble keeps expanding and crosses the door and enters the apartment and keeps increasing in size.

This application of mana that he learned in the other world was a type of sensory technique. It depended on the ability and sensitivity of the user as to how much one could sense things with their mana. He could feel the cold steel of the door as his mana passed through it. The slight cold coming from the floor. The warmth of the refrigerator was followed by a slow hum of the machine working inside of it.

Just like that his mana kept expanding and he kept checking the house. So far the house was empty until his mana reached the last room. There were two people inside the room sitting on a bed. Jake could guess the gender of the person based solely on the physical looks but he was not good enough to make out the facial features. He could only tell that there were two women inside.

He quickly rings the doorbell multiple times and knocks on the door. He keeps banging on the door until he senses that one of the women moves towards the door but does not open it. Jake cannot take it anymore and starts shouting.

"Ellen! Sylvia! Can you hear me? It's me, Jake! Honey, open the door it's me your Dad! Are you guys ok? Are you both together?." Jake is just desperate to find out if they really are his family. The distance that used to be between the two worlds was now shortened and they were now separated by a couple of inches from the door. Jake wanted to break down the door but he was afraid that they would be scared if someone claiming to be their dead husband or dad broke down their door so suddenly.

"Whoever you are just leave us alone. My father is dead, stop pretending to be him. Leave before my mother comes back." Ellen did not open the door as the lunatic that was pretending to be her father to enter their apartment did not know that her father was dead. There was no need to pretend to be his father. Her mother had also told her to be careful and to not open the door for anyone other than her.

"Ellen! Is that you!? Oh, sweet child, I have missed you. I am not dead Ellen, I never was. I have come back, Ellen. What about your mother where is she? Is she outside? Where is she? Ellen?" Jake tried to get her to answer but after that, she did not give him a reply. It was complete silence.

When she stopped answering he could not take it anymore. From what he understood his wife might be outside right now, in danger. He had to be sure so he broke down the door. Ellen shouted in a panic as the door broke down and a man entered the house.

Jake had mistaken Lina to be his daughter at first because he had no idea how much time had passed or how old she was. He was quite desperate at the time, and emotionally disturbed. She was the first woman that came out of his house hence the confusion.

By the time he met Alice, he had calmed down and did not rush to judgment. She was familiar with him but she was not his daughter, rather she was the daughter of his friend Andy.

This time when he broke down the door and saw the face of the girl standing in front of him he had no need to contemplate anything. There was just one single undeniable fact that his whole body was shouting at the moment. This was Ellen, this was his daughter. There was no need to confirm it. There was no need to prove if she was Ellen, his daughter.