
The Return Of The High School Graduate

It Started Right After My High School Graduation... I was randomly transported into an unknown realm. Having to survive the turmoil of a fight between Gods and Demigods, I manage to return to Earth With an unspeakable amount of strength. But now 10 years have passed on Earth and I haven't aged a day... well this is still just the beginning...

TheM337 · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

<p>"FINALLY!!!"<br/><br/>"I, The God Killer Have Returned To Earth!"<br/><br/>After Ten-Years of absolute hell, I returned to my world.<br/><br/>.....<br/><br/>Ten years ago, on the car ride home after my high school graduation; I disappeared in an Instant. I was Transported to a world of absolute horror. A constant battlefield between FOUR ALL MIGHTY BEINGS!!!<br/><br/>Two Demigods,<br/><br/>Achilles, and Hercules faced off against Two Gods,<br/><br/>Hades, The God of the Underworld, and Ares The God Of War.<br/><br/>This Battle Lasted for 9 years and 364 days, before All Four were at there limits. I, who had somehow managed to survive this madness, had only one chance... AND I TOOK IT!!! Grabbing one of Hercules abandoned swords from the dirt, I charged and tried to pierce it through the heart of Ares, but my mortal body was to weak. in the end I was the one launched back from the recoil.<br/><br/>Amidst this confusion Achilles, and Hercules managed to kill Hades, but Ares managed to brutally injure both of them in the aftermath. Before they could be killed by Ares, they telepathically messaged me.<br/><br/>"Mortal I, Hercules and this fellow demigod, Achilles, respect your courage. We have decided to transfer half of each of our original abilities, to you. We can't currently face him, so we need you to finish the job. Also if you manage to defeat him, you can return to your world and will grant you powers, so what will it be...mortal?"<br/><br/>"I ACCEPT THIS OFFER!"<br/><br/>Regripping the sword, I can feel my body change in an instantaneous moment. I had gained a lean muscular build with abnormal strength and a near indestructible defense.<br/><br/>"You've put me through quite the mess "<br/><br/>  <br/>"NOW DIE, SO I CAN GO HOME!!!"<br/><br/>WITHOUT A CHANCE TO RESPOND ARES HEAD WAS SLICED CLEANLY OFF HIS TORSO!!!<br/><br/> "I Won..."<br/><br/>And With That Lightning Struck Down on Me!!!<br/><br/>END OF CHAPTER ONE<br/><br/>IF YOU LIKE THIS SERIES SO FAR, LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK IN THE COMMENTS.<br/><br/>I ENJOY RECIEVING FEEDBACK, SO THERES NO NEED TO... WORRY...<br/><br/>SEE YOU NEXT TIME IN,<br/><br/>CHAPTER TWO!</p>