

DUAN YU glanced at YUN who was standing at a distance. The other was visibly frowning with a dark look on his face. This was probably the most expression he had seen on the other. No, rather, ever since earlier, YUN had been showing expressions that Duan Yu had never thought he was capable of.

Everyone in the game probably knew just how expressionless YUN was. Many even believed that he programmed his avatar to be that way. Because after all, a normal human would have a change in their expression, no matter how miniscule. 

If Duan Yu didn't know for a fact that there was no such set up in the game, he might have believed that. Especially after experiencing that dungeon with the other during the festival of the king's birthday. YUN truly hardly showed any expression on his face. 

But now, look at him. It's like a completely 180. It's obvious to anyone with eyes and enough observation ability to see the reason behind that.