

Indra the youngest son of the two Primordial Gods Ran and Raya reincarnates after getting killed by his own elder brother Asura who envied him. Asura kills his brother and family including his father the ruler of heaven to become the new king. Asura now the king of heaven waits for the return of his brother whose soul escaped to the mortal realm.

Clement_Osei_6060 · Seni bela diri
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52 Chs

The Taste Of Defeat

At the third Dimension

Aarrh (Dante gives out a loud scream out of frustration).

Dante: I came here to train but what the hell is this.

Chronos: Training what else

Dante: you call this training. Running with these weights on for 100KM, Doing push ups (sometimes with one hand or one finger also with weight on) and some stupid basic exercises.

Chronos: you call this stupid huh. Remove your necklace of limitation, the Ring of Heaven and lastly the dragon Armour. After that follow me. if you want to fight with a giant so bad let's go.

Dante is very excited to finally fight again after two months of stupid basic exercises. The giants are one eyed monsters and not what one would fantasize as very tall. Their height just surpass that of a human and elves but have the same height as that of a high rank God.

At a deserted land

Dante: look at that but why is there only one of them.

Chronos: I guess is in search of food or something else but before I let you go do you notice any difference in your bodies constitution.

Dante: I think so afterall now am able to move freely in this dimension even if is not like how I would do on Earth. Why is that so by the way?

Chronos explains to Dante about how the gravitational force and Rin energy in every dimension works differently. For example the Gravitational force and Rin energy in Dimension one is made specifically for Humans and Elves making it easy for them to live successfully. Therefore if a being from a higher dimension was to make his or her presence known on a dimension lower than his, it will destroy the balance of that dimension basically destroying the entire reality of that dimension. this is due to the huge power gap and difference of Rin Energy. At first Dante's body was not able to move in the third dimension due to him being partly human and his power being sealed but due to the basic training Chronos made him go through, his body was able to successfully adapt to the gravity and Rin energy at an immense speed.

Dante: but if don't understand something. I acheived enlightenment, I possess the power of four races which makes me on par with the higher gods and I was able to defeat you but why couldn't I do anything here.

Chronos: The power of four races,the body of a god and reaching enlightenment do you understand any of it. normally a body shouldn't be able to hold much more power than what it was supposed to contain that is the law of the universe. is the same for high ranking gods but what you did was something miraculous. in actual sense your body should have broken down by now thereby killing you but due to reaching enlightenment it changed everything. To be precise you could say you broke all sense of logic but breaking that logic also destroyed you. Not fully mastering all those abilities would have killed you but during our battle I don't know what happened but after you unleashed such tremendous amount of power and defeated me it seems it got sealed away by something.

Dante: was it the necklace?

Chronos: No! it was vague but I could sense the presence of your father. I think he helped you by stabilising your power and locking it away until you could fully control it. Enough of these talks your get moving now.

Dante steps down from the hill and approaches the giant. As he approaches the Giant Chronos gives out a loud yell informing him that giants don't have any intellect but rather they fight based on instincts making them unpredictable.

Dante: you stupid old man you could have just said that.

As Dante turns to look straight a huge figure appears in front of him. Dante Jumps and kicks the giant in the face but it deals no damage to it.He moves back and creates a distance between he and the giant before launching a condensed ball of energy which destroys the entirety area.

Dante gives out a loud sigh thinking he has won. He turns back and tries walking away but then the giant appears behind him and before Dante could react he is hit with a mace which send him flying at an immense speed and automatically knocking him out. The fight ended with just one hit and Dante couldn't even deal any minor damage to the giant before he is defeated and saved by Chronos who take him back to their hideout.

At The first dimension the battle between Erza and his opponent is about to commence. Erza's ability allows her to summon spirits and use their abilities and sometimes use the spirit to fight(like a stand in JoJo). To first summon a spirit she must act as a medium and use the key of spirits to call upon a spirit she has contracted with.

Erza: O great spirit of strength I call upon thee. Here my plight and protect me from my enemies.

there is a sudden flash of light and a being emerges from it. is a blue Mascular Spirit with a pony tail and a mustache.

Ho ho ho what can I do for such a gorgeous and wonderful lady. To be honest I kinda like women like you.

Erza: will you shut up and stop with those pervy talks Atlas. That guy over there is threatening me I want you to deal with him for me.

Ho ho ho what is in for me then asked Atlas to which Erza replied that she will let him sleep in her bossom. This motivates Atlas as he states that the power of love is stronger than anything else.

Atlas moves and tries attacking the man but he manages to evade Atlas attack. For a human you are quite nimble said Atlas. Oh really thanks for the compliment but you should have at least gave me the chance to introduce myself said the man as he kept on evading all of Atlas's attack. My name is Harald Vitserk from the Dawn of sunset squad. This guy he keeps on evading all my attacks as of he knows exactly were there will land also how dare he talk while fighting against me almost as if am not a threat said Atlas. Atlas throws a full powdered punch to which Harald manages to evade and step back creating a distance between them.

Harald: Finally it has awakened.

Erza: what are you talking about?

Harald: My eyes did you notice any change in it. let me just explain it to you anyway. My ability is future sight am able to see any possible timeline from which my opponent will attack me from and it only activates when I start fighting against my opponent.

Erza: I get it now even if you can see into the future and predict your opponents attack you still can't change that timeline.

Harald: you are right but what can you even do.

In a blink of an eye Harald appears Infront of Erza he tries hitting Erza but the attack is blocked by Atlas. Harald launches a continuous attack on Atlas from different directions leaving no room for a counter attack before kicking Atlas in the abdomen pushing Atlas and Erza back.

Erza: I think I we have no choice but to do this.

Atlas agrees with Erza and he fuses with Erza bestowing his strength upon Erza. With this fusion Erza gained the strength and durability of Atlas. Before they could continue their battle another participant tries to intervene but he is knocked out with a single hit from Harald immediately eliminating him.

Announcement: Ukitake from the Black Moon squad has been eliminated.

Harald notices the sudden growth of power in Erza's body.

Harald: if I should guess you have fused with your spirit. let me tell you what I saw. you are going to use one of your keys to open the armory of one of your spirits. Then you shall equip some of his armors and weapons.

Just as Harald had foretold Erza equipped one of the armours from the spirit of armoury and weapons. She moves so fast and attacks Harald nearly stabbing him with her sword but he dogdes and holds the the sword with his fingers uttering these words. Lastly you would try stabbing me but it won't work.

At Sasuke's side.

Sasuke keeps on launching a series of attacks on Methupi leaving no gaps for his exchange ability. But as Sasuke kept on Attacking Methupi he continuously grew stronger by using those few seconds before Sasuke's attack would land to activate his exchange ability. Before Sasuke's final attack could reach Methupi he holds it in his palm.

Methupi: to be honest not being able to regenerate is quite a pain in the ass. Even if I take a few damage due to my ability those attacks still hurt damnit. I guess is my turn now.

Methupi begins launching a series of fist attacks on his own. the attacks are so fast that Sasuke is not able to react to any of the attacks before finally getting hit with a condensed Rin energy which leaves him battered. Sasuke begins to bleeding due to the severe damage he took. As he lied down he remembered a conversation he had with his father before leaving the sky capital and becoming a knight.

Young Sasuke: Dad! dad I have something to talk to you about.

The Zenith family head orders his guards to leave so that he could talk to his son alone. What's it that you wanted to ask me he said.

Sasuke: well I want to become like you dad. Strong, courageous and lead people just like how you do. and if am able to reach you I want to surpass you dad so that I can become the next family head.

The family head burst out in laughter to what his son said. you want to surpass me someone like you. Even if you trained for a thousand years you would never be like me. you see that altar over there at the family headquarters. That place is filled with the blood and sacrifices of many Knights who pledged their loyalty to me. To be honest is either you die by hands and become part of me or sacrifice your life to the family. Don't ever dream of surpassing me but if you want to be stronger I can help you. deep within the altar lies a certain orb which has been sealed there for centuries. I don't know if is a demon but if it is I guess that's what you should be anyway brat. just go there and after you are done leave this family and never return.

The family leader gets up and leaves his son in tears and regret.

All I ever wanted was to be like him. I always admired him therefore after hearing what he said I decided to go the altar and find out what was hidden there. I never knew what was within the orb but after touching it, it felt as if something new had entered my body. I almost died that night and for months I couldn't do anything. My dad was very shocked to see how I managed to survive and because of that he kept me in the family. My mom was always treated poorly for being a Commoner and I was never respected by any of my siblings. Even now after leaving the family and gaining my freedom I still want to surpass him and am going to do whatever it takes to therefore losing here is not an option for me.

Methupi: Hey what nonsense are you spouting to yourself over there.

Sasuke stands up but with an entirely different vibe. his Aura had changed and begun growing in power. Hey! if you think am going to lose to you then keep on dreaming from here on out the battle is going to change drastically.

Methupi: Oh we shall see about that then.

To be continued